
Find which notes are sung in any song: A Step-by-Step Guide

Understanding the notes sung in a particular song recording and identifying the vocal range needed t…

Unleash 1 Million Voices – Singing Carrots Mission

Hi. I’m Sergey, founder of Singing Carrots. I’m on a mission to unleash one million voices.  Bu…

Is singing carrots safe?

In today’s digital era, where learning and entertainment increasingly merge online, platforms like S…

How Do You Train Your Voice for an Audition?

Introduction Voice auditions, a pivotal moment for vocalists, musicians, and voice ac…

Mastering Voice Acting: Tips For Nailing Auditions, TV Commercials, And Animated Voice Overs

Introduction Voice acting, a dynamic and multifaceted art form, is essential in bringing animated ch…

Finding Her Voice: Flora’s Journey with Singing Carrots

In the bustling city of Melodica Bay, a gem tucked along the American coastline, Flora’s story…

Introducing the Vocal Pitch Monitor Widget: Enhance Your Website for Free!

We are thrilled to announce a new feature that we believe will be a game-changer for music educators…

An image showing a diverse group of people using their smartphones to practice singing, symbolizing the accessibility and convenience of singing apps.
The Top Singing Apps to Improve Your Vocal Skills

Introduction Whether you’re a seasoned performer, an aspiring soprano, or a shower singer, one…

Top Alternatives to 30 Day Singer: Singing Carrots and Singdaptive

If you’re exploring alternatives to the 30-Day Singer online singing program, you’ll fin…

Teacher picture
Does an affordable alternative to a singing teacher exist?

Singing teachers are expensive, but what other options do we have for learning to sing? Is self-stud…

This is why people sing out of pitch

Why do people sing out of pitch? To answer this question we need to understand how singing on-pitch …

Review🎙️: Pitch Training from Singing Carrots

The simplest way to explain what is Singing Carrots Pitch Training is to imagine Duolingo for Singin…

Review🎙️: Anatomy of the Voice: An Illustrated Guide for Singers, Vocal Coaches, and Speech Therapists

This book is not for everyone and is not the easiest to read. But believe me, it’s really wort…

Review🎙️: Learning to Sing with Singdaptive

Singdaptive calls itself the “new” way to learn singing online. This review explains how it is diffe…

Performing Artist

Sooner or later the moment will arrive when you sing in front of an audience. Don’t wait too long, b…

How to Overcome Stage Fright

Stage fright is a common phenomenon, that many singers encounter as soon as they do something in fro…

How posture affects your singing

„From our pain levels to our self-confidence, our posture impacts more than we think“ – …

Vocal health

It’s a singer’s worst nightmare: losing the use of his or her voice. Fortunately, there are ways to …

How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice

Today I want to give you a couple of tips that you can apply to find your natural voice. This is qui…

Resonance in singing

“Resonance is where the magic happens, it is what gives your voice intensity, personality, emotion, …

Why do you sing out of pitch?

Everyone sings out of tune sometimes. It happens to the best of us! The major question here: ARE YOU…


Articulation means the good and clear pronunciation of words. But there is more to it! Next to impro…

Singing with Vibrato

What is Vibrato? When we hear someone singing with vibrato, we hear a tone with regular fluctuation:…

Vocal distortion

What is vocal distortion?  Distortion is a ‘noise’, an effect that can contain a range of emotions f…

Heavy modal, Twang, Belting
Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting

Contemporary vocal sounds heavy modal, twang, and belting are the main sounds of today’s pop, rock, …

Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking

📚TERM. Intuition Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need fo…

Classical vs. Pop/Jazz singing technique

What are the significant trademarks and differences between Pop/Jazz and Classical singing and how d…

How to avoid constriction while singing

Constriction is a thing almost every singer needs to deal with! It arises through the lack of breath…

How to learn a song effectively

When you want to learn a song effectively I recommend using the three phases: L-E-I of practicing. T…

Why open mouth and throat while singing

The Vocal Tract is magical. Gaining control and coordination of shaping it, gives you many sound opt…

Breath support

Breath support is the foundation of our singing. I chose to write about it because it connects the t…

What are voice registers?

Talking about voice registers one can go crazy! The terminology often leads to confusion and misunde…

Breathing for singing

How to get aware of your breathing and eventually manipulate it in your interest! The rhythm of our …

What´s a voice type? Why do I need to classify mine?

After this article you´ll have a better understanding of voice types, you will know why you need the…

How to analyze your singing voice

"If you want to change or improve something about your voice, you need to listen to it first". Let´…

christmas table with decorations for holiday
Top 10 songs of 2020 on Singing Carrots

2020 with all its challenges is finally over. It's time to look back and see how it went. Let's expl…

What is vocal range? This is why you should know yours.

This post covers: What is vocal range; Why is it useful to know your vocal range; How to find your v…