Top 77 hard rock songs in F Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 hard rock songs in F Major key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Styx - The Grand Illusion (G#2-A#3)
76 Styx - Show Me the Way (F3-A4)
75 Stone Temple Pilots - Sour Girl (F3-G4)
74 Stone Temple Pilots - Down (C3-C5)
70 Rush - Speed of Love (A#2-A#4)
67 Queensryche - I Don't Believe In Love (C3-D5)
65 Queen - Keep Yourself Alive (G#3-G#4)
64 Queen - Don't Stop Me Now (F3-A#4)
63 Pink Floyd - Shine on You Crazy Diamond (F2-A#4)
62 Pearl Jam - Nothingman (A2-A4)
61 Pat Benatar - We Belong (F3-C5)
60 Pat Benatar - Treat Me Right (A3-F5)
59 Pat Benatar - Promises In the Dark (F3-A5)
58 Neil Young - The Campaigner (E3-F4)
57 Neil Young - Running Dry (C3-D4)
56 Neil Young - New Mama (D3-F#4)
55 Neil Young - Hold Back the Tears (F3-G4)
54 Neil Young - Ambulance Blues (G2-D4)
53 Lynyrd Skynyrd - You Got That Right (F3-C5)
52 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Travellin' Man (D3-A4)
51 Lynyrd Skynyrd - The Ballad of Curtis Loew (C3-A4)
50 Living Colour - Cult of Personality (G3-A4)
49 Limp Bizkit - Show Me What You Got (D#4-G#5)
48 Limp Bizkit - Getcha Groove On (D3-D4)
47 Led Zeppelin - When the Levee Breaks (F3-D#5)
46 Led Zeppelin - For Your Life (F3-C#5)
45 Led Zeppelin - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp (F3-D5)
44 Journey - Walks Like a Lady (G3-C5)
43 - Join Together (C5-F6)
42 Jet - Look What You've Done (E3-A4)
41 Jethro Tull - Skating Away (on the Thin Ice of a New Day) (C3-F4)
40 Jethro Tull - Nothing Is Easy (G2-F4)
39 Jeff Beck - I Ain't Superstitious (A#3-A#4)
38 Heart - What About Love (D4-D6)
37 Heart - Little Queen (C4-E5)
36 Funeral for a Friend - Monsters (F3-A#4)
35 Firehouse - When I Look Into Your Eyes (C3-C#5)
34 Firehouse - Love of a Lifetime (C3-A4)
33 Elton John - I Swear I Heard the Night Talkin' (C2-G3)
30 Derek & the Dominos - Layla (B3-F#5)
29 Def Leppard - Love Bites (G3-F5)
28 Def Leppard - Let's Get Rocked (C3-C#5)
27 Deep Purple - Lazy (G3-F#5)
26 David Lee Roth - Shy Boy (A3-E5)
25 David Bowie - All the Madmen (C3-G4)
24 Crazy Horse - War of Man (D3-F4)
23 Crazy Horse - F"!#in' Up (C4-F4)
21 Bruce Springsteen - No Surrender (D3-F4)
20 Bon Jovi - My Guitar Lies Bleeding in My Arms (C3-C4)
19 Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs - It's Almost Summer (D3-C5)
18 Billy Squier - The Stroke (D4-G6)
17 Bad Wolves - Zombie (D3-G4)
16 Bad Company - Movin' On (E3-A5)
15 12 Stones - The Way I Feel (F3-F4)
13 12 Stones - Photograph (F3-A4)
11 12 Stones - In My Head (E3-A#5)
9 Winger - Headed for a Heartbreak (C3-A#4)
8 Uncle Kracker - Follow Me (C3-F4)
7 Todd Rundgren - We Got To Get You a Woman (D3-A#4)
6 The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night (F3-F4)
5 Santana - Everybody's Everything (G#3-A4)
4 Neil Young - Deep Forbidden Lake (C3-D4)
3 Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell (C3-C5)
2 Warren Zevon - Accidentally Like a Martyr (A#2-F4)
1 Mötley Crüe - Home Sweet Home (A3-A#4)