Top 77 grunge songs for baritone voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 grunge songs for baritone, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Barenaked Ladies - Sell, Sell, Sell (A2-G4)
76 Barenaked Ladies - Off the Hook (B2-D4)
75 Barenaked Ladies - Never Do Anything (D3-G4)
74 Barenaked Ladies - Humour of the Situation (B2-F#4)
73 Barenaked Ladies - Falling for the First Time (C#3-F#4)
72 Barenaked Ladies - Conventioneers (B2-E4)
71 Barenaked Ladies - Baby Seat (A2-A4)
70 Audioslave - I Am the Highway (E3-A4)
69 Alien Ant Farm - Wish (A2-A4)
68 Alien Ant Farm - Stranded (B2-A4)
67 Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal (E3-A4)
66 Alien Ant Farm - Courage (C#3-A4)
65 Alice In Chains - What the Hell Have I (D3-A4)
64 Alice In Chains - We Die Young (D3-A4)
63 Alice In Chains - The One You Know (E3-A4)
62 Alice In Chains - Them Bones (D3-A4)
61 Alice In Chains - Over Now (Acoustic) (E3-G4)
60 Alice In Chains - No Excuses (Acoustic) (B2-D#4)
59 Alice In Chains - No Excuses (B2-G4)
58 Alice In Chains - I Stay Away (G3-A4)
57 Alice In Chains - Iron Gland (D4-D4)
56 Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You (Acoustic) (D3-F#4)
55 Alice In Chains - Frogs (Acoustic) (D3-A4)
54 Alice In Chains - Down In a Hole (Acoustic) (C3-A4)
53 Alice In Chains - Angry Chair (Acoustic) (G3-F#4)
52 Alice In Chains - Angry Chair (B2-G4)
51 3 Doors Down - When I'm Gone (D3-E4)
50 3 Doors Down - Let Me Go (C#3-E4)
49 3 Doors Down - Let Me Be Myself (A2-A4)
48 3 Doors Down - Landing In London (D3-G4)
47 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite (B2-F#4)
46 3 Doors Down - It's the Only One You've Got (A2-F#4)
45 3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time (C3-A4)
44 3 Doors Down - Here Without You (B2-A4)
43 3 Doors Down - Here By Me (B2-E4)
42 3 Doors Down - Away From the Sun (C3-G4)
41 12 Stones - The Way I Feel (F3-F4)
39 12 Stones - Running Out of Pain (E3-G4)
38 12 Stones - Photograph (F3-A4)
37 12 Stones - Open Your Eyes (D3-A4)
34 12 Stones - Eric's Song (G3-A4)
31 The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony (E3-E4)
30 Stone Temple Pilots - Creep (E3-E4)
27 Nickelback - Lullaby (D#3-G#4)
26 Nickelback - Far Away (F3-A4)
25 Muse - The Globalist (A2-G4)
24 Matchbox Twenty - 3 AM (D#3-F4)
21 Kutless - What Faith Can Do (A2-A4)
20 Hinder - Lips of an Angel (E3-A4)
19 Green Day - She's a Rebel (G3-G4)
18 Green Day - Give Me Novacaine (C#3-E4)
17 Green Day - Are We the Waiting (E3-F#4)
16 Foo Fighters - Home (D3-E4)
15 Five For Fighting - Tuesday (D3-F4)
14 Everclear - Santa Monica (A2-A4)
12 3 Doors Down - Your Arms Feel Like Home (C3-G4)
11 Switchfoot - This Is Home (C3-A4)
10 Semisonic - Closing Time (D3-G4)
9 Red - Hymn for the Missing (F3-D#4)
8 Needtobreathe - Washed By the Water (D3-G4)
7 Needtobreathe - More Time (A#2-F4)
6 Linkin Park - One Step Closer (E3-G#4)
5 Linkin Park - Numb (C#3-A4)
4 Kutless - Better Is One Day (D3-G4)
3 Hoobastank - The Reason (D#3-A4)
2 Linkin Park - Leave Out All the Rest (A2-G4)
1 Linkin Park - What I've Done (G3-G4)