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Your vocal range is:
C3 to F6
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Falsetto notes at the start of verses.

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Will Wood -
Suburbia Overture/Greetings from Mary Bell Township!/(Vampire) Culture/Love Me, Normally
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Sheet music for "You Are Not Alone" is in the key of B major (with the pre-chorus in C-sharp minor and the last two choruses in D-flat major and E-flat major), with a tempo of 60 beats per minute, making it one of Jackson's slowest songs.

Oh, and also, the G Dorian scale is a seven-note musical scale that is a mode of the F major scale.

The song is composed in the key of G Dorian and its relative key, D minor (for the verses), with Chris Martin's vocals range from A2 to A4.

No, this song is written in the key of C minor.

"Thriller" is in the key of C♯ dorian.

Sheet music for the song is in the key of E♭ Minor in standard time, with a moderately fast tempo. Jackson's vocal range is B♭3 to A♭5. Upon hearing the first recorded vocals, Jones stated that it was exactly what he was looking for.

Adjusted the key and the range for this song.

It is actually in the key of A minor.

How many times do I have to tell you? The original recording of the song was pitched up slightly.

There is no female singer - vocal range moved an octave down as that is where the song is actually sung - proper links to chords and lyrics added!!

Changed the range, hits multiple C#5's in the second chorus

Justchanging the range, F5 on the last chorus when he says "champagne on ice"

Spoken notes in the pre-choruses go down a lot more than I thought they did upon second glance.

Quick "WHOOO!" I missed before - pretty good E5 from Neil though... mid-high fifth octave can be a bit stingy.

C#4 in the last chorus - I missed this one.

First chorus - Another missed quick falsetto note in the main vocal melody!

Missed a clear falsetto G4 at the end of the song!

Missed lower notes - C5 accompanies A#4 at the end of the song.

The wrong octaves - there is also an F#5 sung by Neil at the end of the song.

Quite a few G5 in this song - 0:58 is a good example.

Quite a low spoken note in this song I did not catch before - on the line "here we go".

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E5 is the top note Neil hits in the song in the fourth verse

Song added

Changed the key to F# minor

Changed the key to D major and adjusted the vocal range

Changed the song to an octave higher