Top 77 brit pop songs for bass voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 brit pop songs for bass, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Radiohead - Fog (Again) (B2-C#4)
74 Placebo - Every You, Every Me (C#3-E4)
73 Placebo - Centrefolds (B2-D#4)
72 Oasis - The Shock of the Lightning (F#3-E4)
71 Oasis - The Nature of Reality (F2-D3)
70 Oasis - The Meaning of Soul (D3-E4)
69 Oasis - The Importance of Being Idle (G2-A3)
68 Oasis - Talk Tonight (D3-E4)
67 Oasis - Stand by Me (E3-E4)
65 Oasis - She Is Love (D3-E4)
64 Oasis - (Probably) All In the Mind (G3-E4)
63 Oasis - Mucky Fingers (A2-F#3)
62 Oasis - Married With Children (C3-E4)
61 Oasis - Lord Don't Slow Me Down (F#2-F#3)
60 Oasis - (It's Good) To Be Free (E3-E4)
59 Oasis - Half the World Away (C3-E4)
58 Oasis - Going Nowhere (E3-E4)
57 Oasis - D'Yer Wanna Be a Spaceman? (D3-E4)
56 Oasis - Cast No Shadow (G3-E4)
55 Oasis - Bring It on Down (A3-D4)
54 Oasis - Born on a Different Cloud (E3-E4)
53 Oasis - Better Man (C#3-C#4)
51 Muse - Screenager (G2-B3)
50 Manic Street Preachers - A Design for Life (G2-C4)
49 Kasabian - Shoot the Runner (G3-E4)
48 Kasabian - Seek & Destroy (G#3-C4)
47 Kasabian - Processed Beats (E3-E4)
42 Gomez - Whippin' Piccadilly (D#3-D#4)
41 Embrace - I Can't Come Down (D3-E4)
40 Elbow - Weather To Fly (G3-C4)
39 Elbow - The Birds (Reprise) (A2-G3)
38 Elbow - Puncture Repair (E3-E4)
37 Elbow - Jesus Is a Rochdale Girl (G2-E3)
36 Doves - There Goes the Fear (C3-C4)
35 Doves - The Cedar Room (D3-E4)
34 Doves - Catch the Sun (D#3-D#4)
33 David Gray - My Oh My (A#2-D4)
32 David Gray - Easy Way To Cry (C3-E4)
31 David Gray - December (C3-E4)
30 Damon Albarn - Closet Romantic (E3-A3)
29 Coldplay - Viva la Vida (A2-C4)
28 Coldplay - Violet Hill (B2-D#4)
27 Coldplay - The Goldrush (C3-D4)
26 Coldplay - Parachutes (E3-C#4)
25 Coldplay - I Bloom Blaum (D3-C#4)
24 Coldplay - Help Is Round the Corner (G#2-D#4)
22 Coldplay - God Put a Smile Upon Your Face (A2-C4)
21 Coldplay - Death Will Never Conquer (D#3-D#4)
19 Blur - Yuko and Hiro (G2-B3)
18 Blur - Under the Westway (F3-E4)
17 Blur - There's No Other Way (E3-D4)
16 Blur - She's So High (D3-E4)
15 Blur - Pressure on Julian (G2-D#4)
14 Blur - Oily Water (F#3-D#4)
13 Blur - He Thought of Cars (B2-B3)
8 The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony (E3-E4)
7 Professor Green - Read All About It (A2-B3)
5 David Gray - Please Forgive Me (C3-E4)
4 David Gray - Be Mine (A2-E4)
3 Coldplay - Wish I Was Here (E2-D3)
2 Coldplay - Lost? (Acoustic) (B2-E4)
1 Coldplay - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (G#2-C#4)