Top 77 neo traditionalist country songs for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 neo traditionalist country songs, based on the votes of 53779 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Tim McGraw - Telluride (A#2-G4)
76 Tim McGraw - Southern Voice (D3-F#4)
75 Tim McGraw - It's a Business Doing Pleasure With You (C3-E4)
74 The Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow (D3-F4)
73 - These Old Bones (A3-C#5)
72 The Dixie Chicks - Some Days You Gotta Dance (B3-B4)
71 The Dixie Chicks - Silent House (G3-G6)
70 The Dixie Chicks - Bitter End (G3-E5)
69 The Chicks - Silent House (G3-G6)
68 The Chicks - Bitter End (G3-E5)
67 Terri Clark - Girls Lie Too (E3-B4)
66 Terri Clarke - I Wanna Do It All (F#3-G#4)
65 - Shattered Image (G3-E5)
64 Sara Evans - No Place That Far (G3-B4)
63 Sara Evans - Backseat of a Greyhound Bus (G#3-B4)
62 Rio Grand - Kill Me Now (B2-A4)
61 Reba McEntire - Sweet Music Man (E3-B4)
60 Reba McEntire - Strange (G3-G5)
59 Reba McEntire & Linda Davis - Does He Love You (A3-F#5)
58 Reba McEntire - He Gets That From Me (F3-C5)
57 - Raven Dove (G3-G5)
56 Patty Loveless - On Your Way Home (E3-E5)
55 Patty Loveless - Like Water Into Wine (F#3-A4)
54 - Not for Me (F#3-D5)
53 Midland - Drinkin' Problem (A2-F#4)
52 Little Big Town - Bring It on Home (F3-F5)
51 Kenny Chesney - Young (A2-F#4)
50 Kenny Chesney - Who You'd Be Today (A2-D4)
49 Kenny Chesney - When the Sun Goes Down (A2-E4)
48 Kenny Chesney - Old Blue Chair (G2-D4)
47 Josh Turner - I Serve a Savior (D3-C4)
46 - John Daniel (F#3-E5)
45 Joe Nichols - If Nobody Believed In You (B2-E4)
44 Jo Dee Messina - Was That My Life (D#3-B4)
42 - I'm Gone (Gb3-Eb5)
41 - If Only (G3-D5)
40 - Hello God (F3-D5)
39 - Halos and Horns (G#3-D#5)
38 Gary Allan - Tough Little Boys (G2-E4)
37 Gary Allan - Nothing on But the Radio (C#3-E4)
36 Dolly Parton - Sugar Hill (B2-F#5)
35 Dierks Bentley - Settle for a Slowdown (C3-C4)
34 Dierks Bentley - My Last Name (A2-B3)
33 Dierks Bentley - Lot of Leavin' Left To Do (D#2-D4)
32 Dierks Bentley - I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes (B2-F#4)
31 Dierks Bentley - Come a Little Closer (A#2-D4)
30 - Dagger Through the Heart (E3-E5)
29 Chris Young - Hangin' On (C#3-F4)
28 Brooks & Dunn - Play Something Country (D3-A#4)
27 Brooks & Dunn - It's Getting Better All the Time (B2-E4)
26 Brooks & Dunn - He's Got You (A2-F#4)
25 Brad Paisley - Wrapped Around (A2-F#4)
24 Brad Paisley - Ticks (E2-G#4)
23 Brad Paisley - Playing With Fire (Bb4-Bb4)
22 Brad Paisley - Online (E2-B4)
21 Brad Paisley - Mud on the Tires (F#2-F#4)
20 Brad Paisley - Mr. Policeman (F2-G4)
19 Brad Paisley - American Saturday Night (B2-F#4)
18 Blake Shelton - Some Beach (G2-E4)
17 Blake Shelton - Goodbye Time (D3-F#4)
16 Blaine Larsen - I Don't Know What She Said (F#2-C#4)
15 Blaine Larsen - How Do You Get That Lonely (F2-C4)
14 Toby Keith - As Good As I Once Was (A2-D#4)
13 Tim McGraw - When the Stars Go Blue (A3-A#4)
12 Tim McGraw - Real Good Man (A2-F#4)
11 The Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces (G#3-A4)
10 Kenny Chesney feat. Mindy Smith - Better Boat (C#4-Eb5)
9 Josh Turner - Why Don't We Just Dance (F2-D4)
8 Dolly Parton - Stairway to Heaven (A3-D5)
7 Dolly Parton - If (G3-F5)
6 Diamond Rio - I Believe (A#2-F4)
5 Chris LeDoux - Cadillac Ranch (E2-E4)
4 Angel Eyes - Good Morning Beautiful (D3-F#4)
3 The Dixie Chicks - Cowboy Take Me Away (C2-D6)
2 The Chicks - Cowboy Take Me Away (C2-D6)
1 Josh Turner - Long Black Train (F2-D4)