Top 71 CONTRALTO songs in Gb Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 71 songs in the Gb Major key for contralto suitable for karaoke and auditions, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
71 Wynonna Judd - Love By Grace (Gb3-E5)
70 Wicked - Defying Gravity (Ab3-F5)
69 Whitney Houston - Heartbreak Hotel (Gb3-Ab4)
68 Waitress: The Musical - It Only Takes a Taste (Bb3-Eb5)
67 Victor/Victoria - If I Were a Man (G3-A4)
64 The Spice Girls - Viva Forever (Gb3-Bb4)
63 Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me (Gb3-Db5)
62 Stephanie Poetri - I Love You 3000 (Ab3-Eb5)
61 Sandi Patty - No Place To Lay My Head (Gb3-Db5)
60 Ryn Weaver - Octahate (Gb3-Eb5)
58 Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love (Db4-Db5)
57 Regina Spektor - Dance Anthem of the 80's (Ab3-Db5)
56 Reba McEntire - Just like Them Horses (Gb3-Cb5)
55 Point of Grace - Promise My Prayers (Bb3-Eb5)
54 Point of Grace - Gone Are the Dark Days (Gb3-Db5)
53 Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You (F3-Bb4)
52 Olivia Rodrigo - happier (Gb3-Db5)
51 Nicole C. Mullen - Let Me Go (Gb3-Bb4)
50 Natalie Grant - Wonderful Life (Ab3-Eb5)
49 Natalie Grant - I Desire (Bb3-F5)
48 Natalie Grant - Clean (Gb3-Cb5)
47 Mindy Gledhill - Crazy Love (Ab3-Db5)
45 Madison Beer - Melodies (Gb3-Db5)
44 Madilyn Bailey - Wake Me Up (Gb3-Eb5)
43 Lorde - Million Dollar Bills (Db4-Bb4)
42 Laura Story - Friend of Sinners (Gb3-Cb5)
41 Kristin Chenoweth - Silver Bells (Bb3-C5)
39 Kate Miller-Heidke - Out and In (Bb3-F5)
38 Kari Jobe - Run To You (I Need You) (Db4-Eb5)
37 Kari Jobe - Let Your Glory Fall (Gb3-Cb5)
36 Kari Jobe - Hands To the Heavens (Ab3-Bb4)
35 Kari Jobe - Breathe on Us (Bb3-Cb5)
34 Joy Williams - Up (Gb3-Db5)
33 Joy Williams - No Less (Bb3-Eb5)
32 Joni Mitchell - Both Sides, Now (Gb3-Cb5)
31 Jennifer Hudson - I Can't Let Go (2015 Oscars Version) (Ab3-E5)
30 Janet Jackson - Anything (Bb3-Cb5)
29 Hope - He Wasn't You (Ab3-C5)
28 Helena Bonham Carter - Wait (Ab3-Db5)
27 Freya Ridings - Blackout (Ab3-Eb5)
26 Ester Dean - Crazy Youngsters (Gb3-Db5)
25 Diana Krall - Body and Soul (A3-F5)
24 Danielle Bradbery - The Heart of Dixie (Ab3-Db5)
23 Crystal Lewis - Why (Gb3-Db5)
22 Cindy Morgan - When I Heal (Ab3-Db5)
20 Cher - DJ Play a Christmas Song (Gb3-C5)
18 Beyoncé - If I Were a Boy (Gb3-Db5)
17 Beth Orton - Sweetest Decline (F3-Db5)
16 Beth Orton - Pass In Time (Ab3-Db5)
13 Amélie: The Musical - Sister's Pickle (Gb3-Db5)
12 3 Postcards - The Picture In the Hall (Bb3-E5)
11 Waitress: The Musical - What Baking Can Do (Bb3-Eb5)
10 The Spice Girls - 2 Become 1 (Gb3-Bb4)
9 Sandi Patty - In His Presence (Bb3-D5)
8 Mary Lambert - When You Sleep (Gb3-Eb5)
7 Laura Story - What a Savior (Ab3-Db5)
6 Joy Williams - Say Goodbye (Ab3-Db5)
5 Jennifer Hudson - I Can't Let Go (G3-E5)
4 Francesca Battistelli - Hundred More Years (Gb3-Db5)
3 Legally Blonde: The Musical - So Much Better (Gb3-Eb5)
2 Bea Miller - Young Blood (F3-Eb5)
1 Lauren Alaina - Like My Mother Does (Gb3-Eb5)