Top 77 jam band songs for tenor voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 jam band songs for tenor, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Grateful Dead - Jack Straw (D3-A4)
76 Grateful Dead - I Need a Miracle (G3-A4)
75 Grateful Dead - I Know You Rider (C3-D4)
74 Grateful Dead - High Time (E3-F#4)
73 Grateful Dead - Hell In a Bucket (F3-A#4)
72 Grateful Dead - Going Down the Road Feelin' Bad (C#3-E4)
71 Grateful Dead - Franklin's Tower (E3-A4)
70 Grateful Dead - Fire on the Mountain (A3-G#4)
69 Grateful Dead - Feel Like a Stranger (E3-G#4)
68 Grateful Dead - Far from Me (A3-A#4)
67 Grateful Dead - Estimated Prophet (D3-B4)
66 Grateful Dead - Easy to Love You (G3-A4)
65 Grateful Dead - Easy Answers (G3-G4)
64 Grateful Dead - Dupree's Diamond Blues (E3-A4)
63 Grateful Dead - Dire Wolf (C#3-E4)
62 Grateful Dead - Days Between (F3-E4)
61 Grateful Dead - Dark Star (E3-F#4)
60 Grateful Dead - Cumberland Blues (D3-G4)
59 Grateful Dead - Crazy Fingers (F3-F#4)
58 Grateful Dead - Corrina (E3-G4)
57 Grateful Dead - Cold Rain and Snow (B3-F#4)
56 Grateful Dead - China Doll (E3-G4)
55 Grateful Dead - China Cat Sunflower (D3-C5)
54 Grateful Dead - Candyman (F3-E4)
53 Grateful Dead - Brokedown Palace (D3-E4)
52 Grateful Dead - Box of Rain (D3-F#4)
51 Grateful Dead - Bertha (D3-G4)
50 Grateful Dead - Attics of My Life (E3-A4)
49 Gov't Mule - Broke Down on the Brazos (A3-F4)
48 Derek Trucks - Sweet Inspiration (E3-G4)
47 Derek Trucks - Something To Make You Happy (E3-G4)
46 Derek Trucks - Maybe This Time (C#3-G#4)
45 Derek Trucks - Get What You Deserve (G3-B4)
44 Dave Matthews - Typical Situation (D3-E4)
43 Dave Matthews - Two Step (E3-G4)
42 Dave Matthews - Tripping Billies (D3-E4)
41 Dave Matthews - Lover Lay Down (C#3-G4)
40 Dave Matthews - Dodo (D3-A4)
39 Dave Matthews - Cry Freedom (E3-E4)
38 Dave Matthews Band - Why I Am (G3-E4)
37 Dave Matthews Band - What You Are (G3-A#4)
36 Dave Matthews Band - Up and Away (D3-B4)
35 Dave Matthews Band - Typical Situation (D3-E4)
34 Dave Matthews Band - Two Step (F3-A4)
33 Dave Matthews Band - Tripping Billies (F#3-F#4)
32 Dave Matthews Band - The Maker (C3-F4)
31 Dave Matthews Band - The Best of What's Around (E3-F3)
30 Dave Matthews Band - Stay (Wasting Time) (F3-G4)
29 Dave Matthews Band - Spoon (C3-B4)
28 Dave Matthews Band - Sleep To Dream Her (A3-E4)
27 Dave Matthews Band - Satellite (D#3-C5)
26 Dave Matthews Band - Rhyme & Reason (C3-D#4)
25 Dave Matthews Band - One Sweet World (D#3-A#4)
24 Dave Matthews Band - Mother Father (E3-F#4)
23 Dave Matthews Band - Lover Lay Down (D3-A4)
22 Dave Matthews Band - Jimi Thing (D3-B4)
21 Dave Matthews Band - If I Had It All (C#3-A4)
20 Dave Matthews Band - I Did It (F#3-E4)
19 Dave Matthews Band - Hunger for the Great Light (C3-A4)
18 Dave Matthews Band - Grey Street (D3-A4)
17 Dave Matthews Band - Granny (D3-F#4)
16 Dave Matthews Band - Grace Is Gone (C3-F4)
15 Dave Matthews Band - Funny the Way It Is (E3-F4)
14 Dave Matthews Band - Fool To Think (D3-D4)
13 Dave Matthews Band - Dreams of Our Fathers (C#3-A4)
12 Dave Matthews Band - Digging a Ditch (D3-D4)
11 Dave Matthews Band - Crush (E3-A4)
10 Dave Matthews Band - Busted Stuff (D3-B4)
9 Dave Matthews Band - Big Eyed Fish (D3-B4)
8 Dave Matthews Band - Ants Marching (D3-A4)
7 Dave Matthews Band - All Along the Watchtower (G3-A4)
6 Dave Matthews Band - #41 (E3-C5)
5 Bob Weir - Black-Throated Wind (E3-B4)
4 Ben Harper - By My Side (D3-E4)
3 Grateful Dead - Touch of Grey (D3-D4)
2 Grateful Dead - Foolish Heart (F#3-F#4)
1 Dave Matthews Band - You & Me (D3-F#4)