Top 77 modern electric blues songs for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 modern electric blues songs, based on the votes of 53781 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Magic Sam - All Your Love (G2-C4)
76 Little Walter - My Babe (D#3-D#4)
75 Koko Taylor - Wang Dang Doodle (B3-E5)
74 Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Born With a Broken Heart (F3-A4)
73 Johnny Winter - I'm Yours and I'm Hers (C#3-C5)
72 Johnny Winter - Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (G#3-D5)
71 Johnny Winter - Be Careful With a Fool (D#3-G5)
70 Johnny Watson - Three Hours Past Midnight (D3-G4)
69 Johnny Lang - Red Light (D3-D5)
68 Johnny Lang - Living for the City (D3-F5)
67 Johnny Lang - Lie to Me (B3-B4)
66 John Lee Hooker - The Healer (G2-F4)
65 Joe Bonamassa - Woke Up Dreaming (C#3-G#4)
64 Joe Bonamassa - Walkin' Blues (A#2-G4)
63 Joe Bonamassa - Long Distance Blues (B2-G4)
62 Joe Bonamassa - Burning Hell (G#2-A#4)
61 Jimmie Vaughan - Six Strings Down (D#2-A#4)
60 Jimmie Vaughan - Dengue Woman Blues (F3-G#4)
59 Freddie King - You've Got To Love Her With a Feeling (F3-F4)
58 Freddie King - Someday, After Awhile (You'll Be Sorry) (D3-A4)
57 Freddie King - Lonesome Whistle Blues (D#3-C5)
56 Freddie King - I'm Tore Down (C3-C5)
55 Eric Clapton - Third Degree (A2-G4)
54 Eric Clapton - Me and the Devil Blues (E2-B4)
53 Eric Clapton - Love In Vain Blues (E3-F#4)
52 Eric Clapton - Groaning the Blues (A2-A4)
51 Eric Clapton - Five Long Years (F#3-G4)
50 Eric Clapton - Come on In My Kitchen (E3-G4)
49 Eddie Taylor - Big Town Playboy (A2-E4)
48 Derek Trucks - Sweet Inspiration (E3-G4)
47 Derek Trucks - Something To Make You Happy (E3-G4)
46 Derek Trucks - Maybe This Time (C#3-G#4)
45 Derek Trucks - Get What You Deserve (G3-B4)
44 Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown - Better Off With the Blues (D3-A4)
43 Canned Heat - On the Road Again (E3-G#4)
42 Canned Heat - Let's Work Together (G3-D4)
41 Buddy Guy - Mustang Sally (F2-A5)
40 Buddy Guy - Midnight Train (A2-C5)
39 Buddy Guy - Mary Had a Little Lamb (B2-B3)
38 Buddy Guy - Let Me Love You Baby (G3-C5)
37 Buddy Guy - Leave My Girl Alone (E3-G4)
36 Buddy Guy - I Smell a Rat (F#3-F#5)
35 Buddy Guy - D.J. Play My Blues (D#3-C5)
34 Bo Diddley - Before You Accuse Me (A3-A4)
33 Beth Hart - Tell Her You Belong To Me (D3-E5)
32 B.B. King - Woke Up This Morning (G3-A#4)
31 B.B. King - Why I Sing the Blues (G3-A4)
30 B.B. King - There Must Be a Better World Somewhere (F3-G#4)
29 B.B. King - Ten Long Years (D#3-C#5)
28 B.B. King - Sweet Sixteen (G3-G4)
27 B.B. King - Rock Me Baby (B2-G4)
26 B.B. King - Please Send Me Someone to Love (E2-D4)
25 B.B. King - Paying the Cost To Be the Boss (F#3-A4)
24 B.B. King - Nobody Loves Me But My Mother (F#3-F#4)
23 B.B. King - I Wanna Be (G#3-B4)
22 B.B. King - It's My Own Fault Darlin' (D3-D5)
21 B.B. King - Hold On, I'm Comin' (E3-C#5)
20 B.B. King - Cryin' Won't Help You (C3-C4)
19 B.B. King - Come Rain or Come Shine (C3-F4)
18 B.B. King - Chains and Things (A3-G4)
17 B.B. King - Ain't Nobody Home (D#3-G#4)
16 - Bad Influence (B3-G#5)
15 - All These Things (Bb3-Ab5)
14 Albert King - The Sky Is Crying (C#3-G#4)
13 Albert King - Laundromat Blues (D#3-A#4)
12 Albert King - Killing Floor (A2-G4)
11 Albert King - I'll Play the Blues for You (D3-F4)
10 Albert King - Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven (C#3-E4)
9 Albert King - Crosscut Saw (B2-E4)
8 Albert King - Born Under a Bad Sign (C3-E4)
7 Albert Collins - If You Love Me Like You Say (C3-G4)
6 Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had a Little Lamb (G#2-B3)
5 Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - Change It (E3-G4)
4 Jonny Lang - Dying To Live (F3-G5)
3 Elvin Bishop - Fooled Around and Fell in Love (F3-D#5)
2 B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone (F#3-A4)
1 B.B. King - Everyday I Have the Blues (G2-F4)