Elvis Presley - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Elvis Presley vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

D#2 - A5 (3.5 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
Working on the Building (D#2-G3)
User likes: JS Elder
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
Mystery Train (E3-A5)
User likes: Ellen MacPherson Kev

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Bass (E2-E4)

Baritone (A2-A4)

Tenor (C3-C5)

More songs by the artist

Hurt (A2-A4)
User likes: Charles Reggio JS LG Machado
It's Now or Never (A#2-G4)
User likes: jdm aris tot
Jailhouse Rock (F#3-F#4)
User likes: Owen K aris tot
Wooden Heart (D#3-D#4)
User likes: Rudy Diamond Rocky6655
Too Much (F3-D4)
User likes: Karen Robertson gabrilapin Mc
Surrender (D3-A#4)
User likes: Rudy Diamond Mike Fields
King Creole (F2-F4)
User likes: Neon
Blue Moon (A2-C4)
User likes: Mikhail Novikov
It's Over (D3-F4)
User likes: Rocky6655
Don't Cry Daddy (G2-A3)
User likes: Luca Starz
She's Not You (A2-E4)
User likes: Beth Aggett
Amazing Grace (D3-E4)
User likes: John McCrosson
Heartbreak Hotel (A2-E4)
User likes: Jo Orlick
All Shook Up (F3-G4)
User likes: aris tot
Viva Las Vegas (B2-G4)
User likes: Trenton Pratt
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (C3-G#4)
User likes: Rocky6655
Treat Me Nice (B2-C4)
User likes: Luca Starz
Polk Salad Annie (F3-C4)
User likes: Niall Maher
I'll Remember You (C3-D4)
User likes: Carlos Seminario
Separate Ways (C3-D4)
I, John (C3-G#4)
Such a Night (B2-G#4)
Farther Along (F3-D4)
Tweedle Dee (D3-D#4)
Old Shep (A#2-D4)
Spinout (A#2-D#4)
Memories (A#2-D#4)
I Was the One (A2-E4)
Moody Blue (B2-G4)
White Christmas (A3-F#5)
Way Down (C3-G4)
Sweet Angeline (B3-F5)
Steamroller (B2-G4)
It's Only Love (C3-G4)
Kissin' Cousins (C4-C5)
Burning Love (F#2-A#3)
Something Blue (A#2-D4)
Guitar Man (D3-E4)
Suppose (D3-D4)
We Call on Him (A#2-D#4)
Stuck on You (C3-G4)
Just Pretend (A#2-G4)
By and By (D3-D4)
Judy (A2-E4)
It's Midnight (G2-F4)
I Miss You (B2-C4)
I Will Be True (G3-D5)
Don't Be Cruel (B2-D4)
I Beg of You (C3-E4)
True Love (B2-G#4)
Suspicion (A2-E4)
Milky White Way (B2-E4)
Patch It Up (A2-G4)
Don't (A#2-F4)
Almost in Love (A#2-C#4)
Reconsider Baby (B2-E4)
Good Luck Charm (C3-D4)
I'm Leaving (C#3-F#4)
Love Me (B2-E4)
One Night (F#3-G#4)
Let It Be Me (C3-F#4)
I Got Stung (A#2-F4)
Lonely Man (Bb3-Eb5)
I Don't Want To (D3-G4)
Ku-U-I-Po (A#2-D#4)
Trouble (F2-C4)
Blue Hawaii (D3-G4)
Lead Me, Guide Me (D#3-D#4)
Big Boss Man (A#2-C#4)
Return to Sender (A#2-F4)
Bosom of Abraham (E2-G#4)
Raised on Rock (C#3-F4)
No More (A2-D#4)
Let Us Pray (B2-C4)
I Gotta Know (D3-E4)
Let Yourself Go (E2-E4)
Loving You (C3-D4)
It Hurts Me (A2-A#4)
Bossa Nova Baby (E3-E4)
His Hand in Mine (G2-F#4)
Run On (C3-A4)
C.C. Rider (E3-A4)
Kentucky Rain (G2-F4)
So High (C3-E4)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.