Top 77 ccm songs in E Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 ccm songs in E Major key, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Aaron Shust - Rushing Waters (E3-E4)
76 Aaron Shust - Firm Foundation (B2-F#4)
75 Aaron Shust - Change the Way (B2-D4)
74 4Him - Where There Is Faith (G#3-A4)
73 4Him - As Long As My Heart Knows It's You (B2-F5)
72 Worship Together - Holy, Holy (F#2-B3)
71 The New Hinsons - Oasis (A3-C#5)
70 The Martins - The Lord's Prayer (A3-D#5)
69 Tenth Avenue North - Strong Enough To Save (B2-A4)
68 Tenth Avenue North - Losing (B2-G#4)
67 Susan Ashton - Love Will Be Our Home (B3-E5)
66 Stuart Townend - It Is Well With My Soul (B2-E4)
65 Steve Green - Safely Home (B2-E4)
64 SONICFLOOd - Here I Am to Worship (B3-B4)
63 - Savior, Redeemer of My Soul (E4-F5)
62 Russ Taff - God's Unchanging Hand (B2-A4)
61 Robin Mark - Highly Exalted (G#2-C#4)
60 Reuben Morgan - Eagle's Wings (E2-B3)
59 Ray Boltz - Fallen, Not Forgotten (B2-E4)
58 Randy Travis - Turn Your Radio On (A#2-E4)
57 Randy Travis - I'll Fly Away (A2-E4)
56 Point of Grace - Gather At the River (B3-C#5)
55 Phillips Craig & Dean - Top of My Lungs (C#3-G#4)
54 Phillips Craig & Dean - I Want To Be Just Like You (C#3-G4)
53 Natalie Grant - In Better Hands (G#3-D#5)
52 - More Precious Than Silver (B3-C5)
51 Mark Schultz - Kyrie (D3-F#4)
50 Margaret Becker - Deep Calling Deep (B3-C#5)
49 - Let It Start With Me (C#4-B5)
48 Jeremy Camp - My Desire (B2-E4)
47 Jason Gray - Nothing Is Wasted (B2-E4)
46 Jamie Grace - Show Jesus (G#3-C#5)
45 Hillsong - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (E4-C#5)
44 Hillsong - This Is Our God (C#4-C#5)
43 Hillsong - I Bow My Knee (D#4-E5)
41 Hillsong - Here I Am to Worship / Call (E4-B4)
40 Hillsong - And That My Soul Knows Very Well (B3-D5)
39 Hillary Scott & The Scott Family - Still (E3-B4)
38 Ginny Owens - Free (G#3-D#5)
37 Gary Oliver - Celebrate Jesus (E3-D4)
36 Francesca Battistelli - Forever Love (G#3-C#5)
35 Fernando Ortega - All Creatures of Our God and King (E3-E4)
34 Don Moen - Sing for Joy (B2-B3)
33 Dennis Jernigan - We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory (G#2-C#4)
32 David Phelps - No More Night (E3-C#5)
31 Darrell Evans - Your Love Is Extravagant (B2-F#4)
30 Darlene Zschech - And That My Soul Knows Very Well (B3-D5)
29 Dara MacLean - Blameless (B3-B4)
28 Citizen Way - Nothing Ever (Could Separate Us) (C#3-B4)
27 Children Of The Day - For Those Tears I Died (D#3-C#4)
26 Charlie Hall - Center (B2-E4)
25 Candi Pearson - He Made a Way In a Manger (B3-B4)
24 Building 429 - No One Else Knows (B2-E4)
23 Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers - The Lamb Has Overcome (Ab3-F#5)
22 Brian Doerksen - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (E3-E4)
21 Brandon Heath - Our God Reigns (E3-C#4)
20 Big Daddy Weave - What I Was Made For (B2-E4)
19 Bethany Dillon - Let Your Light Shine (G#3-B4)
18 Amy Grant - Softly and Tenderly (B3-B4)
17 Aaron Shust - Come to Me (E3-G#4)
16 - Rose of Bethlehem (E4-G5)
15 Phillips Craig & Dean - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (F#2-E4)
14 Kari Jobe - Holy Spirit (B3-C#5)
13 - Jesus, Name Above All Names (F3-C5)
12 BarlowGirl - Enough (B3-C#5)
11 Tenth Avenue North - By Your Side (B2-F#4)
10 Matt Maher - Remembrance (Communion Song) (B2-F#4)
9 Matthew West - Do Something (C#3-A4)
8 Britt Nicole - All This Time (B3-D#5)
7 Sidewalk Prophets - You Love Me Anyway (E3-B4)
6 Joy Williams - How Deep the Father's Love for Us (B3-C#5)
5 Phillips Craig & Dean - Amazed (E3-E4)
3 Charles Jenkins - Awesome (B2-A3)
2 Point of Grace - All Is Well (E4-C#5)
1 Hillsong Live - At the Cross (E3-B4)