Top 77 novelty songs for tenor voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 novelty songs for tenor, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Rudy Vallee - When Yuba Plays the Rhumba on the Tuba (D3-E4)
76 Rudy Vallee - Oh! Ma Ma! (The Butcher Boy) (C3-D#4)
75 Rolf Harris - Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport (C3-D4)
74 Roger Miller - Dang Me (C3-F4)
73 Roger Miller - Chug-a-Lug (D3-E4)
72 Rick Dees - Disco Duck (Part I) (D3-B4)
71 Ray Stevens - The Streak (F3-E4)
70 Ray Stevens - Ahab the Arab (G3-E4)
69 Ray Anthony - Bunny Hop (A#3-G4)
68 Raffi - Willoughby, Wallaby, Woo (D3-D4)
67 Raffi - The Sharing Song (C3-C4)
66 Raffi - Rise and Shine (D3-D4)
64 Raffi - On Christmas Morning (C#3-B3)
63 Raffi - My Way Home (C3-A#3)
61 Raffi - Apples and Bananas (E3-C4)
60 Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzales (E3-E4)
59 New Vaudeville Band - Winchester Cathedral (D3-E4)
58 Loudon Wainwright III - Dead Skunk (G3-G4)
57 Lord Rockingham's XI - Hoots Mon (D#4-E4)
56 Kay Kyser - Three Little Fishies (F3-C4)
55 Justin Timberlake - Xxxx In a Box (C3-C5)
54 Jumping Jupiter - "Thank You, Kind Sir!" Said She (D3-E4)
53 Johnnie Lee Wills - Rag Mop (C3-A3)
52 John Baldry - Everything Stops for Tea (C3-D4)
51 Irving Burgie - Yellow Bird (C3-D4)
50 Grahame Bond - Farewell Aunty Jack (D3-B4)
49 George Formby - When I'm Cleaning Windows (C3-C4)
48 Gene Austin - Me Too (Ho-Ho! Ha-Ha!) (E3-E4)
47 Garrison Keillor - Powdermilk Biscuit Theme (C3-A3)
45 Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians - Collegiate (C3-D4)
44 Ernest Hare - I've Never Seen a Straight Banana (D3-F#4)
43 Ed Helms - Stu's Song (C3-G4)
42 Dr. Elmo - Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Offa Santa (D3-G4)
41 Dr. Elmo - Grandma's Killer Fruitcake (G3-G4)
40 David Seville - Witch Doctor (E3-C#4)
39 Dave Frishberg - My Attorney Bernie (D3-C4)
38 C.W. McCall - Convoy (C3-G#3)
37 Chubby Checker - Hooka Tooka (F3-D4)
36 Chas & Dave - That's What I Like (F3-D4)
35 Chas & Dave - That Old Piano (D3-G#4)
34 Chas & Dave - Snooker Loopy (D3-E4)
33 Chas & Dave - Rabbit (C3-F4)
32 Chas & Dave - Poor Old Mr Woogie (D3-G4)
31 Chas & Dave - Mustn't Grumble (D3-G4)
30 Chas & Dave - London Girls (C#3-F#4)
29 Chas & Dave - In Sickness and in Health (E3-E4)
28 Chas & Dave - Diddlum Song (C3-F4)
27 Buster Poindexter - Hot Hot Hot - Horn section score (A3-A4)
26 Buster Poindexter - Hot Hot Hot (A3-A4)
25 Bob Rivers - The Twelve Pains of Christmas (C3-D4)
24 Bing Crosby - It's the Same Old Shillelagh (G3-G4)
23 Billy Murray - Come, Josephine In My Flying Machine (D3-E4)
22 Billy Merson - On the Good Ship Yacki Hicki Doo La (D3-E4)
21 Bernard Cribbins - Right Said Fred (C3-F4)
20 Barry Gordon - Nuttin' for Christmas (C3-D4)
19 Baha Men - Who Let the Dogs Out (E3-G4)
18 Allan Sherman - Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! (C#3-D#4)
16 Ylvis - The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) (D3-A4)
15 Weird Al Yankovic - Christmas At Ground Zero (D3-E4)
14 Todd Rundgren - Bang the Drum All Day (G3-F#4)
13 The Year Without a Santa Claus - Snow Miser (D3-E4)
12 Spike Jones - Nuttin' for Christmas (C3-D4)
11 Raffi - Wheels on the Bus (C3-D4)
10 Flanagan & Allen - Hometown (D3-D4)
8 Dallas Frazier - Alley-Oop (D3-D4)
7 Chas & Dave - Wish I Could Write a Love Song (C#3-G4)
6 Allan Sherman - Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah! (C#3-D#4)
5 Afroman - Because I Got High (D3-E4)
4 Tom Lehrer - A Christmas Carol (C3-D4)
3 Danny Kaye - I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Cocoanuts (C3-D4)
2 The Year Without a Santa Claus - Heat Miser (D3-C4)
1 The Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy's Christmas (F3-G4)