Bruce Springsteen - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Bruce Springsteen vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

D2 - D6 (4 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
The Line (D2-E3)
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
Atlantic City (D3-D6)
User likes: Free Fall Annie KE

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Bass (E2-E4)

Baritone (A2-A4)

Tenor (C3-C5)

How to learn singing like Bruce Springsteen

Read our educational guide on how to sing like Bruce Springsteen including explanations of which vocal techniques to use and how to practice them.

Learn how to sing like Bruce Springsteen

More songs by the artist

Youngstown (C3-C4)
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My Hometown (A2-D4)
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Streets of Philadelphia (A#2-F5)
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Prove It All Night (E3-D4)
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The River (C3-G4)
User likes: Milo Colli Alberto Fauro
The Fever (E2-B4)
User likes: KE
Dream Baby Dream (F#3-D4)
User likes: Lisa Q
State Trooper (A2-C4)
User likes: Alain Gougeon
Human Touch (C3-A4)
User likes: KE
Out In the Street (F#3-A4)
User likes: KE
Badlands (E3-F#4)
User likes: KE
Hungry Heart (G3-G#4)
User likes: Mystie Chamberlin
Jungleland (E2-G4)
User likes: KE
Rosalita (E3-F4)
User likes: KE
Devil's Arcade (B2-A3)
User likes: Paolo Pesiri
Streets of Fire (C#3-C#4)
User likes: Lisa Q
Down In the Hole (C3-A3)
User likes: Paolo Pesiri
Kitty's Back (C3-E5)
User likes: Resai Karabulut
The Rising (B2-D#4)
User likes: Kevin Johnson
Johnny 99 (G#3-D4)
User likes: heatheralice1974
Blinded By the Light (E3-G#4)
User likes: KE
Pink Cadillac (G#2-D#4)
User likes: Andy Schafer
Across the Border (D2-E3)
User likes: Singing Rose
Dry Lightning (C3-C4)
User likes: Cole Morgan
Nebraska (G2-G4)
User likes: Milo Colli
Spirit in the Night (E3-B4)
User likes: KE
Death To My Hometown (C3-C4)
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Leah (A2-C4)
User likes: Singing Rose
Blood Brothers (F#2-B3)
Kingdom of Days (C#3-D4)
Backstreets (D3-G4)
No Surrender (D3-F4)
Be True (A2-F#4)
Harry's Place (D#2-D#4)
Candy's Room (G2-D5)
Sherry Darling (F3-G4)
Galveston Bay (G2-B3)
I'm a Rocker (F#3-C#5)
This Depression (G2-C4)
Gypsy Biker (D3-A#4)
The Hitter (G2-G4)
The Wall (G2-C4)
Stand on It (G3-A4)
The Promise (D3-G4)
Tunnel of Love (D3-G4)
Outlaw Pete (E3-A5)
The New Timer (G2-C4)
Bobby Jean (A3-A4)
Terry's Song (B2-E4)
This Life (G2-A5)
My City of Ruins (E3-G#4)
Magic (B2-C#4)
Devils & Dust (G2-B3)
Point Blank (B2-A4)
Maria's Bed (B2-D4)
Good Eye (G3-B4)
Radio Nowhere (G#3-A4)
Two Hearts (A3-A4)
Silver Palomino (A2-B5)
All The Way Home (D3-F#4)
For You (C3-G4)
Cadillac Ranch (G3-C5)
Used Cars (G2-G4)
Easy Money (D3-E4)
Long Walk Home (F3-A4)
Growin' Up (E3-F4)
Matamoros Banks (A2-B3)
Black Cowboys (E2-G3)
Cover Me (A3-F#5)
Heaven's Wall (G3-E4)
Straight Time (B2-B3)
This Hard Land (D3-F#5)
Highway 29 (G2-C4)
Jack of All Trades (F#2-C#4)
Jackson Cage (C#3-G#4)
Rocky Ground (C3-G4)
Johnny Bye Bye (E2-E4)
Last To Die (E3-B4)
Night (F#2-G4)
Wrecking Ball (A2-D4)
My Lucky Day (E3-G4)
She's the One (E3-G#4)
Factory (C3-C4)
Balboa Park (E2-E3)
Reno (D2-G3)
High Hopes (G3-E4)
Born to Run (C3-G#4)
Life Itself (F#2-C#4)
The Angel (B2-G4)
Sinaloa Cowboys (G2-G3)
The Wrestler (G2-G5)
Stolen Car (C3-E4)
Fade Away (D3-B4)
We Are Alive (G2-E4)
Fourth of July (C3-E5)
You've Got It (E4-E4)
Ramrod (G3-F#4)
Open All Night (G2-E4)
Better Days (F#3-G4)
Drive All Night (C3-G4)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.