Top 77 christmas religious songs in D Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 christmas religious songs in D Major key, based on the votes of 53793 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 NewSong - The Song of Christmas (D3-B4)
76 NewSong - The Christmas Hope (D3-B4)
75 NewSong - Joy To the Rhythm of the World (E3-G4)
74 Michael W. Smith - All Year Long (A2-F4)
73 MercyMe - Our Lullaby (B2-A4)
72 MercyMe - O Holy Night (D3-B4)
71 Matt Redman - O Little Town (The Glory of Christmas) (A2-G4)
70 Matt Redman - How Far (D3-D4)
69 Matthew West - Because of Bethlehem (D4-G5)
68 Matthew West - A Christmas To Believe In (G2-G4)
67 Mariah Carey - Born on This Day (A3-B4)
66 Leigh Nash - Babe In the Straw (A3-C5)
65 Kenny Rogers - Pretty Little Baby Child (A#2-D#4)
64 Kenny Rogers - I Trust You (A2-D4)
63 Kathy Mattea - Emmanuel (E4-A5)
61 - Joy To the World / We Wish You a Merry Christmas (D4-A5)
60 - Jehovah, Hallelujah (C#4-B4)
59 Jars of Clay - Hibernation Day (A2-G#4)
58 Jaci Velasquez - Season of Love (A3-D5)
57 Israel & New Breed - O Come (B2-C5)
56 - I Heard-a From Heaven Today (A3-D5)
55 Hillsong Worship - Silent Night (with Saviour King) (D3-G4)
53 Hillsong - O Come Let Us Adore Him (A3-D5)
52 Hillsong - Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (A3-D5)
51 - He Is Wonderful (F#3-B4)
50 - Gesu Bambino (A3-D5)
49 GENTRI - The First Noel (D3-A#4)
48 GENTRI - Silent Night (D3-A#4)
47 Garth Brooks - The Gift (A2-E4)
46 Garth Brooks - O Little Town of Bethlehem (F#2-B3)
45 Garth Brooks - Baby Jesus Is Born (A2-A4)
44 Francesca Battistelli - Messiah (F#3-C#5)
43 Francesca Battistelli - Be Born in Me (A3-D5)
42 Fee - All Creation Sing (Joy to the World) (D3-G4)
41 David Matthews - Christmas Song (A2-D4)
40 David Crowder Band - Joy to the World (D3-F#4)
39 David Archuleta - He Is Born (G2-G4)
38 David Archuleta - Glorious (A2-G4)
37 Dave Matthews Band - Christmas Song (A2-B3)
36 Darlene Zschech - O Come All Ye Faithful (Come & Adore) (A3-B4)
35 - Come, Little Shepherds (A3-D5)
34 Chris Tomlin - Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy) (D3-A4)
33 Chris Tomlin feat. Audrey Assad - Winter Snow (A3-D5)
32 - Christ Is Born, His Name Praise! (D4-B4)
31 - Christ Child Lullaby (A3-A4)
30 Celtic Woman - Silent Night (D4-G5)
29 Celtic Woman - Away in a Manger (A3-B4)
28 Casting Crowns - Joy to the World (D4-F#5)
27 Casting Crowns - Gloria / Angels We Have Heard on High (D4-A5)
26 By The Tree - Christmas In My Heart (A2-G4)
25 Bryan Duncan - The Form of Man (B2-E4)
24 Boyce and Stanley - Love Shone Down (D4-D5)
23 Bob Fitts - Bethlehem's Treasure (E3-F#4)
22 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Bethlehem...Galilee...Gethsemane (D4-C#5)
21 - Be It Unto Me (A3-F#5)
20 - A Virgin Unspotted (D4-D5)
19 Angels and Ornaments - 'Twas the Night (A3-D5)
18 Andrew Peterson - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (C#3-E4)
17 Andrew Peterson - The Theme of My Song / Reprise (A2-E4)
16 Andrew Peterson feat. Jill Phillips - Labor of Love (E3-B4)
15 Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God (A2-E4)
14 - A Child This Day Is Born (D4-E5)
13 - Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle (D4-B4)
12 Third Day - Born In Bethlehem (A2-B4)
11 Susan Boyle - Away in a Manger (A3-B4)
10 - Messiah, No. 47 & 48: Behold, I Tell You a Mystery / The Trumpet Shall Sound (Recitative & Air) (A2-E4 or Bass Vocal)
8 Josh Groban - The Little Drummer Boy (D3-G#4)
7 - Child of Love (F#3-A4)
6 Big Daddy Weave - Christ Is Come (D3-A4)
5 Bebo Norman - Born To Die (A2-A4)
4 Avalon - Don't Save It All for Christmas Day (A3-D6)
3 Relient K - I Celebrate the Day (B2-D4)
2 - Immanuel (D4-F#5)
1 - Still, Still, Still / Pat-a-Pan (C#4-D5)