Top 77 songs in D Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 songs in D Major key, based on the votes of 53773 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Casting Crowns - Slow Fade (A3-G5)
76 Camelot - The Lusty Month of May (D3-A4)
75 Bob Dylan - Christmas Island (A2-C#4)
74 Birdy - Beautiful Lies (A3-B4)
73 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Thanks To Calvary (A3-D5)
72 Big Fish (Musical) - How It Ends (A#3-F#5)
69 BarlowGirl - Thoughts of You (A3-B4)
68 Barbra Streisand - At the Same Time (F#3-D5)
67 Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend (A3-D5)
66 And the World Goes 'Round - I Don't Remember You (A2-E4)
65 Andrea Bocelli - I Believe (A2-B4)
64 Andrea Bocelli - Because We Believe (A2-A#4)
63 A Great Big World - Already Home (D3-A4)
62 Addison Road - Hope Now (A3-D5)
61 Aaron Shust - My Savior, My God (A2-E4)
60 The Bridges of Madison County (Musical) - Another Life (A3-D5)
59 - Surely the Presence of the Lord Is In This Place (C#4-B4)
57 Steve Green - People Need the Lord (C#3-D4)
56 Sleeping With Sirens - Iris (D3-B4)
55 Seussical the Musical - Solla Sollew (C4-E5)
54 Relient K - I Celebrate the Day (B2-D4)
53 Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus (G2-A4)
51 Marina and The Diamonds - (I Am Not a) Robot (G3-F#5)
50 Lottie Mayor - Whistle Down the Wind (D4-D5)
49 Loggins & Messina - Danny's Song (D3-F#4)
48 Josh Groban - Broken Vow (A2-A4)
47 Jesse Tyler Ferguson - I'm Not That Smart (A2-A4)
46 Jason Raize - Endless Night (D3-A4)
45 Israel & New Breed - Your Presence Is Heaven (A2-B3)
44 - Immanuel (D4-F#5)
43 Don Moen - God Is Good All the Time (D3-E4)
42 Carrie Underwood - I'll Stand By You (G3-D5)
41 Billy Joel - Miami 2017 (D3-F#4)
40 Bianca Ryan - The Rose (A3-A4)
39 - Ave verum corpus, K. 618 (D4-E5)
38 Anthem Lights - Can't Get Over You (B2-A4)
37 ABBA - Thank You for the Music (B3-G5)
36 Aaron Shust - My Hope Is In You (D3-G4)
34 Newsboys - We Believe (A2-A4)
33 Mayday Parade - Miserable At Best (F#2-D4)
32 Josh Groban - You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) (A2-B4)
31 Jim Brickman - Never Alone (F#2-B3)
30 Into the Woods - On the Steps of the Palace (A3-E5)
29 Hillsong - Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) (A3-D5)
28 Curtis Mayfield - People Get Ready (A2-C4)
27 - Blessed Assurance (C#4-E5)
26 Salvador - As the Deer (F#2-D4)
24 David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You (A2-D5)
23 Birdy - The A Team (A3-D5)
22 Andrew Lloyd Webber - Think of Me (C3-A#4)
21 Amy Adams - Happy Working Song (G#3-D5)
20 Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffett - It's Five O'Clock Somewhere (A3-D5)
19 A Connecticut Yankee - To Keep My Love Alive (C3-E4)
18 The Lord of the Rings - In Dreams (D4-F#5)
17 Rusty Goodman - Who Am I? (A2-D4)
16 Michael Bublé - Always on My Mind (A2-D4)
15 Laura Benanti - Someday (A3-Eb5)
14 Holly Dunn - Daddy's Hands (A3-B4)
13 Addison Road - What Do I Know of Holy (A3-D5)
11 Terry Stafford - Amarillo By Morning (A2-C#4)
10 NewSong - Arise, My Love (D3-D5)
9 Lee Greenwood - God Bless the U.S.A. (A2-F#4)
8 Anthony Brown & group therAPy - Worth (F#3-B4)
7 NewSong - When God Made You (C2-C#4)
6 Aladdin - A Whole New World (Aladdin's Theme) (A2-F5)
5 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon (D4-E5)
4 Michael Crawford - On Eagle's Wings (A2-D4)
3 Marvin Gaye - Ain't No Mountain High Enough (B2-D#4)
2 - Still, Still, Still / Pat-a-Pan (C#4-D5)
1 Celtic Woman - You Raise Me Up [studio version] (G3-F5)