77 best CONTEMPORARY songs in E Major for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 77 contemporary songs in E Major Key for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 77 contemporary songs in E Major key, based on the votes of 53763 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

77 Alabama - Lonesome Valley (B2-G#3)

76 Alabama - Forty Hour Week (B2-E4)

75 Alabama - Born Country (B2-C#4)

74 Air Supply - Two Less Lonely People In the World (E3-G#4)

73 Air Supply - Chances (E3-B4)

72 Adele - Need You Now (G#3-B4)

71 Adele - All I Ask (E3-D5)

70 A Chorus Line - Nothing (B3-B4)

69 - Aces (A3-G#4)

68 4Him - As Long As My Heart Knows It's You (B2-F5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

67 Whitney Houston - I Look To You (E3-E5)

66 The Prince of Egypt - Through Heaven's Eyes (B2-G#4)

65 The Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces (G#3-A4)

64 The Band Perry - I Saw a Light (A3-G#5)

63 Taylor Swift - Crazier (E3-B4)

62 Susan Ashton - Love Will Be Our Home (B3-E5)

61 Shannon Noll - What About Me (C#3-B4)

60 Seal - Lips Like Sugar (B2-F#4)

59 Sam Smith - Lay Me Down [Comic Relief Version] (C#4-C#6)

58 Robbie Williams - Blasphemy (B2-B4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

57 Ray Boltz - Fallen, Not Forgotten (B2-E4)

56 Rascal Flatts - Come Wake Me Up (G#2-B4)

55 Point of Grace - Gather At the River (B3-C#5)

54 Phillips Craig & Dean - Top of My Lungs (C#3-G#4)

53 Natalie Grant - In Better Hands (G#3-D#5)

52 Nashville (TV Series) - No One Will Ever Love You (E3-B4)

51 Myra - Miracles Happen (G#3-F5)

50 Musiq - Dontchange (B2-F#4)

49 Miranda Lambert - Dead Flowers (G#3-B4)

48 Maxwell - Pretty Wings (B2-C#5)

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47 Mary Beth Carlson - All Is Well (E4-C#5)

46 Maria Muldaur - Midnight at the Oasis (A4-E6)

45 Mariah Carey - O Holy Night (E3-F#5)

44 Mariah Carey - #Beautiful (B3-G#5)

43 Margaret Becker - Deep Calling Deep (B3-C#5)

42 Luke Bryan - Rain Is a Good Thing (B2-G#4)

41 Luke Bryan - Country Man (B2-G#4)

40 Kenny Chesney - Anything But Mine (B2-E4)

39 John Mayer - I Don't Need No Doctor (D3-E5)

38 James Taylor - Belfast To Boston (B2-D4)

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37 James Bond 007: Octopussy - All Time High (E4-Cb6)

36 Hillsong - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (E4-C#5)

35 Hillsong - I Bow My Knee (D#4-E5)

34 Hillsong - Here I Am to Worship / Call (E4-B4)

33 Hillary Scott & The Scott Family - Still (E3-B4)

32 Harry Nilsson - Without You (C#3-B4)

31 Ginny Owens - Free (G#3-D#5)

30 George Strait - You'll Be There (G#2-C#4)

29 George Michael - Jesus To a Child (F#2-F#4)

28 Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (D3-E5)

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27 Faith Hill - Paris (E3-A4)

26 Eric Carmen - Make Me Lose Control (E3-B4)

25 Dwight Yoakam - I Sang Dixie (B2-E4)

24 Dennis Jernigan - We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory (G#2-C#4)

23 Darius Rucker - This (B2-E4)

22 Chris LeDoux - Cadillac Ranch (E2-E4)

21 Carrie Underwood - The Night Before (B3-C#5)

20 Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers - The Lamb Has Overcome (Ab3-F#5)

19 Brad Paisley - Southern Comfort Zone (E3-B4)

18 Big Time Rush - Worldwide (B2-B4)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

17 Big Daddy Weave - What I Was Made For (B2-E4)

16 Beth Nielsen Chapman - Say Goodnight (F#3-B4)

15 Andy Griggs - If Heaven (A2-E4)

14 Amy Winehouse - Me & Mr Jones (E3-B4)

13 Phillips Craig & Dean - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (F#2-E4)

12 Nashville Cast - When the Right One Comes Along (B3-C#5)

11 Josh Groban - Brave (B2-G#4)

10 Carrie Underwood - Look At Me (A3-A5)

9 Alison Krauss - Simple Love (G#3-B4)

8 The Crabb Family - I Sure Miss You (B2-E4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

7 Sugarland - Stay (G#3-B4)

6 Israel & New Breed - Again I Say Rejoice (B2-E4)

5 Barry Manilow - When October Goes (G#2-E4)

4 Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry on Their Own (E3-B4)

3 k.d. lang - Hallelujah (E2-A3)

2 Rascal Flatts - My Wish (E3-B4)

1 Charles Jenkins - Awesome (B2-A3)

See also

Top 77 songs in E Major key

Top 77 contemporary songs