Top 77 contemporary gospel songs in D Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 contemporary gospel songs in D Major key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Israel Houghton - Saved By Grace (B2-D4)
76 - I Go To the Rock (A3-D5)
75 Hillsong - You Stand Alone (D4-D5)
74 Hillsong - With All I Am (A3-B4)
73 Hillsong United - More (C#4-B4)
72 Hillsong United - Lift (A3-A4)
71 Hillsong - Unending Love (A3-D5)
70 Hillsong - Trust in You (A3-B4)
69 Hillsong - To Know Your Name (B3-D5)
68 Hillsong - Son of God (D4-D5)
65 Hillsong - Pour Out Your Spirit (D4-D5)
64 Hillsong - Overwhelmed (A3-B4)
63 Hillsong - Narrow Road (D4-F#5)
62 Hillsong - My Number One (A3-F#5)
60 Hillsong Kids - Power In Your Name / Devotion (A3-D5)
59 Hillsong - Jesus Our Lord Jesus (D4-C#5)
58 Hillsong - Irresistible (A3-B4)
57 Hillsong - In Your Freedom (D4-F#5)
56 Hillsong - In You I Stand (A3-B4)
55 Hillsong - I Draw Near To You (A3-D5)
54 Hillsong - Great Is the Lord (A3-D5)
53 Hillsong - Great In Power (D4-D5)
52 Hillsong - Gonna Be Alright (G3-B4)
51 Hillsong - Faithful To the End (B3-D5)
49 Hillsong - Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble? (B3-F#5)
48 Hezekiah Walker - Every Praise (A2-B3)
47 Ginny Owens - Springs of Life (A3-E5)
46 Ginny Owens - Own Me (A3-A#4)
45 Geron Davis & Kindred Souls - Springs of Living Water (A3-D5)
44 Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ - You Called Me Friend (A2-A4)
42 Fred Hammond - Put Your Hands Together (A2-A4)
41 Fred Hammond - Lord, How I Love You (C#3-C#5)
40 David Meece - Living In the Shadows (A2-E4)
39 David Meece - Brokenness (A2-E4)
38 Darlene Zschech - This Kingdom (G3-D5)
37 Darlene Zschech - Irresistible (A3-F5)
36 Darlene Zschech - Heaven on Earth (G3-C#5)
35 Darlene Zschech - Everlasting (B3-C5)
34 Christ For The Nations - Something So Real (D4-F#5)
33 Christ For The Nations - Oh Crimson Flow (A3-G5)
32 Cheri Keaggy - Not With Jesus (F#3-A4)
31 Cheri Keaggy - My Faith Will Stay (F#3-A4)
30 Big Daddy Weave - For Who You Are (A2-F#4)
29 Big Daddy Weave - Completely Free (B2-E4)
28 Bebo Norman - Here Goes (A2-G4)
27 Babbie Mason - You're the One (F#2-B3)
26 Babbie Mason - For the Cause of Christ (G2-D4)
25 Anointed - Take Me Back (G3-E5)
23 Anointed - Come Unto Me (F#3-B4)
22 Anointed - Answer To My Prayer (A3-D5)
21 Andraé Crouch - You Can Depend on Me (A2-B3)
20 Andraé Crouch - The Lord Is My Light (A2-F#4)
19 Andraé Crouch - Jesus Is the Answer (A2-B3)
18 4Him - The Message (F#3-C5)
16 Selah - God Be With You (A3-B4)
15 Sandi Patty - All This Time (Anna's Song) (A3-E5)
14 Mark Harris - Wish You Were Here (A2-B4)
13 Kurt Carr - Why Not Trust God Again? (E2-D#4)
12 Jennifer Hudson - Fix Me, Jesus (B3-A5)
11 Israel & New Breed - You Are Good (B2-B3)
10 Hosanna! Music Mass Choir - The Lord Reigns (E3-D4)
8 - God on the Mountain (D4-E5)
7 Ginny Owens - Be Still, My Soul (B3-D5)
6 Diane Ball - In His Time (F#3-D5)
5 Darlene Zschech - All Things Are Possible (C4-C#5)
4 Selah - Before the Throne of God Above (A3-D5)
3 Ross Parsley and the Desperation Band - Hiding Place (A1-G3)
2 Mississippi Mass Choir - Near the Cross (F#2-F#4)
1 David Meece - My Father's Chair (A2-E4)