Top 58 gospel songs in Gb Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 58 gospel songs in Gb Major key, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
58 Walter Hawkins - Jesus Christ Is the Way (C#3-F4)
57 The Perrys - This Old Sinner Testifies (Ab3-Bb4)
56 The Hoppers - We Are America (Gb3-G5)
55 The Hoppers - Come See Me (Bb3-D5)
54 Steven Curtis Chapman - Parent's Prayer (C#3-F4)
53 Natalie Grant - I Desire (Bb3-F5)
52 Natalie Grant - Clean (Gb3-Cb5)
50 Laura Story - Friend of Sinners (Gb3-Cb5)
49 Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise - When I Think About You (D#3-A#4)
48 Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise - Stand Up on Your Feet (A#2-A#3)
47 Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise - It's All About the Love (C#3-D#4)
46 Kari Jobe - Hands To the Heavens (Ab3-Bb4)
45 Kari Jobe - Breathe on Us (Bb3-Cb5)
44 John P. Kee - Thursday Love (A#2-A#4)
43 John P. Kee - Sakiya's Song (C#3-C#5)
42 John P. Kee - Right Here (D3-C5)
41 John P. Kee & New Life Community Choir - Mighty God (C#3-D#4)
40 John P. Kee - Never (C#3-C5)
39 John P. Kee - I Bow Out (G#2-A#4)
38 John P. Kee - Dancin' (D#3-C#5)
37 JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise - You Deserve It (D#2-A#3)
36 - I See You (Eb4-Db6)
35 Hillsong Worship - Who You Say I Am (Live) (F#2-C4)
34 Hezekiah Walker - It Shall Come To Pass (G#2-F4)
33 - Hallowed (Gb3-Db5)
32 Greater Vision - I Choose (C#3-G#4)
31 Godspell - Beautiful City (Db4-Eb5)
30 Gaither Vocal Band - I'll Tell It Wherever I Go (F#2-D#4)
29 Gaither Vocal Band - Glorious Impossible (G#2-F#4)
28 Fred Hammond - That Ain't Nothin' (C#3-A#4)
27 Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ - I Want My Destiny (Live) (D#3-A#4)
26 Fred Hammond - His Name Is Jesus (C#3-C5)
25 Fred Hammond - God Has Been Good (C#3-C#5)
24 Fred Hammond - A Song of Strength (F#2-F#4)
23 F.C. Barnes - Rough Side of the Mountain (F#2-C#4)
22 Donald Lawrence & the Tri-City Singers - Stranger (Remix) (D#2-A#2)
21 Donald Lawrence & the Tri-City Singers - And Yet I'm Still Saved (F#2-A#4)
20 David Crowder Band - God of Wrath (G2-D#4)
19 Daryl Coley - II Chronicles (C#2-D#4)
18 Cindy Morgan - When I Heal (Ab3-Db5)
17 Cindy Morgan - The March (Eb3-Gb5)
16 Byron Cage - Special Place (C#2-G#4)
15 Anointed - Life Is a Dream (Gb3-F#5)
14 Anointed - God Is All Around (Db4-F#5)
13 4Him - Through His Eyes (C#3-C5)
12 4Him - He Will Be There for You (F3-G#4)
11 Yolanda Adams - My Everything (Eb4-Gb5)
10 The Gaithers - Christmas In the Country (A#2-G#4)
9 Sandi Patty - Let There Be Praise (Ab3-Ab5)
8 Sandi Patty - In His Presence (Bb3-D5)
7 Marvin Sapp - The Hymns Medley (C#3-C#5)
6 Laura Story - What a Savior (Ab3-Db5)
4 Joy Williams - Say Goodbye (Ab3-Db5)
3 Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - All I Want Is You, Lord (Db4-E5)
2 John P. Kee - I Do Worship (A#2-E4)
1 Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - I Thirst (F#2-A3)