Top 77 praise worship songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 praise worship songs in C Major key, based on the votes of 53650 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Austin Stone - Jesus Is Better (C3-F4)
76 Andrew Ripp - Fill My Cup (G3-C5)
75 Andraé Crouch - To Be Used of God (C#3-D4)
73 Amy Grant - Fairest Lord Jesus (B3-C5)
72 Amy Grant - Arms of Love (G3-E5)
71 Among The Thirsty - Completely (G2-A4)
70 - All the People Said Amen (G4-G5)
69 All Sons & Daughters - I Surrender (A3-F5)
68 All Sons & Daughters - Hear the Sound (A4-G5)
67 All Sons & Daughters - Creation Sings (D4-A5)
66 All About Worship - I Can't Contain It (G3-A5)
65 Adie - Redemption Song (C3-D4)
64 Aaron Shust - No One Higher (E3-F4)
63 4Him - A Strange Way to Save the World (C3-E4)
61 Tim Hughes - Beautiful One (C3-D4)
60 The Maranatha! Singers - Jesus, Your Name (F3-D5)
59 Stephen Curtis Chapman - One True God (C3-E4)
58 Reuben Morgan - This Is How We Overcome (C3-D4)
57 Passion - Jesus Paid It All (C4-F5)
56 Passion - Come As You Are (C4-F5)
55 Newsboys - Live With Abandon (G3-A4)
54 Natalie Grant - Song To the King (G3-E5)
53 Michelle Tumes - For the Glory of Your Name (A3-C5)
52 Michael W. Smith - Agnus Dei (E3-F4)
51 Michael Card - El Shaddai (A#2-G3)
50 MercyMe - Spoken For (A2-F4)
49 MercyMe - Keep Singing (C3-F4)
48 Matt Redman - Here for You (G2-G4)
47 Mark Schultz - Love Has Come (F3-C5)
46 Mark Schultz - He Is (C3-G4)
45 Kurt Carr - God Great God (E2-A#4)
44 John Waller - While I'm Waiting (C3-G4)
43 John Waller - The Blessing (A2-G4)
42 Jeremy Camp - Give Me Jesus (G2-E4)
41 Jeremy Camp - Christ In Me (C3-A4)
40 Jamie Grace - You Lead (G3-D5)
39 Israel & New Breed - To Worship You I Live (Away) (E2-D4)
38 Israel & New Breed - Better Than Life (A2-E4)
37 Israel Houghton - The Power of One (A2-G4)
36 Hillsong - What the Lord Has Done In Me (G3-C5)
34 Hillsong - Jesus, What a Beautiful Name (A3-C5)
33 Hillsong - Cornerstone (C4-A4)
32 - Go Light Your World (G3-E5)
31 Don Moen - When It's All Been Said and Done (C2-F4)
30 David Crowder Band - I Am (G2-G4)
29 Christy Nockels - A Mighty Fortress (G3-C5)
28 Chris Tomlin - O Holy Night (C3-G4)
27 Chris Tomlin - I Will Rise (G3-G4)
26 Chris Tomlin - Glory in the Highest (C3-G4)
25 Chris Rice - Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) (G#2-D#4)
24 Champion Baptist College - I Have Been Blessed (G3-Db5)
23 Big Daddy Weave - The Lion and the Lamb (C3-A4)
22 Austin French - Why God (A2-A4)
21 - The Lord's Prayer (C4-G5)
20 Sovereign Grace Music - Behold Our God (C4-D5)
19 Sovereign Grace Music - All I Have Is Christ (A3-C5)
18 Meredith Andrews - The River (G3-C5)
17 Jamie Harvill - Ancient of Days (G2-E4)
16 Hillsong - From the Inside Out (C4-F5)
15 Hillsong Australia - Our Father (G4-F5)
14 For King & Country - Fix My Eyes (G3-A4)
13 Chris Tomlin - Jesus Messiah (G3-G4)
12 Chris Tomlin - All To Us (C3-A4)
11 Big Daddy Weave - My Story (B2-G4)
10 Robin Mark - When It's All Been Said and Done (C2-G3)
8 Kurt Carr - Something Happens (A2-E4)
7 Kirk Franklin - Always (E2-F4)
6 Kelly Willard - Cares Chorus (E3-D5)
5 Keith Green - My Eyes Are Dry (C3-E4)
4 Marvin Sapp - Never Would Have Made It (G2-D4)
3 Hillsong Live - Cornerstone (C4-G5)
2 Point of Grace - How You Live (G3-G5)
1 Crowder - Come As You Are (C3-G4)