Top 77 praise worship songs for bass voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 praise worship songs for bass, based on the votes of 52000 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Stuart Townend - It Is Well With My Soul (B2-E4)
76 Stuart Hamblen - Teach Me, Lord, To Wait (A#2-D#4)
75 Steve Green - Safely Home (B2-E4)
74 Stephen Curtis Chapman - One True God (C3-E4)
73 Skillet - Holy and Anointed One (D3-E4)
72 Ron Kenoly - Jesus Is Alive (F3-D#4)
71 Robin Mark - Highly Exalted (G#2-C#4)
70 Robin Mark - Days of Elijah (G2-C4)
69 Robin Mark - Ancient Words (B2-B3)
68 Reuben Morgan - This Is How We Overcome (C3-D4)
67 Reuben Morgan - Mighty to Save (D3-D4)
66 Reuben Morgan - Eagle's Wings (E2-B3)
65 Paul Baloche - Your Name (A#2-D4)
64 Michael W. Smith - The Wonderful Cross (C#3-E4)
63 Michael W. Smith - There Is None Like You (D3-D#4)
62 Michael Card - El Shaddai (A#2-G3)
61 MercyMe - God with Us (A2-E4)
60 Martin J. Nystrom - As the Deer (D3-D4)
59 Johnny Cash - On the Jericho Road (A#2-D#4)
58 joel raney - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (A2-D#4)
57 Jeremy Camp - There Will Be a Day (B2-E4)
56 Jeremy Camp - Mighty to Save (D#3-D#4)
55 Jeremy Camp - Give Me Jesus (G2-E4)
54 Jadon Lavik - Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (E3-E4)
53 Israel & New Breed - You Are Good (B2-B3)
52 Israel & New Breed - Who Is Like the Lord (G#2-D#4)
51 Israel & New Breed - To Worship You I Live (Away) (E2-D4)
50 Israel & New Breed - New Season (G2-D#4)
49 Israel & New Breed - Better Than Life (A2-E4)
48 Israel & New Breed - Another Breakthrough (F2-E4)
47 Hosanna! Music Mass Choir - The Lord Reigns (E3-D4)
46 Hillsong Worship - What a Beautiful Name (A2-B3)
45 Gary Oliver - Celebrate Jesus (E3-D4)
44 Fernando Ortega - All Creatures of Our God and King (E3-E4)
43 Don Moen - Sing for Joy (B2-B3)
42 Don Moen - I Offer My Life (C3-D4)
41 David Crowder Band - All Creatures (D3-E4)
40 Daniel Gardner - My Life Is In You, Lord (G2-D4)
39 Chris Tomlin - Unfailing Love (E3-E4)
38 Chris Rice - Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) (G#2-D#4)
37 Brian Doerksen - Refiner's Fire (G#2-B3)
36 Brenton Brown - Joyful (D3-E4)
35 Brent Chambers - Be Exalted, Oh God (A2-E4)
34 Andy Park - The River Is Here (A2-D4)
33 Aaron Keyes - Sovereign Over Us (D#3-E4)
32 Robin Mark - You're the Lion of Judah (A#2-D#4)
31 Robin Mark - Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing) (B2-D4)
30 Phillips Craig & Dean - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (F#2-E4)
29 Matt Redman - Nothing But the Blood (B2-C#4)
28 Matt Redman - Abide with Me (B2-E4)
27 Mark Schultz - Give Us Clean Hands (B2-E4)
26 Lindell Cooley - I Need You More (C3-A#3)
25 John Barnett - Holy and Anointed One (G2-C4)
24 Joel Houston - The Stand (A2-E4)
23 Jamie Harvill - Ancient of Days (G2-E4)
22 Don Moen - Give Thanks (A2-C4)
21 Alvin Slaughter - Holy Spirit Rain Down (G2-D4)
20 Walter Hawkins - Thank You (E2-D4)
19 Rich Mullins - Awesome God (B2-B3)
18 Michael W. Smith - The Stand (F3-D4)
17 Michael Card - Love Crucified, Arose (D3-D4)
16 Kurt Carr - Something Happens (A2-E4)
15 Keith Green - My Eyes Are Dry (C3-E4)
14 Israel & New Breed - Your Presence Is Heaven (A2-B3)
13 Israel & New Breed - Again I Say Rejoice (B2-E4)
12 Don Moen - God Is Good All the Time (D3-E4)
11 Chris Rice - Rock of Ages (D3-D4)
10 William McDowell - I Give Myself Away (F2-D4)
9 Marvin Sapp - Never Would Have Made It (G2-D4)
8 Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day (E3-D4)
7 Phillips Craig & Dean - Amazed (E3-E4)
6 MercyMe - Bring the Rain (E3-E4)
4 William McDowell - I Won't Go Back (A#2-C4)
3 Michael Crawford - On Eagle's Wings (A2-D4)
2 Bill Gaither - Because He Lives (C#3-E4)
1 Lenny Leblanc - Above All (B2-E4)