Top 77 australian songs for tenor voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 australian songs for tenor, based on the votes of 54497 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Split Enz - History Never Repeats (E3-E4)
76 Skyhooks - Living in the 70s (A3-B4)
75 Skyhooks - Horror Movie (C3-C4)
74 Skyhooks - Blue Jeans (E3-G#4)
73 Skyhooks - All My Friends Are Getting Married (F#3-C5)
72 Silverchair - Freak (D3-G4)
70 Rose Tattoo - Nice Boys (E4-A#4)
69 Rose Tattoo - Bad Boy for Love (C3-C4)
68 Rolf Harris - Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport (C3-D4)
67 Rolf Harris - Jake the Peg (C3-C4)
66 Rick Price - Heaven Knows (C3-C5)
65 Richard Clapton - Girls on the Avenue (D#3-D#4)
64 Richard Clapton - Deep Water (E3-E4)
63 Peter Allen - I Still Call Australia Home (C3-F4)
62 Paul Kelly - When I First Met Your Ma (D3-E4)
61 Paul Kelly - To Her Door (E3-E4)
60 Paul Kelly - Sweet Guy (E3-G4)
59 Paul Kelly - Special Treatment (D3-D4)
58 Paul Kelly - Randwick Bells (D3-E4)
57 Paul Kelly - Pouring Petrol on a Burning Man (G3-F#4)
56 Paul Kelly - Look So Fine, Feel So Low (G3-E4)
55 Paul Kelly - Leaps and Bounds (F#3-D#4)
54 Paul Kelly - Keep It To Yourself (F#3-E4)
53 Paul Kelly - I Can't Believe We Were Married (D3-D4)
52 Paul Kelly - From St. Kilda To King's Cross (D3-E4)
51 Paul Kelly - From Little Things Big Things Grow (D3-D4)
50 Paul Kelly - Everything's Turning to White (C3-C4)
49 Paul Kelly - Don't Stand So Close To The Window (F#3-D4)
48 Paul Kelly - Darling It Hurts (E3-G4)
47 Paul Kelly - Careless (F#3-B3)
46 Paul Kelly - Beggar on the Street of Love (D3-E4)
45 Paul Kelly - Adelaide (D3-B3)
43 oOrwellino - Dance Monkey (E3-C#4)
42 Normie Rowe - It's Not Easy (D#3-A#4)
41 Mondo Rock - Come Said the Boy (A3-A4)
40 Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mine (C3-A4)
39 Lucky Starr - I've Been Everywhere (D3-C4)
38 Little Jack Sheppard - Botany Bay (D#3-F4)
37 Lior - This Old Love (C3-C4)
36 Jon English - Words Are Not Enough (B3-C5)
35 Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons - Shape I'm In (F3-G4)
34 John Williamson - Home among the Gumtrees (D3-E4)
33 John Williamson - A Bushman Can't Survive (D3-A4)
32 Johnny Chester - The World's Greatest Mum (F3-F4)
31 John Farnham - Everytime You Cry (E3-B4)
30 John Farnham - Burn for You (G3-G4)
29 John Farnham - Age of Reason (F#3-A4)
28 Joe Dolce - Shaddap You Face (E3-E4)
27 Icehouse - Great Southern Land (G#3-E4)
26 Hunters & Collectors - Holy Grail (E3-E4)
25 Guy Sebastian - Don't Worry Be Happy (A#3-A#4)
24 Grahame Bond - Farewell Aunty Jack (D3-B4)
23 Goanna - Solid Rock (C3-D4)
22 Dynamic Hepnotics - Soul Kind of Feeling (G3-C5)
21 Dean Lewis - Stay Awake (D3-A4)
20 Dean Lewis - 7 Minutes (F3-G4)
19 Captain Rock - Give Me a Home among the Gumtrees (D3-E4)
18 Bob Lind - Elusive Butterfly (D#3-C4)
17 Bloodwood - Home Among the Gum Trees (D3-G4)
16 Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs - It's Almost Summer (D3-C5)
15 Billy Thorpe - Most People I Know (E3-A4)
14 Billy Thorpe - It's Almost Summer (E3-B4)
13 Billy Field - Bad Habits (E3-E4)
12 Barry Humphries - Chunder in the Old Pacific Sea (C3-D4)
11 Australian Crawl - The Boys Light Up (A3-F#4)
10 Alex Hood - Brumby Jack (D3-D4)
9 Air Supply - Lonely Is the Night (G3-C5)
8 Air Supply - Even the Nights Are Better (D3-F4)
7 5 Seconds of Summer - She's Kinda Hot (G#3-G#4)
6 5 Seconds of Summer - She Looks So Perfect (C3-G4)
5 5 Seconds of Summer - Kiss Me Kiss Me (C3-A4)
4 1927 - Compulsory Hero (G3-A4)
3 Tame Impala - The Less I Know the Better (F#3-B4)
2 Daryl Braithwaite - Higher Than Hope (E3-A#4)
1 Air Supply - All Out of Love (G3-A4)