Top 77 CONTRALTO songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 songs in the C Major key for contralto suitable for karaoke and auditions, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Birdy - Fire and Rain (C4-C5)
76 Birdy - All You Never Say (G3-E5)
75 Billie Holiday - What a Little Moonlight Can Do (B3-D5)
73 Beth Fowler - Don't Cry Out Loud (G3-F5)
72 Bernadette Peters - Look What Happened To Mabel (B3-D5)
71 Barbra Streisand - Where Is It Written? (B3-F5)
70 Barbra Streisand - The Music That Makes Me Dance (A3-D5)
69 Audra McDonald - Somewhere (G3-D5)
68 Ashley Tisdale - Fabulous (G3-E5)
67 Anything Goes - Buddie Beware (C4-E5)
66 Anita Bryant - Paper Roses (B3-D5)
65 Ani Difranco - Both Hands (C4-A4)
64 Angela Lansbury - The Age of Not Believing (B3-C5)
63 Alphabet City Cycle - Almost Everything I Need (B3-D5)
62 Alicia Keys - Not Even the King (G3-C5)
61 Adele - Make You Feel My Love (A3-C5)
60 42nd Street - The Gold Diggers' Song (D4-E5)
59 Ziegfeld Follies - Peg O' My Heart (D4-E5)
58 Wonderful Town - One Hundred Easy Ways to Lose a Man (G3-A4)
57 The Sound of Music - Climb Ev'ry Mountain (C4-F5)
56 The Secret Garden - If I Had a Fine White Horse (G3-D5)
55 Sandi Patty - Someday (G3-Eb5)
54 Mindy Gledhill - All About Your Heart (A3-B4)
53 Meredith Andrews - You're Not Alone (G3-E5)
52 Meredith Andrews - The River (G3-C5)
51 Marina and The Diamonds - Obsessions (A3-C5)
50 Mandisa - God Speaking (G3-D5)
49 Kitty Wells - I Can't Stop Loving You (C4-E5)
47 Kacey Musgraves - Biscuits (G3-A4)
46 Julie Andrews - Stay Awake (B3-A4)
45 Judy Garland - Meet Me In St. Louis, Louis (C4-E5)
44 Jennifer Holliday - I Am Changing (C4-F5)
43 IZ - Over the Rainbow (A3-E5)
42 Inga Swenson - Simple Little Things (C4-D5)
41 Hello Dolly! - Before the Parade Passes By (C4-D5)
40 Heathers (Musical) - Kindergarten Boyfriend (G3-E5)
39 Graham Kendrick - Knowing You (F3-C5)
37 Etta James - A Sunday Kind of Love (G3-C5)
36 Ethel Merman - Anything You Can Do (C4-D5)
35 Demi Lovato - Fix a Heart (A3-E5)
34 Celtic Woman - White Christmas (B3-E5)
33 Celtic Woman - Send Me a Song (G3-D5)
32 Carly Simon - Coming Around Again (G3-A4)
31 Bette Midler - The Glory of Love (G3-C5)
30 Barbra Streisand - I've Dreamed of You (G3-D5)
29 Audrey Landers - Dance: Ten; Looks: Three (A3-C5)
28 Annie - It's the Hard-Knock Life (Bb3-F5)
26 Amy Grant - El Shaddai (B3-G4)
25 Addison Road - This Little Light of Mine (C4-C5)
24 Sandi Patty - Another Time, Another Place (G3-D5)
23 Nichole Nordeman - I Am (G3-A4)
22 Lulu - To Sir, with Love (B3-C5)
20 Cinderella [2015] - Aeon (B3-D5)
19 Carole King - Will You Love Me Tomorrow (G3-A4)
18 Vera Lynn - Far Away Places (G3-A4)
17 Vanessa Carlton - Ordinary Day (G3-C5)
16 Sarah Brightman - Tell Me on a Sunday (G3-E5)
15 Sara Groves - He's Always Been Faithful (A3-D5)
14 Sadie Mckee - All I Do Is Dream of You (C4-D5)
12 Laura Story - Perfect Peace (G3-C5)
11 Annie Lennox - Into the West (G3-C5)
10 Celtic Woman - The Blessing (A3-D5)
9 BarlowGirl - Porcelain Heart (A3-C5)
8 Rachel Platten - Better Place (G3-C5)
7 Sara Bareilles - Bluebird (G3-E5)
6 Amanda McBroom - The Rose (G3-D5)
5 Madonna - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (G3-C5)
4 Carrie Underwood - Do You Hear What I Hear? (C4-D5)
3 Celtic Woman - You Raise Me Up (G3-F5)
1 Celtic Woman - You Raise Me Up [live version] (G3-F5)