63 best FOLK POP CONTRALTO songs for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 63 folk pop songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 63 folk pop songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

63 The Seekers - I Am Australian (D4-D5)

62 The Seekers - Georgy Girl (Bb3-F5)

61 The New Seekers - I Get a Little Sentimental Over You (D4-F5)

60 Regina Spektor - Dance Anthem of the 80's (Ab3-Db5)

59 Rae Morris - Grow (G3-D5)

58 Patty Griffin - Let Him Fly (A3-C#5)

57 Mary MacGregor - Torn Between Two Lovers (F3-Bb4)

56 Marianne Faithfull - Summer Nights (C4-D5)

55 Maisie Peters - John Hughes Movie (A3-D5)

54 Maddie Poppe - Going Going Gone (A3-D5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

53 Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (G3-A4)

52 Leonardo's Bride - Even When I'm Sleeping (C4-C5)

51 Lennon & Maisy - Lean On (Gb3-Eb5)

50 Lennon & Maisy - Boom Clap (G#3-C#5)

49 Laura Nyro - Stoned Soul Picnic (C4-Eb5)

48 Lana Del Rey - Venice Bitch (G3-G4)

47 Kesha - Here Comes the Change (F3-Eb5)

46 Judie Tzuke - Stay With Me Till Dawn (C4-C5)

45 Joni Mitchell - The Crazy Cries of Love (F3-G4)

44 Joni Mitchell - Stay In Touch (E4-F5)

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43 Joni Mitchell - Man From Mars (F#3-A4)

42 Joni Mitchell - Face Lift (E4-F5)

41 Joni Mitchell - Both Sides, Now (Gb3-Cb5)

40 Joan Baez - There But for Fortune (D4-D5)

39 Joan Armatrading - Willow (G3-D5)

38 Joan Armatrading - Love and Affection (B3-B4)

37 IZ - 'Ama'ama (E4-C#5)

36 Ingrid Michaelson - Warpath (F#3-D5)

35 Ingrid Michaelson - So Long (F#3-A#4)

34 Indigo Girls - Deconstruction (A3-B4)

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33 Indigo Girls - Collecting You (F#3-B4)

32 I'm With Her - See You Around (Bb3-C5)

31 I'm With Her - Game to Lose (A#3-B4)

30 Hilary Duff - Chasing the Sun (A3-B4)

29 Gale Garnett - We'll Sing in the Sunshine (D4-D5)

28 Gabrielle Aplin - Waking Up Slow (Piano Version) (C4-D5)

27 Gabrielle Aplin - Ready To Question (A3-D5)

26 Gabrielle Aplin - Panic Cord (A3-D5)

25 Gabrielle Aplin - November (Bb3-Eb5)

24 Gabrielle Aplin - Keep on Walking (B3-D5)

Looking to improve your singing? We offer a self-study voice training for singers of all levels.

23 Gabrielle Aplin - Human (C4-C5)

22 Gabrielle Aplin - Home (B3-C#5)

21 Gabrielle Aplin - Alive (B3-E5)

20 Frente! - Ordinary Angels (B3-C#5)

19 Frances - Under Our Feet (G3-E5)

18 First Aid Kit - Fireworks (F3-Eb5)

17 Eva Cassidy - Yesterday (A3-E5)

16 Eva Cassidy - Early Mornin' Rain (G3-C5)

15 Ellie Goulding - Vincent (Starry Starry Night) (G3-A4)

14 Colbie Caillat - Never Gonna Let You Down (G3-A4)

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13 Colbie Caillat - Hold On (C4-E5)

12 Brandi Carlile - Carried Me with You (G3-C5)

11 Birdy - Words as Weapons (A3-D5)

10 Birdy - Lost It All (G3-C5)

9 The Seekers - Five Hundred Miles (D4-E5)

8 The Seekers - A World of Our Own (C4-E5)

7 Melanie Safka - Beautiful People (C4-A4)

6 Melanie - Brand New Key (C4-E5)

5 Maisie Peters - Feels Like This (F#3-D5)

4 Julie Gold - The Journey (F3-D5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

3 Judy Collins - Both Sides, Now (A3-D5)

2 Lulu - To Sir, with Love (B3-C5)

1 Birdy - The A Team (A3-D5)

See also

Top 77 songs for contralto voice

Top 77 folk-pop songs