Top 76 emo songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 76 emo songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
76 Twila Paris - Visitor From Heaven (Bb3-Bb4)
75 Tina Turner - Acid Queen (F#3-E5)
74 The Supremes - You Keep Me Hangin' On (F4-D5)
73 Sia - Bird Set Free (C4-C5)
71 Scandal - Goodbye To You (E4-E5)
70 Rihanna - Where Have You Been (Bb3-C5)
69 Rihanna - Only Girl (In the World) (C#4-C#5)
68 Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko - Stay (G3-C5)
66 Patty Loveless - How Can I Help You Say Goodbye? (A3-B4)
65 Pat Benatar - Shadows of the Night (G#3-B4)
64 Pat Benatar - Love Is a Battlefield (D4-D5)
63 Paramore - Still Into You (D4-D5)
62 Paramore - Running Out of Time (F#3-E5)
57 Paramore - Misery Business (F3-Eb5)
55 Paramore - Interlude (Moving On) (G3-B4)
54 Paramore - Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore (G3-G4)
51 Paramore - Fast In My Car (G3-D5)
50 Paramore - Daydreaming (F#3-B4)
49 Paramore - Crushcrushcrush (G#3-E5)
48 Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick (G#3-E5)
46 Paramore - Anklebiters (B3-C#5)
45 Paramore - Ain't It Fun (B3-C#5)
44 Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (F3-D5)
43 Michelle Branch - Everywhere (Bb3-Db5)
42 Meghan Trainor - Me Too (B3-B4)
41 Mandisa - You Wouldn't Cry (Andrew's Song) (F#3-D5)
40 Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly (A3-E5)
39 Linda Eder - Even Now (Ab3-C#5)
38 Lady Gaga - Million Reasons (G3-D5)
37 Kim Wilde - Kids in America (G3-F5)
36 Kelly Clarkson - Love So Soft (Bb3-Eb5)
35 Katy Perry - Lost (G3-D5)
34 Kathie Lee Gifford - He Saw Jesus (F3-G4)
33 Kate Bush - This Woman's Work (Ab3-Eb5)
31 Jessie J - Masterpiece (C4-C5)
30 Jessie J - Laserlight (B3-E5)
29 Jenn Bostic - Jealous of the Angels (G3-C5)
28 Jade Bird - Love Has All Been Done Before (C4-Db5)
27 Iggy Azalea - Black Widow (E4-C5)
26 Florence + the Machine - Over the Love (Bb3-F5)
25 Florence + the Machine - No Light, No Light (C4-D5)
24 Florence + the Machine - Howl (C4-C5)
23 Faith Marie - Drown (F3-Eb5)
22 Demi Lovato - Stone Cold (F3-F5)
21 Demi Lovato - Get Back (D4-E5)
20 Christina Aguilera - Mercy on Me (A3-D5)
19 Christina Aguilera - Hurt (G3-C5)
18 Christina Aguilera feat. Demi Lovato - Fall in Line (A3-Db5)
17 Christina Aguilera - Can't Hold Us Down (G3-C5)
16 Brandi Carlile - The Joke (F#3-E5)
15 Bishop Briggs - River (A3-D5)
13 Billie Eilish - when the party's over (C#4-E5)
12 Berlin - No More Words (A3-C5)
11 Avril Lavigne - What the Hell (E4-E5)
10 Avril Lavigne - Head Above Water (A3-D5)
9 Avril Lavigne - Alice (G3-D5)
8 Artists For Haiti - We Are the World 25 for Haiti (A3-E5)
7 Alicia Keys - Karma (D4-Bb4)
6 Alanis Morissette - Thank U (B3-D5)
5 Paramore - The Only Exception (G3-E5)
3 Faith Hill - There You'll Be (Ab3-Eb5)
2 Jo Dee Messina - Heaven Was Needing a Hero (G3-A4)
1 Christina Aguilera - Lift Me Up (G#3-E5)