Top 77 blues rock songs for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 blues rock songs, based on the votes of 53781 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 B.B. King - I Wanna Be (G#3-B4)
76 B.B. King - I'm Gonna Sit In 'Til You Give In (C3-A3)
75 B.B. King - Hold On, I'm Comin' (E3-C#5)
74 B.B. King - Come Rain or Come Shine (C3-F4)
73 Bad Company - Rock Steady (E3-G5)
72 Bad Company - Ready for Love (D3-A4)
71 Bad Company - Movin' On (E3-A5)
70 Bad Company - Feel Like Makin' Love (B2-D5)
69 Bad Company - Can't Go Back Now (G3-C5)
68 Atlanta Rhythm Section - Champagne Jam (E3-B4)
67 A Night with Janis Joplin - Turtle Blues (C4-D5)
66 A Night with Janis Joplin - Cry Baby (G3-G5)
65 Angry Anderson - Suddenly (F3-C5)
64 Andra Day - Glory Days (Eb3-Ab5)
63 Albert King - Oh, Pretty Woman (F#2-E4)
62 Alannah Myles - Black Velvet (C4-A5)
61 Aerosmith - Train Kept A-Rollin' (B3-E5)
60 Aerosmith - Last Child (G2-D#5)
59 Aerosmith - Big Ten Inch Record (F#3-C#5)
58 AC/DC - Baby, Please Don't Go (E3-B4)
57 ZZ Top - Arrested for Driving While Blind (D3-C#4)
56 Tom Waits - Invitation To the Blues (A2-A#3)
54 Them - Baby, Please Don't Go (E2-G3)
53 The Jeff Healey Band - Angel Eyes (C3-A4)
52 The Black Keys - Too Afraid To Love You (E3-F#4)
51 The Allman Brothers Band - (They Call It) Stormy Monday (F3-A#4)
50 The Allman Brothers Band - Black Hearted Woman (G3-A4)
49 Ten Years After - I'm Going Home (A2-F#5)
48 Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had a Little Lamb (G#2-B3)
47 Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - Change It (E3-G4)
46 Santana - Smooth (with Horn Parts) (E2-G4)
44 Santana - Put Your Lights On (E2-D4)
43 Santana - Hope You're Feeling Better (A3-C#5)
42 Santana - Everybody's Everything (G#3-A4)
41 Ry Cooder - Little Sister (E3-E4)
40 Ram Jam - Black Betty (A3-F#4)
38 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Swamp Music (D3-C#5)
37 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps (D3-D5)
36 Little Feat - Rocket In My Pocket (E2-B3)
35 Little Feat - Oh Atlanta (E3-G4)
34 Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot (G3-D5)
33 Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone (E3-C5)
32 Led Zeppelin - Fool In the Rain (G3-A4)
31 Led Zeppelin - Custard Pie (E4-C#5)
30 Led Zeppelin - Black Country Woman (F3-D5)
29 Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Blue on Black (F2-A4)
28 Jonny Lang - Dying To Live (F3-G5)
27 John Mayer - Good Love Is on the Way (A2-D5)
26 Joe Cocker - The Jealous Kind (D3-D4)
25 Joe Bonamassa - Ball Peen Hammer (A2-G4)
24 Jimmy Reed - Bright Lights, Big City (G3-G4)
23 Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower (G#3-B4)
22 Jeff Beck - (Walk Me Out In the) Morning Dew (F#3-B4)
21 Hugh Laurie - Tipitina (A#3-D#4)
20 Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk (C3-E4)
19 Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight (Live Version) (D3-E4)
18 Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight (D3-E4)
17 Eric Clapton - Double Trouble (A#2-G4)
16 Eric Clapton - Before You Accuse Me (A3-A4)
15 Elvin Bishop - Fooled Around and Fell in Love (F3-D#5)
12 Bruce Springsteen - Kitty's Back (C3-E5)
11 Big Brother & the Holding Company - Piece of My Heart (G#4-E6)
10 Bad Company - Bad Company (D3-B4)
9 The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (C#3-G#4)
8 Redbone - Come and Get Your Love (A3-C#5)
7 Eric Clapton - Layla (D3-C4)
6 Eric Clapton - I'm Tore Down (E3-C5)
5 Bonnie Raitt - Dimming of the Day (D3-B4)
4 The Doors - Riders on the Storm (D3-B3)
3 The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky (E3-E4)
2 Muse - Feeling Good (F3-F5)
1 Susan Boyle - Wild Horses (F3-C5)