Grateful Dead - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Grateful Dead vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

F#2 - C6 (3.5 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
Eyes of the World (F#2-G4)
User likes: John Starr
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
Friend of the Devil (D3-C6)

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Baritone (A2-A4)

Tenor (C3-C5)

How to learn singing like Grateful Dead

Read our educational guide on how to sing like Grateful Dead including explanations of which vocal techniques to use and how to practice them.

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More songs by the artist

Ripple (B2-C4)
User likes: Andy Schafer John Starr
Foolish Heart (F#3-F#4)
User likes: Ripp Martel Chris
Cold Rain and Snow (B3-F#4)
User likes: Katie Langon
Althea (A2-E4)
User likes: John Starr
Far from Me (A3-A#4)
User likes: Katie Langon
Candyman (F3-E4)
User likes: John Starr
Easy Answers (G3-G4)
User likes: Katie Langon
Terrapin Station (E3-B4)
User likes: John Starr
I Know You Rider (C3-D4)
User likes: Aaron Haynes
U.S. Blues (A3-E4)
User likes: Katie Langon
Casey Jones (F3-G4)
User likes: Josh Glessner
Sugaree (G3-A4)
User likes: Katie Langon
Operator (C3-C4)
Sugar Magnolia (B2-F#5)
Hell In a Bucket (F3-A#4)
Easy Wind (B2-G4)
China Doll (E3-G4)
Way to Go Home (C3-A#4)
Jack Straw (D3-A4)
Corrina (E3-G4)
Ship of Fools (D#3-F4)
Bertha (D3-G4)
Days Between (F3-E4)
Crazy Fingers (F3-F#4)
Dark Hollow (C#3-E4)
Liberty (B2-G#4)
Tennessee Jed (G3-A4)
Box of Rain (D3-F#4)
Childhood's End (A2-D4)
Alabama Getaway (E3-F#4)
Me and My Uncle (D3-G4)
Dire Wolf (C#3-E4)
Me & My Uncle (D3-G4)
So Many Roads (C3-F4)
Mr. Charlie (E3-G4)
Unbroken Chain (C3-E4)
Stagger Lee (D3-F4)
Dark Star (E3-F#4)
Black Peter (D3-C#5)
Scarlet Begonias (E3-G#4)
Looks Like Rain (B2-F#4)
Wharf Rat (B2-G4)
Ramble On Rose (F#3-G4)
High Time (E3-F#4)
Lazy River Road (G2-F4)
Truckin' (C#3-A#4)
Stella Blue (B2-G4)
St. Stephen (C#3-F#4)
Lost Sailor (D#3-F#4)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.