Top 77 CONTRALTO songs in Ab Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 songs in the Ab Major key for contralto suitable for karaoke and auditions, based on the votes of 55122 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Britney Spears - Shadow (Ab3-Db5)
76 BLACKPINK - As if it's your last (F3-C#5)
75 Birdy - Wild Horses (F3-Eb5)
74 Birdy - Open Your Heart (Bb3-C5)
73 Billie Holiday - Stormy Blues (Ab3-Bb4)
72 Billie Holiday - Some Other Spring (Ab3-Ab4)
71 Billie Holiday - Somebody's on My Mind (Bb3-Bb4)
70 Bianca Ryan - Pray for a Better Day (F3-E5)
69 Beyoncé - Green Light (C4-F5)
68 Bette Midler - The Gift of Love (Ab3-D5)
67 Bette Midler - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (G3-C5)
66 Berlin - Take My Breath Away (Bb3-Eb5)
65 Barbra Streisand - Who Are You Now? (Bb3-Db5)
64 Barbra Streisand - I Remember (Ab3-C5)
63 Barbra Streisand - He Touched Me (Ab3-Eb5)
62 Barbra Steisand - What Kind of Fool (F3-G4)
61 Barbra Steisand - Some Other Time (G3-C5)
60 Barbra Steisand - A Sleepin' Bee (C4-F5)
59 Avril Lavigne - Hot (G3-F5)
58 Aurora - Half the World Away (Ab3-C5)
57 Audrey Assad - Show Me (Ab3-Db5)
56 Anne-Marie - Perfect to Me (F3-Ab4)
55 Angela Lansbury - He Needs Me (G3-C5)
54 And the Angels Sing - It Could Happen to You (C4-D5)
53 Andrea Burns - BTW Write Back (Ab3-C5)
52 Amy Grant - The Next Time I Fall (Ab3-C#5)
51 Amy Grant - Oh How the Years Go By (F3-Db5)
49 Alphabet City Cycle - I Hardly Remember (Ab3-E5)
48 Alisa Turner - Psalm 13 (Ab3-Ab4)
47 Alanis Morissette - Spineless (Gb3-C5)
46 Alanis Morissette - Eight Easy Steps (Ab3-C5)
45 A Fine Frenzy - Electric Twist (Ab3-Eb5)
44 A Fine Frenzy - Blow Away (Ab3-Eb5)
43 Adele - To Be Loved (Ab3-Eb5)
42 702 - Where My Girls At? (F3-Bb4)
41 Victor/Victoria - The Shady Dame From Seville (F3-F5)
40 Twila Paris - This Thorn (Ab3-E5)
39 t.A.T.u. - All the Things She Said (F4-Db5)
38 Tasha Cobbs Leonard - Fill Me Up (Ab3-Db5)
37 Shirley Horn - Here's To Life (Bb3-F5)
36 Ruth B - Superficial Love (F3-Bb4)
35 Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend (C4-Eb5)
34 Reba McEntire - Consider Me Gone (Ab3-Eb5)
33 Paloma Faith - Black and Blue (F3-Db5)
32 KT Tunstall - Hopeless (F3-C5)
31 Kari Jobe - Savior's Here (Ab3-Eb5)
30 Frozen - More Than Just the Spare (Ab3-D5)
29 Francesca Battistelli - Strangely Dim (Ab3-Eb5)
27 Faith Hill - There You'll Be (Ab3-Eb5)
26 Ella Henderson - Give Your Heart Away (Ab3-Eb5)
25 Deborah Cox - Nobody's Supposed To Be Here (C4-E5)
24 Coco Lee - Before I Fall In Love (F3-F5)
23 Chicago Mass Choir - Thank You, Thank You, Jesus (Eb4-Eb5)
22 Charlotte Church - Bali Hai (Eb4-F5)
21 Celine Dion - If I Could (Ab3-D5)
20 Carrie Underwood - I Told You So (Ab3-Db5)
19 Carol Richards - One Alone (C4-F5)
18 Britt Nicole - Gold (Ab3-F5)
17 Bette Midler - My One True Friend (G3-C#5)
16 Barbra Streisand - What Did I Have That I Don't Have? (Ab3-C5)
15 Barbra Streisand - One God (Ab3-Eb5)
14 A Wonderful Life - Christmas Gifts (Bb3-Eb5)
12 Once Upon a Mattress - Shy (Bb3-C5)
11 Martina McBride - Concrete Angel (Ab3-Db5)
10 Hannah Montana - I'll Always Remember You (Ab3-Eb5)
9 Amy Grant - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Ab3-C#5)
8 Allison Crowe - Hallelujah (Ab3-C5)
7 Susan Boyle - Wild Horses (F3-C5)
6 Katy Perry - Not like the Movies (F3-Eb5)
5 Kari Jobe - What Love Is This (Ab3-Db5)
4 Demi Lovato - Lightweight (Ab3-Eb5)
3 Sara Bareilles - When He Sees Me (G3-Eb5)
2 Eva Cassidy - Over the Rainbow (Ab3-Eb5)
1 Helena Bonham Carter - The Worst Pies In London (Bb3-D5)