Top 77 SOPRANO songs in G Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 songs in the G Major key for soprano suitable for karaoke and auditions, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe - I Wish I Knew (C4-E5)
76 Billie Holiday - Laughing At Life (D4-E5)
75 Billie Holiday - Just One More Chance (D4-E5)
74 Bethany Dillon - On the Third Day (G4-G5)
73 Barbra Streisand - It Must Have Been the Mistletoe (D4-G5)
72 Barbara Mandrell - I Will Glory In the Cross (D4-E5)
71 Avril Lavigne - Who Knows (C4-D5)
69 Avalon - Can't Live a Day (C4-G5)
68 Avalon - Always Have, Always Will (C4-G5)
67 Audrey Mieir - When You Pray (D4-D5)
66 Audrey Hepburn - How Long Has This Been Going on? (D4-E5)
64 Arctic Monkeys - If You Were There, Beware (D4-E5)
62 Annie - You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile (D4-E5)
61 Annette Hanshaw - Ain't That a Grand and Glorious Feeling (D4-E5)
60 Anne Stratton Miller - It (D4-E5)
59 Anne Murray & Dave Loggins - Nobody Loves Me Like You Do (D4-A5)
58 Amy Winehouse - Xxxx Me Pumps (E4-F5)
57 Amy Sky - Lecha Dodi (E4-B5)
56 A Little Night Music - Remember? (C#4-G5)
55 Alison Krauss - In the Palm of Your Hand (F#4-B5)
54 Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again (D4-E5)
53 Alicia Keys - Girlfriend (D4-C6)
52 A Kingdom for a Cow - As Long As I Love (C#4-G5)
51 Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now (D4-E5)
50 Three of Hearts - The Christmas Shoes (D4-G#5)
49 The Seekers - Five Hundred Miles (D4-E5)
48 The Indian Queen - I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly (C#4-E5)
47 The Baker's Wife - Proud Lady (D4-G5)
46 Stephanie Mills - Ease on Down the Road (D4-G5)
45 Myhanh Tran - Good Company (C4-A4)
44 Marilyn Monroe - (I'm Just) A Little Girl From Little Rock (C4-E5)
43 Lynn Deshazo - Ancient Words (D4-D5)
42 Leona Lewis - Better in Time (C4-B5)
41 Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song (C4-E5)
40 Kate Wolf - Give Yourself To Love (D4-E5)
39 Judy Garland - How About You? (E4-E5)
38 Judy Garland - For Me and My Gal (C#4-D5)
36 Jackie Evancho - O Mio Babbino Caro (D4-G5)
35 Indigo Girls - Power of Two (G4-C6)
34 Ilene Woods - So This Is Love (The Cinderella Waltz) (D4-B5)
33 Hillsong Kids - Trust and Obey (D4-G5)
31 Girl Crazy - Embraceable You (D4-E5)
30 Funny Lady - Isn't This Better? (F#4-B5)
29 Enya - Orinoco Flow (G4-G5)
28 Cinderella [Rodgers & Hammerstein] - A Lovely Night (D4-D5)
27 Charlotte Church - Suo Gan (G4-G5)
26 Charlotte Church - From My First Moment (D4-Gb5)
25 Celine Dion - Adeste Fideles (O Come, All Ye Faithful) (C4-Eb5)
23 Billie Holiday - It Had to Be You (D4-E5)
22 Billie Holiday - I Can't Give You Anything But Love (D#4-E5)
21 Be Good! Lady - Oh, Lady Be Good! (D4-E5)
20 Avril Lavigne - Goodbye (D4-D5)
19 Avalon - Come and Fill My Heart (C4-E5)
18 Aretha Franklin - Dr. Feelgood (Love Is a Serious Business) (D4-F5)
17 Anne Murray - You Needed Me (D4-G5)
16 Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain High (D4-F#5)
14 Laura Story - Mighty to Save (D4-D5)
13 Judy Garland - I Wish I Were in Love Again (C4-C#5)
11 Doris Day - The Black Hills of Dakota (D4-E5)
10 Darlene Zschech - Worthy Is the Lamb (D4-A5)
9 Birdy - Without a Word (D4-C5)
8 Bananarama - Venus (D4-B4)
7 Natalie MacMaster - Touch of the Master's Hand (C4-E5)
6 Julie Andrews - A Spoonful of Sugar (C#4-E5)
5 Celtic Woman - The Voice (D4-B5)
4 Birdy - Wings (Acoustic Version) (D4-D5)
3 Barbara Harris - Gorgeous (C4-D5)
2 Amy Grant - I Need a Silent Night (D4-B5)