Coldplay - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Coldplay vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

B1 - C#6 (4.2 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
World Turned Upside Down (B1-F#4)
User likes: CallMeSimba
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
Humankind (E3-C#6)
User likes: Yair Velasco

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Bass (E2-E4)

Baritone (A2-A4)

Tenor (C3-C5)

How to learn singing like Coldplay

Read our educational guide on how to sing like Coldplay including explanations of which vocal techniques to use and how to practice them.

Learn how to sing like Coldplay

More songs by the artist

I Bloom Blaum (D3-C#4)
User likes: Mike Bailey Dark Prince
In My Place (C3-F#4)
User likes: Kevin Johnson Lynx
Church (A3-G5)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu SpaceCat
1.36 (F3-F4)
User likes: Dark Prince
Amsterdam (A#2-G4)
User likes: Alessandro Stocco
Flags (D3-B4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Amazing Day (C3-D5)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Miracles (A2-C5)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Daddy (C3-G4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Rainy Day (G#2-C#5)
User likes: Emmett Smith
The Escapist (B2-G#4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Everyday Life (A2-G4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Fun (E3-C5)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Speed of Sound (F#2-A4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Cry Cry Cry (F2-G#5)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
A Whisper (E3-A4)
User likes: Stacey Maor
Everglow (A2-B4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Colour Spectrum (F#3-E4)
User likes: Dark Prince
Death Will Never Conquer (D#3-D#4)
User likes: Dark Prince
Shiver (E3-E5)
User likes: Michal16
Up & Up (E3-D5)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Life In Technicolor II (F3-F4)
User likes: Dark Prince
Birds (C3-A4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Lost+ (B2-E4)
User likes: Vazyzy
Sparks (A#2-G#4)
User likes: Forrest Milller
Hurts Like Heaven (F3-A#4)
User likes: SpaceCat
White Shadows (C#3-G#5)
User likes: Emmett Smith
Ink (G#2-A#4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Hypnotised (A2-A4)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Higher Power (A3-C6)
User likes: PietroSmusi SalvaciTu
Such a Rush (C3-A4)
Sleeping Sun (A#2-G#4)
Human Heart (E4-E5)
Oceans (E3-A#4)
Army of One (A#2-D#5)
Old Friends (F3-F5)
Square One (G2-C5)
Twisted Logic (F#2-A#4)
Èkó (C4-G5)
U.F.O. (B2-G4)
Spies (C#3-G#4)
Reign of Love (A2-D4)
We Never Change (C#3-B4)
The Goldrush (C3-D4)
Crests of Waves (B2-B4)
Lovers In Japan (D3-G4)
X&Y (G2-B4)
See You Soon (G#2-B4)
Moving To Mars (F2-G#4)
What If? (G#2-B4)
Low (D3-C5)
Proof (F#2-B4)
Strawberry Swing (D#3-G5)
Murder (F#2-G#4)
BrokEn (F3-F5)
Arabesque (A2-F#4)
Animals (F2-A3)
Glass of Water (A2-G4)
Moses (C#3-B4)
Talk (G3-C5)
A Message (G#2-C#5)
Up In Flames (A#2-A#4)
Day 'n' Nite (G3-D5)
Coloratura (G3-A5)
Don't Panic (A2-G4)
Daylight (A#2-G#4)
For You (B2-B4)
True Love (E3-G5)
Bigger Stronger (C3-G4)
High Speed (G3-B4)
The Hardest Part (G2-A#4)
Major Minus (D3-B4)
I Ran Away (C#3-B4)
Orphans (E3-C#5)
Atlas (G#2-G#4)
Yes (F2-B4)
A L I E N S (G2-G4)
Poor Me (A2-F#4)
42 (F3-A#4)
One I Love (A2-F#4)
Midnight (A#3-C#5)
Guns (F3-C6)
Easy To Please (C#3-B4)
Bani Adam (A2-D4)
Warning Sign (D3-A#4)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.

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