Top 77 piano rock songs for baritone voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 piano rock songs for baritone, based on the votes of 53763 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Ben Folds - Rent a Cop (E3-G4)
76 Ben Folds - Practical Amanda (D3-F#4)
75 Ben Folds - Picture Window (C3-G4)
74 Ben Folds - Long Way to Go (E3-G4)
73 Ben Folds - Levi Johnston's Blues (D3-G4)
72 Ben Folds - Learn To Live With What You Are (E3-G#4)
71 Ben Folds - Kylie From Connecticut (D3-G4)
70 Ben Folds - In Between Days (A3-F#4)
67 Ben Folds - Give Judy My Notice (A#2-A4)
66 Ben Folds Five - Your Redneck Past (F3-G4)
65 Ben Folds Five - Where's Summer B.? (C#3-G#4)
64 Ben Folds Five - Video (D3-A4)
63 Ben Folds Five - Uncle Walter (G3-A4)
62 Ben Folds Five - The Last Polka (E3-A4)
61 Ben Folds Five - Smoke (F3-A4)
60 Ben Folds Five - Sky High (A#2-C4)
59 Ben Folds Five - Selfless, Cold and Composed (C#3-F#4)
58 Ben Folds Five - Narcolepsy (C3-A4)
57 Ben Folds Five - Mess (C3-G4)
56 Ben Folds Five - Magic (F3-E4)
55 Ben Folds Five - Fair (A2-A4)
54 Ben Folds Five - Evaporated (C3-A4)
53 Ben Folds Five - Eddie Walker (C#3-F#4)
52 Ben Folds Five - Best Imitation of Myself (E3-A4)
51 Ben Folds Five - Battle of Who Could Care Less (C3-G4)
50 Ben Folds - Family of Me (C#3-A4)
48 Ben Folds - Carrying Cathy (A2-F#4)
46 Ben Folds - A Working Day (C#3-G#4)
45 Ben Folds - All U Can Eat (C3-A4)
41 The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car) (D#3-F4)
40 The Fray - How to Save a Life (A#2-F4)
39 The Beatles - Oh! Darling (A2-D4)
38 Kenny Rogers - Just Dropped In (D3-F#4)
37 Keane - Hamburg Song (D3-A4)
35 Jerry Lee Lewis - You Win Again (D3-G#4)
34 Jerry Lee Lewis - Rockin' My Life Away (D3-G4)
33 Jerry Lee Lewis - Another Place, Another Time (A2-E4)
32 Elton John - Tower of Babel (A2-C4)
31 Coldplay - Lovers In Japan / Reign of Love (A2-G4)
30 Billy Joel - Zanzibar (D3-A4)
29 Billy Joel - Two Thousand Years (F3-A4)
28 Billy Joel - (The) Ballad of Billy the Kid (D3-F4)
27 Billy Joel - Stiletto (D#3-G#4)
26 Billy Joel - Prelude / Angry Young Man (F3-G4)
25 Billy Joel - My Life (D3-G4)
24 Billy Joel - Big Shot (D3-G4)
23 Billy Joel - Baby Grand (C3-G4)
22 Billy Joel - Allentown (D3-G4)
21 Ben Folds - You Don't Know Me (A3-G4)
20 Ben Folds - The Luckiest (D3-E4)
19 Ben Folds - Losing Lisa (D3-A4)
17 Ben Folds Five - Philosophy (E3-A4)
16 Ben Folds Five - Missing the War (E3-G#4)
15 Ben Folds Five - Boxing (F3-A4)
13 Ben Folds - Annie Waits (A2-A4)
11 The Drifters - Up on the Roof (D3-E4)
10 Coldplay - Lost? (Acoustic) (B2-E4)
9 Billy Joel - Summer, Highland Falls (F3-G4)
8 Ben Folds Five - Army (F3-G#4)
7 Badfinger - Come and Get It (D#3-G4)
5 Billy Joel - Miami 2017 (D3-F#4)
4 Billy Joel - All for Leyna (G3-A4)
3 Ben Folds Five - Cigarette (F3-G4)
2 Coldplay - O (Fly On) (A#2-A4)
1 Billy Joel - Piano Man (A2-G4)