Top 69 solo instrumental songs for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 69 solo instrumental songs, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
69 Yaroslav Oliinyk - Land of Broken Hearts (F2-A#3)
68 Why Don't We & Macklemore - I Don't Belong in This Club (B3-B5)
67 - When I Fall in Love (G3-B4)
66 v - Winter Bear (D3-D4)
65 - They Can't Take That Away from Me (Bb3-Eb5)
64 The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar - Pray for Me (E2-B4)
63 The Piano Keys - Happy Birthday [easy] (C4-C5)
62 The Accompanist - Over the Rainbow (G#2-C#4)
61 The Accompanist - Hopelessly Devoted to You (E2-F4)
60 Sing2Piano - Over the Rainbow (G3-C5)
59 Sing2Piano - Never Enough (Eb3-F5)
58 Sing2Piano - All I Ask (E3-D5)
57 Simon Csokan - Skyfall (A#2-C4)
56 Silk Sonic - Put on a Smile (G#4-G6)
54 Sheeteria - Greensleeves (A3-C5)
53 Selena Gomez - Lose You to Love Me (C4-Bb4)
52 Sangah Noona - Something in the Rain (G#3-B5)
51 PianoSSam - Somebody That I Used to Know (C4-C6)
50 Paul Cardall - Prodigal (G2-A3)
49 Paul Cardall - Agnus Dei (D#3-E4)
48 oOrwellino - This Time of Year (D3-G4)
47 oOrwellino - Lonely (C3-C5)
46 oOrwellino - Home to You (G3-D5)
45 oOrwellino - Holding On (A3-A4)
44 Niall Horan - Still (C#3-A#4)
43 Nathan Schaumann - O, Divine Redeemer - Soprano, Violin & Piano (A3-F#5)
42 Nathan Schaumann - O, Divine Redeemer - Soprano, Cello & Piano (A2-F#4)
41 Nathan Schaumann - Bring Him Home (D#2-G#3)
39 Modern Music - Someone You Loved (E4-B5)
38 Modern Music - My Trigger (Klyne Remix) (D4-D5)
37 Modern Music - Hallelujah (C4-E5)
36 Modern Music - Falling (Bb4-Eb6)
35 mimiPianoClass - The Rose (G3-D5)
34 Michael Hoppé - Ave Maria (B2-A#4)
33 Meghan Trainor - Kindly Calm Me Down (F#3-B4)
32 LANY - Valentine's Day (D#3-F4)
31 keudae - The Story Never Ends (C#4-C#6)
30 keudae - Something Comforting (Jazzified) (Eb4-F5)
28 Justin Man - Lost Control (G#3-C#5)
27 Joyce Leong - Silent Night (C4-F5)
26 Joyce Leong - See You Again [No Rap] (F3-F5)
25 Joyce Leong - All of Me (Eb4-Bb5)
24 Jim Brickman - La Luna (A2-D5)
22 IronInvoker47 - I Sold My Bed, But Not My Stereo (F#3-A4)
21 Igor Presnyakov - Canción del Mariachi (E3-F#4)
20 Home Alone - Somewhere in My Memory (D3-D4)
19 Gracie Abrams - Friend (E3-C#5)
18 Gorillaz feat. George Benson - Humility (G2-F4)
17 Foster The People - Sit Next to Me (E3-E4)
15 DPSM - Old King Cole (B4-C6)
14 Chvrches - Death Stranding (D4-C5)
13 Charlie Kager - O Holy Night [accompaniment only - easy] (G2-D4)
12 Brent Edstrom - White Christmas (B3-D5)
11 Betacustic - Baby Shark [beginner] (D4-Ab4)
10 Aysedeniz Gokcin - Rape Me (G3-Db5)
9 Aysedeniz Gokcin - Once (A3-F#4 or Alto Voice)
8 Avicii feat. Noonie Bao - Fades Away (G3-E5)
7 Anne-Marie feat. Doja Cat - To Be Young (Eb3-Eb5)
6 Andy Feldbau - Arcade (A2-C5)
5 Andrew Foy - Mistletoe (F#2-A#3)
3 Andrew Foy - Eastside (E3-A4)
2 Aldy Santos - Two Words (F#2-C#4)