Top 77 indie pop songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 indie pop songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53758 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Chvrches - Never Say Die (B3-C#5)
76 Chvrches - Leave a Trace (A3-E5)
75 Chvrches - Death Stranding (D4-C5)
74 Christine & The Queens - Tilted (G3-A4)
72 Catatonia - International Velvet (D4-F5)
71 Blossoms - Charlemagne (F4-E5)
70 Bishop Briggs - superhuman (G3-E5)
69 Bishop Briggs - River (A3-D5)
68 Bishop Briggs - Never Tear Us Apart (G3-D5)
67 Birdy - Young Blood (C4-C5)
66 Birdy - Words as Weapons (A3-D5)
64 Birdy - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight (G3-C5)
63 Birdy - Terrible Love (B3-A4)
60 Birdy - Open Your Heart (Bb3-C5)
59 Birdy - Lost It All (G3-C5)
58 Birdy - Ghost in the Wind (A3-D5)
57 Billie Eilish - xanny (F3-E5)
56 Billie Eilish - wish you were gay (G3-D5)
55 Billie Eilish - WHEN I WAS OLDER (F#3-D5)
54 Billie Eilish - watch (G3-C5)
53 Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am (B3-F5)
52 Billie Eilish - The End of the World (F3-Bb4)
51 Billie Eilish - Six Feet Under (A3-D5)
50 Billie Eilish - party favor (A3-A4)
49 Billie Eilish - my strange addiction (A3-C5)
48 Billie Eilish - my boy (F#3-B4)
47 Billie Eilish - ilomilo (G3-Ab4)
46 Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore (G3-D5)
45 Billie Eilish - hostage (G3-G4)
44 Billie Eilish - come out and play (G3-A4)
43 Billie Eilish - &burn (G3-C5)
42 Billie Eilish - Bored (A3-D5)
41 Billie Eilish - bitches broken hearts (G3-G4)
40 Billie Eilish - bad guy (F#4-F5)
39 Billie Eilish - 8 (G3-Bb4)
38 Aurora - Through the Eyes of a Child (G3-D5)
36 Aurora - I Went Too Far (F3-Eb5)
35 Aurora - Forgotten Love (F#3-E5)
33 Au/Ra - Panic Room (C4-C5)
32 Anne-Marie - Cry (G3-E5)
31 Anna Clendening - Boys Like You (A3-D5)
29 Alma - Dye My Hair (F#3-D5)
28 Alice Merton - No Roots (A3-C#5)
27 Agnes Obel - Riverside (G3-A4)
26 Agnes Obel - Familiar (Ab3-Db5)
25 Agnes Obel - Citizen of Glass (F#3-B4)
24 Pink Martini - Hang on Little Tomato (G3-D5)
23 Meg Mac - Roll Up Your Sleeves (G3-E5)
22 Marina and The Diamonds - Hermit the Frog (F3-D5)
21 Marina and The Diamonds - Are You Satisfied? (G3-E5)
20 Ingrid Michaelson - Old Days (F3-D5)
19 Ingrid Michaelson - Breakable (G3-C5)
18 Ingrid Michaelson - Blood Brothers (F3-C5)
17 Grace VanderWaal - Beautiful Thing (G3-E5)
15 Eva Cassidy - Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain (B3-C5)
14 Birdy - Skinny Love (B3-C#5)
13 Birdy - Fire and Rain (C4-C5)
12 Pink Martini - Sympathique (F3-G4)
11 Marina and The Diamonds - Obsessions (A3-C5)
10 Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans (F3-F5)
7 First Aid Kit - Emmylou (G3-D5)
6 Birdy - Without a Word (D4-C5)
5 Birdy - Beautiful Lies (A3-B4)
4 Markéta Irglová - The Hill (G#3-B4)
3 Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna (G3-D5)