Elton John - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Elton John vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

E1 - F4 (3.1 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
Hearts Have Turned To Stone (E1-F#3)
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
The Bridge (D#2-F4)

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Bass (E2-E4)

More songs by the artist

Tonight (G2-C4)
User likes: Adriano Archer Maru
Voyeur (D#2-D#3)
User likes: Barnzm 5
Whispers (D#2-D#3)
User likes: Barnzm 5
Give Peace a Chance (G2-F3)
User likes: Noah Page
Bite Your Lip (C3-A3)
User likes: DocBat
All the Girls Love Alice (G#2-A#3)
User likes: joe
Levon (C2-F3)
User likes: Shannon Copeland
I Want Love (F#2-E3)
User likes: Bruno Gabriel
The One (B1-G3)
User likes: George Romaka
You Gotta Love Someone (D#2-D#3)
User likes: Barnzm 5
Electricity (C2-F#3)
User likes: Aaron Spiegel
In the Name of You (D#2-D#3)
User likes: Barnzm 5
Tower of Babel (A2-C4)
User likes: Momayray24
Weight of the World (D2-D#3)
User likes: Barnzm 5
Sad Songs (Say So Much) (F2-G3)
User likes: joe
Take Me to the Pilot (A2-A3)
User likes: Hope Mosher
Empty Garden (F2-A#3)
User likes: joe
Believe (E2-F3)
Grey Seal (F#2-A3)
Lady Samantha (F2-G3)
Little Jeannie (A2-A#3)
The Last Song (G1-F3)
Ego (E2-B3)
Nobody Wins (G1-D#2)
Country Comfort (F2-A3)
Looking Up (E2-F#3)
One Horse Town (F#2-C4)
Kiss the Bride (G2-C4)
Part-Time Love (G1-A3)
Madness (D2-D4)
Song for Guy (C2-B2)
Memory of Love (D2-G3)
El Dorado (F2-G3)
Nikita (G1-E3)
Too Many Tears (E2-E3)
Blue Eyes (C2-G3)
Home Again (D2-F3)
Roy Rogers (C2-A#3)
Legal Boys (F2-A#3)
Blessed (A1-D#3)
Blue Wonderful (E2-E3)
Healing Hands (F2-G3)
Never Too Late (D2-F3)
The Open Chord (C2-F3)
Island Girl (E2-A3)
Made for Me (A#1-F3)
Freaks In Love (F2-F3)
Hercules (D2-G3)
Michelle's Song (D2-A3)
In Neon (D#2-F3)
Sad (D#2-A3)
My Quicksand (C2-D#3)
Oceans Away (A#1-D#3)
No Valentines (G2-F3)
Grandma's Song (F1-A#2)
Sixty Years On (F#2-G3)
Harmony (A1-F#3)
My Father's Gun (A#1-C4)
Simple Life (C2-D#3)
Pinball Wizard (F2-C4)
Made In England (F2-G3)
Tambourine (D2-E3)
High Flying Bird (C#2-G#3)
Claw Hammer (C2-D3)
Hey Ahab (D#2-G3)
Honky Cat (D2-G#3)
Friends (F2-A3)
Chloe (C2-A3)
Princess (C2-A3)
Crocodile Rock (G2-C4)
Runaway Train (G1-D3)
Amazes Me (A#1-G3)
My Elusive Drug (D#2-G#3)
Shine (G1-B2)
Wrap Her Up (F#2-A3)
Curtains (D#2-G3)
Pain (G2-G3)
Monkey Suit (D2-F#3)
Please (B1-E3)
Amoreena (G2-G3)
The Diving Board (A#1-D3)
Border Song (E1-A2)
Circle of Life (A1-D3)
Ball and Chain (F2-A3)
Jack Rabbit (C2-G3)
Cold (C2-A#3)
Lies (D2-F3)
Whipping Boy (G#2-G#3)
Skyline Pigeon (C2-F3)
Gone To Shiloh (A1-F3)
Hello Hello (E2-B3)
Duets for One (D#2-F3)
Born To Boogie (G1-C3)
Indian Sunset (D2-G3)
Mellow (D2-A3)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.