Top 77 christian songs in Ab Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 christian songs in Ab Major key, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Brian Littrell - Grace of My Life (G#2-F4)
76 Brenton Brown - I Will Never Be the Same (Because of Jesus) (G2-C#4)
75 Brenton Brown - All I Want (D#3-D#4)
74 Brandon Heath - Love Never Fails (D#3-G4)
73 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Had It Not Been (C4-Db5)
72 Bill Gaither Trio - The Longer I Serve Him (D#3-C#4)
71 Bill Gaither Trio - Get All Excited (D#3-D#4)
70 - Be Good (Ab3-C5)
69 Bebo Norman - Yes, I Will (C3-F4)
68 Bebe Winans - Oh Happy Day (G#2-A#4)
67 Bebe Winans - All Because a Child Was Born (D#2-C4)
66 Babbie Mason - To the Cross (G#2-C4)
65 Babbie Mason - Bless the Lord (G#2-A#3)
64 Audrey Assad - Show Me (Ab3-Db5)
63 Anointed - Waiting In the Wings (Eb3-Eb5)
62 Andraé Crouch - That's Why I Needed You (D#3-F4)
61 Alisa Turner - Psalm 13 (Ab3-Ab4)
60 Aled Jones - Did You Not Hear My Lady? (D#3-F4)
59 Aaron Shust - Stillness (Speak To Me) (D#3-D#4)
58 Aaron Shust - Life Itself (D#3-G#4)
57 Aaron Shust - Deliver Me (D#3-D#4)
56 Aaron Shust - Breathe In Me (C3-G#4)
55 4Him - The Basics of Life (D#3-G4)
54 4Him - Land of Mercy (C3-G4)
53 4Him - For Future Generations (D#3-G4)
52 4Him - Center of the Mark (D#3-C5)
51 4Him - Before the River Came (D#3-C5)
50 Unspoken - Start a Fire (C3-C5)
49 Twila Paris - This Thorn (Ab3-E5)
48 Travis Cottrell - The Blood of Jesus Speaks for Me (Bb3-Eb5)
47 - This Baby (C4-G5)
46 The Winans - Tradewinds (C3-A#4)
45 The Speer Family - Cornerstone (Ab3-C#5)
44 - (There's Gotta Be) More to Life (F3-Eb5)
43 Tasha Cobbs Leonard - Fill Me Up (Ab3-Db5)
42 Steven Curtis Chapman - One Heartbeat At a Time (D#3-G#4)
41 Smokie Norful - God Is Able (D#3-C5)
40 Richard Smallwood - Healing (G2-F4)
39 NewSong - Christmas Carol (C3-A#4)
38 New Life Worship - Ascribe (D#3-F4)
37 Michael Crawford - Not Too Far From Here (C3-F4)
36 Michael Card - Celebrate the Child (G2-G4)
35 Marvin Sapp - Comfort Zone (D#3-D5)
34 Lincoln Brewster - Lord, I Lift Your Name on High (D#3-G#4)
32 Kirk Franklin - Lookin' Out for Me (F2-D#4)
31 Kirk Franklin and the Family - Mama's Song (F3-D#4)
30 Kathy Troccoli - Go Light Your World (G#2-C#4)
29 Kari Jobe - Savior's Here (Ab3-Eb5)
28 John P. Kee - In Your Name (C3-C5)
27 Jimmy Needham - Clear the Stage (F3-G#4)
26 Jeremy Camp - Mighty to Save (D#3-D#4)
25 Israel Houghton - It's Not Over (When God Is In It) (D#2-F4)
24 - Give Us Clean Hands (F3-F5)
23 Francesca Battistelli - Strangely Dim (Ab3-Eb5)
22 Donald Lawrence - You Covered Me (G#2-F4)
21 Chicago Mass Choir - Thank You, Thank You, Jesus (Eb4-Eb5)
20 Britt Nicole - Gold (Ab3-F5)
19 Ben Tankard - Jesus Is Love (D#2-D#4)
18 Bart Millard - Precious Lord, Take My Hand (C3-C5)
16 - Alleluia (Eb4-F5)
15 - What a Day That Will Be (Eb4-Db5)
14 - The Supper of the Lord (C4-Db5)
13 SONICFLOOd - I Want To Know You (F4-Eb5)
12 Matt Redman - Endless Hallelujah (D#3-F4)
11 Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ - No Weapon (F2-A3)
10 Mandisa - Christmas Makes Me Cry (Ab3-Ab5)
9 Ivan Parker - Midnight Cry (C3-F#4)
8 Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - He's Been Faithful (C4-F#5)
7 Andraé Crouch - The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power (D3-C#4)
6 Kari Jobe - What Love Is This (Ab3-Db5)
5 Donnie McClurkin - Stand (C3-D5)
4 Brandon Heath - Love Never Fails You (C#3-G4)
3 Gaither Vocal Band - The King Is Coming (C#3-C#4)
2 Watermark - Captivate Us (Ab3-C5)
1 Chris Tomlin - At the Cross (D#3-G#4)