77 best ALTERNATIVE CCM songs in A Major for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 77 alternative ccm songs in A Major Key for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 77 alternative ccm songs in A Major key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

77 Jeremy Camp - Jesus Saves (A2-F#4)

76 Jars of Clay - The Edge of Water (F#2-G#6)

75 Jars of Clay - Sing (C#3-F#4)

74 Jars of Clay - Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet (A2-B3)

73 Jars of Clay - I'm In the Way (B2-A4)

72 Jars of Clay - Fly (B2-A4)

71 Jars of Clay - Even Angels Cry (D3-A4)

70 Jars of Clay - Disappear (G#2-G#4)

69 Jars of Clay - Crazy Times (E3-F#4)

68 Jamie Grace - Not Alone (E3-C#5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

67 Jamie Grace - Come to Me (E3-D5)

66 Jaci Velasquez - Something Beautiful (F#3-F#5)

65 Hillsong - Your Name High (A4-G#5)

64 Hillsong United - Look To You (E4-F#5)

63 Hillsong - Stronger (A3-C#5)

62 Hillsong Kids - Jesus You Care (F#4-F#5)

61 Hillsong - God One and Only (E4-F#5)

60 Hawk Nelson - 36 Days (D3-E4)

59 Gateway Worship - God and King (A3-C#5)

58 Fusebox - Every Move I Make (E3-B4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

57 Francesca Battistelli - Something More (E3-C#5)

56 Francesca Battistelli - Emily (It's Love) (E3-C#5)

55 Finding Favour - Cast My Cares (E3-A4)

54 FFH - Only You (D4-E5)

53 FFH - I'll Join the Rocks (B3-E5)

52 FFH - Good To Be Free (B3-E5)

51 FFH - Breathe In Me (C#4-G5)

50 Downhere - Protest To Praise (A3-B5)

49 Desperation Band - Overcome (C#3-E4)

48 Desperation Band - My Savior Lives (E3-E4)

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47 Desperation Band - Magnified (F#2-D4)

46 Delirious? - Bliss (D2-D2)

45 dc Talk - Colored People (E3-F#5)

44 David Crowder Band - SMS (Shine) (A2-E4)

43 David Crowder Band - Oh, Happiness (E3-E4)

42 David Crowder Band - Can You Feel It? (C#3-C#4)

41 Crowder - All We Sinners (E2-A4)

40 Chris Rice - The Other Side of the Radio (A2-E4)

39 Chris Rice - The Final Move (C#3-E4)

38 Chris Rice - Smile (C#3-F#4)

Looking to improve your singing? We offer a self-study voice training for singers of all levels.

37 Chris Rice - Questions for Heaven (C#3-C#4)

36 Chris Rice - Naive (C#3-E4)

35 Chris Rice - Mama Prays (A2-E4)

34 Chris Rice - I Need a Hero (C#3-C#4)

33 Chris Rice - Breakfast Table (F#2-F#4)

32 Casting Crowns - Jesus, Hold Me Now (E4-F#5)

31 Casting Crowns - Face Down (E3-C#5)

30 Caedmon's Call - Thankful (E4-E5)

29 By The Tree - Your Grace Is Enough (E3-E4)

28 Brandon Heath - Faith Hope Love Repeat (C#3-F#4)

Find key of any song with or free song key finder tool.

27 Big Daddy Weave - Without You (E2-F#4)

26 Big Daddy Weave - Neighborhoods (E3-C#5)

25 Big Daddy Weave - Killing Me Again (A2-E4)

24 Audio Adrenaline - Man of God (A3-E5)

23 Audio Adrenaline - Goodbye (E3-A4)

22 Audio Adrenaline - Big House (E3-E5)

21 Aaron Shust - Like I Never Felt Before (D3-A4)

20 Aaron Shust - Can't Hide From Your Love (D3-B4)

19 33Miles - Thank You (A2-F#4)

18 Rush of Fools - O Come, All Ye Faithful (E3-E4)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

17 Revive - Blink (E3-F#4)

16 Phil Wickham - Stand in Awe (E3-F#4)

15 Lincoln Brewster - More Than Amazing (F#3-D4)

14 Josh Wilson - Before the Morning (D3-F#4)

13 Jimmy Needham - Unfailing Love (E3-G4)

12 Jason Gray - More Like Falling In Love (E3-B4)

11 Jason Gray - I Am New (A2-A4)

10 Hillsong United - The Stand (A3-D5)

9 Francesca Battistelli - Worth It (E3-D5)

8 FFH - You Write the Words (A3-D5)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

7 dc Talk - Red Letters (A2-A#4)

6 Chris Rice - Everything' s Okay (E2-G4)

5 Warren Barfield - Love Is Not a Fight (A2-E4)

4 Third Day - Offering (B2-E4)

3 Casting Crowns - All You've Ever Wanted (E4-F#5)

2 Francesca Battistelli - Heaven Everywhere (A3-A4)

1 Casting Crowns - God Is With Us (A3-D5)

See also

Top 77 songs in A Major key

Top 77 alternative-ccm songs