Top 77 contemporary country songs for tenor voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 contemporary country songs for tenor, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Billy Currington - Good Directions (C3-F4)
76 Billy Currington - Don't (D3-A4)
75 Bill Monroe - With Body and Soul (E3-A4)
74 Big & Rich - Save a Horse (E3-G#4)
73 Big & Rich - Lost in This Moment (G3-A4)
72 Big & Rich - Fake I.D. (C3-A4)
71 Big & Rich - Comin' To Your City (C3-A4)
70 Big & Rich - Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace (C#3-E4)
69 Big & Rich - 8th of November (D3-A4)
68 A Thousand Horses - Smoke (C3-A4)
67 Albert Lee - Country Boy (G3-G4)
66 Alan Jackson - Precious Memories (C3-C4)
65 Alan Jackson - Only Trust Him (Bb3-Bb4)
64 Alan Jackson - O, How I Love Jesus (B3-B4)
63 Alan Jackson - Mercury Blues (D3-F4)
62 Alan Jackson - Love Lifted Me (A3-B4)
61 Alan Jackson - Just As I Am (C3-C#4)
60 Alan Jackson - I Only Want You for Christmas (C3-D4)
59 Alan Jackson - Good Time (D3-E4)
58 Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee (C3-D4)
57 Alabama - You've Got the Touch (D3-E4)
56 Alabama - Why Lady Why (C3-G4)
55 Alabama - There's No Way (D#3-G4)
54 Alabama - Tennessee River (E3-E4)
53 Alabama - Song of the South (E3-E4)
52 Alabama - Sad Lookin' Moon (D3-D4)
51 Alabama - Old Alabama (C3-F#4)
50 Alabama - My Home's In Alabama (D3-D4)
49 Alabama - Love In the First Degree (C#3-F4)
48 Alabama - I Need Thee (C3-A#3)
47 Alabama - If You're Gonna Play In Texas (E3-C#4)
46 Alabama - I Am a Pilgrim (C3-C4)
45 Alabama - Hometown Honeymoon (C3-F#4)
44 Alabama - High Cotton (C3-E4)
43 Alabama - Here We Are (D3-G4)
42 Alabama - Give Me One More Shot (C#3-F4)
41 Alabama - Fallin' Again (C3-D4)
40 Alabama - Dixieland Delight (D3-E4)
39 Alabama - Close Enough To Perfect (C3-G4)
38 Alabama - Can the Circle Be Unbroken (D3-E4)
37 Aaron Lines - Waitin' on the Wonderful (C3-E4)
36 Tracy Byrd - The Keeper of the Stars (C3-A#4)
35 Tim McGraw - When the Stars Go Blue (A3-A#4)
34 Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dying (D3-F#4)
33 Taylor Henderson - Borrow My Heart (D#3-B4)
32 Restless Heart - I'll Still Be Loving You (D3-E4)
31 Rascal Flatts - To Make Her Love Me (D3-C5)
30 Rascal Flatts - Ellsworth (C3-A4)
29 Rascal Flatts - Easy (C#3-C5)
28 Phil Vassar - American Child (D3-A4)
27 Luke Bryan - Drunk on You (C#3-A4)
26 Luke Bryan - Drink a Beer (C#3-F4)
25 Lionel Richie - Deep River Woman (D#3-F4)
24 Lee Greenwood - The Pledge of Allegiance (D3-A4)
23 Keith Whitley - Don't Close Your Eyes (C3-D4)
22 Keith Urban - You'll Think of Me (D3-F#4)
21 Joe Nichols - The Impossible (C#3-E4)
20 George Strait - Carrying Your Love With Me (F3-D#4)
19 George Strait - Carried Away (C3-F4)
18 George Strait - Adalida (D3-D#4)
17 Cole Swindell - You Should Be Here (D3-E4)
16 Brooks & Dunn - My Heart Is Lost To You (F#3-F#4)
15 Brad Paisley - Southern Comfort Zone (E3-B4)
14 Ben Rue - I Can't Wait (Be My Wife) (D3-G4)
13 Angel Eyes - Good Morning Beautiful (D3-F#4)
12 Alan Jackson - Don't Rock the Jukebox (C3-E4)
11 Alabama - When We Make Love (D3-G4)
10 Alabama - Mountain Music (G3-D4)
9 Alabama - Love Lifted Me (F#3-F#4)
8 Zac Brown Band - Chicken Fried (D3-F#4)
7 Rascal Flatts - Every Day (D#3-C5)
6 Kenny Chesney - American Kids (D3-E4)
5 Rascal Flatts - Here Comes Goodbye (D3-B4)
4 Keith Urban - Tonight I Wanna Cry (D3-G4)
3 Alan Jackson - Remember When (D3-C#4)
2 Alan Jackson - I'll Fly Away (C3-D4)
1 Rascal Flatts - My Wish (E3-B4)