Top 77 heavy metal songs for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 heavy metal songs, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 3 Doors Down - Away From the Sun (C3-G4)
76 2018 John Lewis / Waitrose Advertisement - Bohemian Rhapsody (F3-Bb5)
75 Winger - Headed for a Heartbreak (C3-A#4)
74 Volbeat - Heaven Nor Hell (A3-A#4)
72 Van Halen - Dance the Night Away (G#2-E4)
71 Van Halen - Black and Blue (F#3-B5)
70 Van Halen - And the Cradle Will Rock (F3-A4)
68 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Tracers (E4-G5)
67 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Father, Son and Holy Ghost (D3-D5)
66 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Child of the Night (Eb4-Bb5)
65 Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You (C#3-B4)
63 Shinedown - Her Name Is Alice (A#2-F5)
62 Ram Jam - Black Betty (A3-F#4)
61 Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone (G3-E5)
59 Primus - My Name Is Mud (A3-F4)
58 Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn (D#2-C#4)
57 Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears (D4-C5)
56 Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (G#3-A4)
55 Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have (G2-G4)
54 Nightwish - Ever Dream (A3-Gb5)
53 Motorhead - Ace of Spades (D4-A4)
52 Metallica - Enter Sandman (E2-A4)
51 Linkin Park - Burn It Down (D3-A4)
50 Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot (G3-D5)
49 Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone (E3-C5)
48 Led Zeppelin - Hot Dog (G3-A4)
47 Led Zeppelin - Carouselambra (E3-B4)
46 Korn - Freak on a Leash (D3-E4)
45 Kiss - Rock and Roll All Nite (A3-A4)
44 Kiss - God of Thunder (A#3-G4)
42 Iron Maiden - Dance of Death (C2-E4)
41 Guns N' Roses - November Rain (D3-D#5)
40 Extreme - Hole Hearted (F#2-G#4)
39 Evanescence - My Heart Is Broken (Db4-Eb5)
37 Dream Theater - Octavarium (G2-F5)
36 Dream Theater - Caught In a Web (G3-C#5)
35 Dragonforce - Through the Fire and Flames (A#3-C5)
33 Children of Bodom - If You Want Peace... Prepare for War (D4-D5)
32 Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet? (D4-D5)
31 Blue Oyster Cult - Burning for You (E3-G4)
30 Black Veil Brides - Lost It All (G#2-D#5)
29 Black Sabbath - War Pigs (Interpolating Luke's Wall) (E3-A4)
28 Black Sabbath - Paranoid (C3-A#4)
27 Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell (G3-D5)
26 Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself (D3-D4)
25 Avenged Sevenfold - Seize the Day (C3-F5)
24 Audioslave - Like a Stone (D3-A#4)
23 Aerosmith - Seasons of Wither (E3-D5)
22 Aerosmith - Kings & Queens (F3-F5)
21 Aerosmith - Janie's Got a Gun (A2-E5)
18 AC/DC - Hells Bells (G4-G5)
17 3 Doors Down - Your Arms Feel Like Home (C3-G4)
16 Van Halen - Not Enough (F3-C5)
15 Scorpions - Still Loving You (F#2-D5)
14 Rainbow - Man on the Silver Mountain (D#4-D5)
13 Linkin Park - One Step Closer (E3-G#4)
12 Linkin Park - Numb (C#3-A4)
11 Evanescence - Lost In Paradise (C4-Eb5)
10 Deep Purple - Hush (D#3-G4)
9 Bring Me the Horizon - Sleepwalking (E3-C5)
7 Dream Theater - Metropolis Part 1 (B2-D5)
6 Avenged Sevenfold - Warmness on the Soul (D3-G4)
5 Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (D3-F4)
4 Black Veil Brides - In the End (D#3-A#4)
2 Mötley Crüe - Home Sweet Home (A3-A#4)
1 Disturbed - The Sound of Silence (E2-A4)