77 best CONTEMPORARY songs in E Minor for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 77 contemporary songs in E Minor Key for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 77 contemporary songs in E Minor key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

77 Christina Aguilera - Hurt (G3-C5)

76 Chris De Burgh - Don't Pay the Ferryman (G3-C5)

75 Chris De Burgh - A Spaceman Came Travelling (D3-A4)

74 Chicago - We Can Stop the Hurtin' (E3-F4)

73 Chicago - Prima Donna (B2-B3)

72 Chicago - Love Me Tomorrow (G2-C#4)

71 Chicago - If It Were You (G3-E5)

70 Celtic Woman - Don Oiche Ud I Mbeithil (A3-A5)

69 Cece Winans - Well Alright (G3-B4)

68 Casting Crowns - If We Are the Body (C#4-B5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

67 Carrie Underwood - Little Toy Guns (G3-C5)

66 Carrie Underwood - Change (E3-D5)

65 Caro Emerald - The Other Woman (A#3-B4)

64 Calvin Harris ft. Justin Timberlake Halsey & Pharrell Williams - Stay With Me (B3-B5)

63 Calvin Harris feat. Pharrell Williams / Katy Perry & Big Sean - Feels (B3-D6)

62 Bruno Mars - Money Make Her Smile (B3-D5)

61 Brandi Carlile - 100 (D4-E5)

60 Boz Scaggs - Look What You've Done to Me (A2-G4)

59 Bon Jovi - These Days (G3-C5)

58 Black - Wonderful Life (A1-G3)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

57 Beyoncé - Sweet Dreams (D4-F#5)

56 Beyoncé - Scared of Lonely (B3-E5)

55 Beyoncé - I Care (A3-B5)

54 Beyoncé - Hello (E3-D5)

53 Beyoncé - CUFF IT (E3-E5)

52 benny blanco; Halsey & Khalid - Eastside (D4-G5)

51 Babyface - Soon As I Get Home (B2-A4)

50 Babyface - How Come, How Long (B2-E4)

49 Avalon - When the Time Comes (A3-E5)

48 Ashanti - The Way That I Love You (D4-E5)

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47 Ariana Grande - God is a Woman (F4-D#6)

46 Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman (B3-G5)

45 Ariana Grande - bad idea (B2-D4)

44 Ariana Grande - 7 rings (B2-E4)

43 Andrea Bocelli - Melodramma (B2-A4)

42 Amici Forever - Canto Alla Vita (Bb3-G5)

41 America - You Can Do Magic (D3-G4)

40 alphieri - How Little We Learn of Love (A#2-D4)

39 Aloe Blacc - The Hand Is Quicker (G2-B4)

38 Ali Gatie - What If I Told You That I Love You (E3-D4)

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37 Alicia Keys - When You Really Love Someone (G3-D5)

36 Alicia Keys - Stolen Moments (A3-E5)

35 Alicia Keys - I Need You (A3-D5)

34 Alicia Keys - Go Ahead (A3-E5)

33 Alesha Dixon - The Boy Does Nothing (B3-D5)

32 Alan Jackson - Country Boy (E2-B3)

31 Alabama - Why Lady Why (C3-G4)

30 Adele - Woman Like Me (D3-E4)

29 Adele - Cry Your Heart Out (E3-D5)

28 Tyrese - How You Gonna Act Like That (E3-B4)

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27 Tom Waits - Chocolate Jesus (B2-D#4)

26 The Band Perry - You Lie (G3-E5)

25 Phil Collins - That's All (B2-B4)

24 Outkast - Roses (B2-D5)

23 Norah Jones - Sinkin' Soon (E3-G4)

22 Nicki Minaj - Marilyn Monroe (G3-D5)

21 Morris Albert - Feelings (D3-E4)

20 Miranda Lambert - Mama's Broken Heart (E3-B4)

19 Luther Vandross - Superstar (D3-A4)

18 Lucie Silvas - Forget Me Not (G3-D5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

17 Little Big Town - Tornado (B3-B4)

16 Linda Ronstadt - Someone to Lay Down Beside Me (B3-C5)

15 Josh Groban - All 'Improvviso Amore (B2-A4)

14 George Michael - Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (D#3-G4)

13 Diana Krall - You're My Thrill (E3-G4)

12 Diana Krall - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word (E3-G4)

11 Damien Rice - I Remember (A2-G4)

10 Carrie Underwood - Just a Dream (E3-D5)

9 Cara Dillon - I Wish You Well (E3-A4)

8 Brantley Gilbert - Bottoms Up (B2-D4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

7 Ariana Grande - Be My Baby (D3-E4)

6 Ne-Yo - So Sick (D3-B4)

5 Little Mix - Wings (B3-C5)

4 Kenny Chesney - American Kids (D3-E4)

3 Jace Everett - Bad Things (E2-E4)

2 Beyoncé - I Was Here (E3-E5)

1 Andrea Bocelli - Bésame Mucho (A2-A5)

See also

Top 77 songs in E Minor key

Top 77 contemporary songs