Top 77 new traditionalist songs for bass voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 new traditionalist songs for bass, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 George Strait - You Look So Good In Love (A2-D4)
76 George Strait - We Really Shouldn't Be Doing This (C3-E4)
75 George Strait - True (C3-E4)
74 George Strait - The Best Day (A2-D4)
73 George Strait - She'll Leave You With a Smile (B2-E4)
72 George Strait - She Let Herself Go (G#2-C#4)
71 George Strait - Run (A2-D4)
70 George Strait - One Night At a Time (B2-B3)
69 George Strait - Old Time Christmas (F#2-C#4)
68 George Strait - Love Without End, Amen (A2-C#4)
67 George Strait - Living for the Night (B2-E4)
66 George Strait - Lead On (A#2-C#4)
65 George Strait - It Just Comes Natural (D#3-D4)
64 George Strait - I Hate Everything (F2-A#3)
63 George Strait - I Gotta Get To You (A2-D4)
62 George Strait - If You're Thinking You Want a Stranger (G2-E4)
61 George Strait - How 'Bout Them Cowgirls (B2-C#4)
60 George Strait - Give It Away (F2-C4)
59 George Strait - Give It All We Got Tonight (G2-D4)
58 George Strait - Cowboys Like Us (G2-E4)
57 George Strait - Check Yes or No (A#2-D4)
56 Gary Allan - Tough Little Boys (G2-E4)
55 Gary Allan - Songs About Rain (D3-E4)
54 Gary Allan - Man To Man (A#2-D#4)
53 Gary Allan - Life Ain't Always Beautiful (A2-D4)
52 Garth Brooks - That Girl Is a Cowboy (B2-D4)
51 Florida Georgia Line - Round Here (C3-E4)
50 Dwight Yoakam - Honky Tonk Man (B2-E4)
49 Dustin Lynch - Mind Reader (G2-E4)
48 Dustin Lynch - Cowboys and Angels (G2-D4)
47 Doug Stone - I Thought It Was You (F#2-D4)
46 Doug Stone - In a Different Light (A2-E4)
45 Dierks Bentley - Gonna Get There Someday (G2-C4)
44 Dierks Bentley - Every Mile a Memory (A2-E4)
43 Craig Campbell - Family Man (F#2-E4)
42 Clint Black - The Finest Gift (B2-D#4)
41 Clint Black - A Better Man (C3-C4)
40 Buck Owens - Streets of Bakersfield (D3-E4)
39 Brooks & Dunn - Cowgirls Don't Cry (C#3-E4)
38 Blake Shelton - Who Are You When I'm Not Looking (A2-B3)
37 Blake Shelton - Playboys of the Southwestern World (D3-E4)
36 Andy Griggs - Tonight I Wanna Be Your Man (G#2-D#4)
35 Andy Griggs - She Thinks She Needs Me (G2-E4)
34 Alan Jackson - Work In Progress (E2-E4)
32 Alan Jackson - There Is Power In the Blood (G2-C4)
31 Alan Jackson - Sweet Hour of Prayer (E2-A3)
30 Alan Jackson - Once In a Lifetime Love (E2-A3)
29 Alan Jackson - Monday Morning Church (A2-A3)
28 Alan Jackson - Just As I Am (C3-C#4)
27 Alan Jackson - I Slipped and Fell In Love (F2-D4)
26 Alan Jackson - I Don't Even Know Your Name (G2-B3)
25 Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee (C3-D4)
24 Alan Jackson - A Woman's Love (E2-G#3)
23 Randy Travis - I'll Fly Away (A2-E4)
22 Kenny Chesney - Anything But Mine (B2-E4)
21 John Michael Montgomery - Letters From Home (E2-C4)
20 George Strait - Troubadour (A2-E4)
19 George Strait - (The Seashores of) Old Mexico (G2-C#4)
18 George Strait - The Breath You Take (F2-A#3)
17 George Strait - Texas (F2-D4)
16 George Strait - Ocean Front Property (B2-D4)
15 George Strait - I Just Want To Dance With You (G2-C4)
14 George Strait - Here for a Good Time (B2-D4)
13 George Strait - Carrying Your Love With Me (F3-D#4)
12 George Strait - Adalida (D3-D#4)
11 Garth Brooks - The Dance (G2-E4)
10 Garth Brooks - If Tomorrow Never Comes (A2-D4)
9 Dwight Yoakam - I Sang Dixie (B2-E4)
8 Andy Griggs - If Heaven (A2-E4)
7 Alan Jackson - I Want to Stroll Over Heaven With You (A2-C4)
6 Alan Jackson - It's Five O'Clock Somewhere (E2-D4)
5 Dwight Yoakam - Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues (A2-E4)
4 Alan Jackson - Remember When (D3-C#4)
3 Alan Jackson - I'll Fly Away (C3-D4)
2 Josh Turner - Long Black Train (F2-D4)
1 Randy Travis - Above All (A2-C4)