Top 77 contemporary gospel songs in G Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 contemporary gospel songs in G Major key, based on the votes of 54327 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Hillsong - In the Silence (D4-D5)
76 Hillsong - I'm Not Ashamed (E4-E5)
75 Hillsong - I Give You My Heart (D4-C5)
74 Hillsong - Here To Eternity (C4-D5)
72 Hillsong - God of Ages (E4-C5)
68 Hillsong - Alive In Us (A3-B4)
67 Hezekiah Walker - 99 1/2 (D3-D5)
66 Heather Headley - I Wish (G3-D5)
64 Ginny Owens - To Trust You (F#3-B4)
63 Ginny Owens - The Hand (B3-F#5)
62 Ginny Owens - I Know Who You Are (G3-B4)
61 Ginny Owens - Always (Eb3-C5)
60 Geron Davis & Kindred Souls - I Thank You (A3-Db5)
59 Fred Hammond - Your Name Is Jesus (F2-C5)
58 FFH - Spirit of the Living God (F#4-D5)
57 Fernando Ortega - Winter Song (G2-E4)
56 Elvis Presley - Amazing Grace (D3-E4)
55 Donnie McClurkin - Create In Me a Clean Heart (D3-E4)
54 Don Moen - I Want To Be Where You Are (C3-D4)
53 Don Moen - Emmanuel Has Come (A2-C#4)
52 David Meece - Over You (B2-E4)
51 Darlene Zschech - The Potter's Hand (G3-C5)
50 Darlene Zschech - God Is In the House (D4-D5)
49 Darlene Zschech - Faithful (G3-C#5)
48 Darlene Zschech - Dreams (G3-Bb4)
47 Christ For The Nations - All of Me (G2-C5)
46 Charlie Hall - Your Glory Endures Forever (G2-B4)
45 Charlie Hall - I Will Overcome (E2-G4)
44 Cece Winans - No One Else (E3-D5)
43 Cece Winans - It Wasn't Easy (G3-D5)
42 Carrie Underwood - Something in the Water (G3-D5)
41 Bruce Carroll - More Love To Thee (C3-D4)
40 Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers - Jesus Will Make a Way (G3-G5)
39 Black Nativity - Motherless Child (D4-D6)
38 Bebo Norman - The Middle (D3-D4)
37 Bebe Winans - All of Me (C3-G4)
36 Bart Millard - My Jesus, I Love Thee / 'Tis So Sweet (D3-C5)
35 Barbara Mandrell - He Grew the Tree (B3-D5)
34 Babbie Mason - This Heart of Mine (G2-D4)
33 Babbie Mason - So Much More To Come (G2-D4)
32 Babbie Mason - It Must Be Love (E2-D#4)
31 Babbie Mason - All In Favor (G2-E4)
30 Anointed - Walking In the Light (D4-G5)
28 Anointed - Send Out a Prayer (D4-E5)
27 Andraé Crouch - This Is Another Day (G2-A4)
26 Andraé Crouch - Perfect Peace (D3-G4)
25 Andraé Crouch - Mercy (G2-G4)
24 Andraé Crouch - Give It All Back To Me (A#2-G4)
23 4Him - Real Thing (D3-B4)
22 4Him - Lay It All on the Line (D3-A#4)
21 4Him - Great Awakening (D3-B4)
20 Tye Tribbett - Chasing After You (D3-E4)
19 The Hemphills - Consider the Lilies (C4-C5)
18 The Crabb Family - The Reason That I'm Standing (C3-E4)
17 - Strong Enough (G3-E5)
16 Shirley Caesar - No Charge (G3-A4)
15 Reuben Morgan - Mighty to Save (D3-D4)
14 John P. Kee - Stand! (D#3-G4)
13 Hillsong - You Are My Strength (D4-D5)
12 Hillsong - God He Reigns / All I Need Is You (A3-D5)
11 Gordon Mote - Ain't Gonna Give Up on God (D3-F#4)
10 Gaither Vocal Band - He's a Personal Savior (D3-D4)
9 Cece Winans - Mercy Said No (G3-F5)
8 Andraé Crouch - Mighty Wind (G2-D4)
7 Matthew West - Only Grace (G2-E4)
6 Martha Munizzi - Because of Who You Are (A3-F5)
5 Mandisa - He Will Come (G3-D5)
4 Israel Houghton - Hosanna (Be Lifted Higher) (F#2-F4)
3 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Changed By a Baby Boy (D4-F#5)
2 Walter Hawkins - Thank You (E2-D4)
1 Cece Winans - Alabaster Box (G3-D5)