Top 77 ccm songs in F Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 ccm songs in F Major key, based on the votes of 53783 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord (C4-D5)
76 Alisa Turner - As It Is in Heaven (G3-Bb4)
75 Alabama - I Am a Pilgrim (C3-C4)
74 Aaron Shust - More Wonderful (C3-D#4)
73 Aaron Shust - I Will Wait (C3-F4)
72 4Him - The Center of the Mark (C3-G#4)
71 4Him - The Best Gift of All (C3-D#4)
70 Yolanda Adams - Let Us Worship Him (F3-F5)
69 VeggieTales - His Cheeseburger (A3-F5)
68 Twila Paris - The Warrior Is a Child (G3-D5)
67 The Perrys - I Rest My Case At the Cross (C4-D5)
66 Selah - Come and Behold Him (F3-C5)
65 Scott Krippayne - Crying for a Christmas (F3-G4)
64 Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband - Dream Big (C3-A4)
63 Robin Mark - I Have Been Crucified With Christ (C3-C4)
62 Ray Boltz - I Believe In Bethlehem (A2-C4)
61 Point of Grace - Come to Jesus (F3-E5)
60 Phillips Craig & Dean - How Great You Are (C3-F4)
59 - One Love Released (C4-D5)
58 Nancy Gordon - Firm Foundation (A3-C5)
57 Maranatha! Singers - White As Snow (G3-C5)
56 Mandisa - Not Guilty (Bb3-D5)
55 - Long As I Got King Jesus (C4-C5)
53 Kirk Franklin and the Family - The Family Worship Medley (A2-D#4)
52 Kirk Franklin and the Family - Melodies From Heaven (F2-F4)
51 Kirk Franklin and the Family - He's Able (C3-D4)
50 Kerrie Roberts - No Matter What (F3-D5)
49 Kathy Troccoli - He Will Make a Way (A2-D#4)
48 Josh Wilson - Fall Apart (C3-G4)
47 John W. Peterson - Over the Sunset Mountains (C3-D4)
46 Jeremy Camp - Empty Me (C3-F4)
45 Jamie Slocum - Dependence (C3-A4)
44 Hillsong - Man of Sorrows (F4-G5)
43 Hillsong - Jesus Won It All (C4-Eb5)
42 Gloria Gaither - We Are So Blessed (E4-D5)
41 Geoff Moore - Listen To Our Hearts (A#2-D4)
40 - Forgiven and Loved (D4-Bb5)
39 First Call - An Evening In December (A3-C5)
38 - Emmanuel (E4-D5)
37 Don Moen - I Offer My Life (C3-D4)
36 Darlene Zschech - Perfect Love (C4-C5)
35 Chris Tomlin - Thank You God for Saving Me (C3-A4)
34 Chris Sligh - Vessel (C3-G4)
33 - Born To Serve the Lord (C4-E5)
32 - Beautiful Savior (All My Days) (A3-D5)
31 Avalon - Everything To Me (C4-Eb5)
29 - All Are Welcome (A2-F5)
28 - We Pray (F3-C5)
27 Sandi Patty - Because of Who You Are (A3-A5)
26 Nicole C. Mullen - One Touch (Press) (F3-D5)
25 Martina McBride - How Great Thou Art (Gb3-Db5)
24 Kurt Carr - They Didn't Know (A2-D#4)
23 Kurt Carr - I Almost Let Go (F2-F4)
22 - In the Garden / There Is None Like You (F3-C5)
21 Hillsong - Holy Spirit Rain Down (C4-C5)
20 Francesca Battistelli - Free to Be Me (F3-C5)
19 Fernando Ortega - I Will Sing of My Redeemer (C3-C4)
18 Elvis Presley - He Touched Me (F3-D4)
17 Downhere - How Many Kings (C4-G5)
16 Don Moen - Give Thanks (A2-C4)
15 David Phelps - One King (A2-G4)
14 Darlene Zschech - Let the Peace of God Reign (A3-D5)
13 Chris Rice - When Did You Fall (A2-F4)
11 Casting Crowns - Does Anybody Hear Her (C4-F5)
10 Casting Crowns - Broken Together (C4-G5)
9 Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Daystar (C4-E5)
8 Tenth Avenue North - Oh My Dear (D3-F4)
7 - Sinner Saved By Grace (A3-D5)
6 - He Saw It All (C4-D5)
5 Casting Crowns - While You Were Sleeping (C4-F5)
4 Acts 2 - Easter Song (C3-A4)
3 Michael W. Smith - Welcome To Our World (A#2-D#4)
2 Michael W. Smith - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (C3-F4)
1 Kurt Carr Singers - For Every Mountain (C4-G5)