Top 44 rock roll songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 44 rock roll songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
44 Willie Mae Thorton - Hound Dog (Bb3-Db5)
43 Toni Fisher - The Big Hurt (D4-Db5)
42 The Shirelles - Baby, It's You (B3-E5)
41 The Shangri-Las - Leader of the Pack (C4-B4)
40 The Ronettes - Be My Baby (C#4-B4)
39 The Pretenders - Mystery Achievement (A3-A4)
38 The Pretenders - Kid (G3-B4)
37 The Pretenders - I Go To Sleep (G3-Bb4)
36 The Pretenders - Human (On The Inside) (G3-B4)
35 The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket (F#3-C#5)
34 The Poni-tails - Born Too Late (E4-F5)
33 The McGuire Sisters - Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight (D4-D5)
32 The Crystals - He's Sure the Boy I Love (C#4-E5)
31 The Chiffons - One Fine Day (C4-D5)
30 Ruth Brown - Jack O' Diamonds (C4-D5)
29 Primal Scream - Suicide Sally & Johnny Guitar (A4-Eb5)
28 Primal Scream - Little Death (C4-A4)
27 Postmodern Jukebox - Bye Bye Bye (F#3-C#5)
26 Peggy Lee - I'm a Woman (G3-G4)
25 Melissa Etheridge - You Can Sleep While I Drive (G3-A4)
24 Melissa Etheridge - Like the Way I Do (F3-D5)
23 Melissa Etheridge - If I Wanted To (F#3-C#5)
22 Melissa Etheridge - Ain't It Heavy (B3-B4)
21 Lesley Gore - It's My Party (Bb3-D5)
20 Laura Nyro - Jimmy Mack (A3-E5)
19 Joan Jett - Do You Wanna Touch Me? (G3-B4)
18 Joan Jett - Bad Reputation (C4-C5)
17 Janis Joplin - Stay With Me (Bb3-F5)
16 Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz (Bb3-Eb5)
15 Janis Joplin - Get It While You Can (G3-E5)
14 Janis Joplin - Down on Me (B3-D5)
13 Janis Joplin - Ball and Chain (C4-D5)
12 Etta James - Tell Mama (C4-F5)
11 Etta James - Dance With Me Henry (C4-F5)
10 Dodie Stevens - Merry, Merry Christmas, Baby (C4-E5)
9 Crescendos - Oh Julie (D4-D5)
8 Cilla - Step Inside Love (C4-F5)
7 Buffalo Springfield - I Am a Child (E4-D5)
6 Annette Funicello - Tall Paul (Bb3-D5)
5 The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me (C4-Bb4)
4 Linda Ronstadt - When Will I Be Loved (C4-C5)
3 Darlene Love - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) (Eb4-Eb5)
2 Susan Boyle - Wild Horses (F3-C5)
1 Roberta - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (G#3-F5)