Top 77 europop songs for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 europop songs, based on the votes of 53781 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Anastacia - I Dreamed You (Gb3-Db5)
76 Anastacia - I Ask of You (F#3-D5)
75 Anastacia - How Come the World Won't Stop? (D3-C5)
74 Anastacia - Heavy on My Heart (E3-E5)
73 Alvaro Soler - El Mismo Sol (G3-A4)
72 a-ha - Take on Me (A2-E5)
71 Agnetha Fältskog - When You Really Loved Someone (A3-C5)
70 Ace of Base - Life Is a Flower (A3-F#5)
69 Ace of Base - Don't Turn Around (G3-B4)
68 Ace of Base - All That She Wants (G#3-F#5)
67 ABBA - Why Did It Have to Be Me? (A3-E5)
66 ABBA - When I Kissed the Teacher (Bb3-C5)
65 ABBA - When All Is Said and Done (A3-A4)
63 ABBA - The Winner Takes It All (G#3-C#5)
62 ABBA - The Way Old Friends Do (E3-B4)
61 ABBA - The Visitors (G3-D5)
60 ABBA - The Name of the Game (C4-E5)
59 ABBA - The Day Before You Came (G3-C5)
58 ABBA - Super Trouper (G3-G4)
54 ABBA - Ring, Ring (G#4-D6)
53 ABBA - Our Last Summer (A3-G4)
51 ABBA - One Man, One Woman (F#4-A5)
50 ABBA - On and On and On (Bb3-B4)
49 ABBA - Ode to Freedom (C#4-B4)
48 ABBA - No Doubt About It (A4-A5)
47 ABBA - My Love, My Life (G3-E5)
46 ABBA - Money, Money, Money (E4-G5)
43 ABBA - Like an Angel Passing Through My Room (F3-G4)
42 ABBA - Knowing Me, Knowing You (G3-B4)
41 ABBA - Kisses of Fire (G3-Db5)
40 ABBA - Just a Notion (G3-D5)
39 ABBA - I Let the Music Speak (C3-Bb4)
38 ABBA - I Have a Dream (D4-G5)
37 ABBA - I Can Be That Woman (F4-C6)
36 ABBA - Honey, Honey (G3-C5)
35 ABBA - Head Over Heels (G#3-B5)
34 ABBA - Hasta Mañana (A3-Db5)
33 ABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) (A3-D5)
32 ABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A3-D5)
30 ABBA - Don't Shut Me Down (F3-B4)
29 ABBA - Does Your Mother Know (F#4-F5)
28 ABBA - Dancing Queen (E3-D5)
27 ABBA - Chiquitita (C4-E5)
24 ABBA - As Good As New (B3-D#5)
22 ABBA - Andante, Andante (F3-C5)
21 Take That - The Garden (A2-B4)
19 Ronan Keating - Father and Son (A2-F#4)
18 Josh Groban - Higher Window (G2-A4)
17 Josh Groban - Galileo (Someone Like You) (B2-A4)
16 Josh Groban - Caruso (G2-A4)
15 Josh Groban - All 'Improvviso Amore (B2-A4)
14 Christina Stürmer - Seite an Seite (G3-G4)
13 Cascada - Evacuate the Dancefloor (A3-D5)
12 a-ha - Foot of the Mountain (G3-A4)
11 ABBA - Summer Night City (D4-F5)
10 ABBA - I Still Have Faith in You (C3-C5)
9 ABBA - Happy New Year (A3-C#5)
7 Josh Groban - Si Volvieras a Mi (A#2-G#4)
6 Josh Groban - Mi Mancherai (Il Postino) (C#3-G4)
5 Josh Groban - Hymne a L'Amour (C3-G#4)
4 Anna Naklab - Supergirl (Ab3-Ab4)
3 Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix (G4-A5)
2 ABBA - Thank You for the Music (B3-G5)
1 Christina Aguilera - You Lost Me (Eb3-E5)