Neil Young - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Neil Young vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

C1 - D6 (5.2 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
No Wonder (C1-G1)
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
Carmichael (D3-D6)
User likes: Ellen MacPherson

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Bass (E2-E4)

Baritone (A2-A4)

Tenor (C3-C5)

How to learn singing like Neil Young

Read our educational guide on how to sing like Neil Young including explanations of which vocal techniques to use and how to practice them.

Learn how to sing like Neil Young

More songs by the artist

Old Man (A2-A4)
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Helpless (A3-F#4)
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Devil's Sidewalk (A3-D6)
User likes: Ellen MacPherson
Journey Thru the Past (G3-G4)
User likes: Katie Langon
Big Green Country (A3-F#4)
User likes: TotallyMeagan
Pocohantas (C3-E4)
User likes: Oliver rankine
Harvest (D3-D4)
User likes: Oliver rankine
Goin' Back (F#3-C4)
User likes: Patricia Kelly
Harvest Moon (C3-E4)
User likes: Test
Crime In the City (F2-E3)
User likes: AJ
Let's Roll (D3-G4)
Borrowed Tune (F3-G4)
Birds (E3-G4)
Two Old Friends (E3-F#4)
This Old Guitar (A2-F#4)
Barstool Blues (G#3-A4)
Peace of Mind (E3-E4)
Differently (D3-E4)
Downtown (F#3-E4)
The Painter (D3-G4)
Danger Bird (D3-A4)
Sea of Madness (F1-B4)
Oh, Lonesome Me (E3-F#4)
Already One (D3-D4)
It's a Dream (G3-G4)
Peace and Love (G#3-G#4)
Long May You Run (D3-F#4)
Shock and Awe (B2-E4)
Stringman (G2-D4)
Sugar Mountain (G3-F4)
Transformer Man (A3-C5)
Song X (D3-E4)
Sun Green (D3-C6)
Dreamin' Man (G3-D4)
Prairie Wind (E3-B4)
Roger and Out (G2-E4)
Ocean Girl (B3-G4)
Albuquerque (A2-G3)
Truth Be Known (C#3-B3)
Pardon My Heart (C3-D4)
Running Dry (C3-D4)
Hey Babe! (D3-E4)
Speakin' Out (F#3-F#4)
Familes (D3-A4)
Wonderin' (E4-E5)
My My, Hey Hey (G3-G4)
Bandit (A2-A4)
Soldier (A3-A4)
Mellow My Mind (A2-C4)
There's a World (F3-D#4)
Unknown Legend (C3-B4)
Sedan Delivery (E3-G#4)
I Believe In You (C#3-A#4)
Sail Away (D3-E4)
Be the Rain (G3-F4)
She's a Healer (B2-F#5)
Broken Arrow (D3-A4)
Ride My Llama (D3-G#4)
The Campaigner (E3-F4)
On the Beach (A3-A4)
Time Fades Away (C#3-A4)
Vampire Blues (E3-E4)
Powderfinger (G3-G4)
Winterlong (G3-C5)
Homegrown (B2-B3)
Goin' Home (A3-B5)
Be With You (G3-F5)
Drive Back (G3-C#4)
Natural Beauty (D3-G4)
Welfare Mothers (B2-A3)
Driftin' Back (D4-E5)
I'm the Ocean (F#3-E4)
Lookin' for a Love (C#3-F#4)
Comes a Time (G3-F4)
Let It Shine (B2-C#4)
Ambulance Blues (G2-D4)
Ohio (G3-A#4)
Act of Love (B3-F#4)
Fallen Angel (E3-E4)
Last Dance (D3-G#4)
Don't Be Denied (A3-A4)
Alabama (G3-G#4)
Southern Man (A3-A4)
Bite the Bullet (E3-D4)
Lookout Joe (A2-F#4)
New Mama (D3-F#4)
Walk On (E3-G#4)
Double E (D3-A5)
You're My Girl (F3-A4)
The Bridge (F3-F4)
Thrasher (B2-B3)
Hey Hey, My My (A#3-G4)
Motion Pictures (G2-A3)
Round & Round (F#3-G#4)
Cinnamon Girl (D3-E4)
Tell Me Why (D1-B1)
Human Highway (E3-E4)
Living With War (C3-C5)
Fontainebleau (E3-E4)
Motorcycle Mama (G#2-E4)
Scenery (G3-G4)
Love In Mind (C3-F4)
Lotta Love (D3-G4)
Country Girl (C3-A#4)
Stupid Girl (E3-G#4)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.