Top 64 classical pop songs for tenor voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 64 classical pop songs for tenor, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
64 Yo-Yo Ma - Here Comes the Sun (C3-A3)
63 Yann Tiersen - Plus d'Hiver (D#3-C#4)
62 Yann Tiersen - Naomi (E3-D4)
61 The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (C#3-B4)
60 The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (E3-A4)
59 Richard Tauber - My Heart and I (C#3-A4)
58 Placido Domingo - The Gift of Love (D3-A4)
57 Placido Domingo - Mujer (C3-G4)
56 Nathan Pacheco - O Luce Che Brilla Nell'Oscurita (C3-A#4)
55 Luciano Pavarotti - Caruso (D3-C5)
54 Josh Groban - Your Hideaway (D#3-A#4)
53 Josh Groban - Você Existe Em Mim (D3-A4)
52 Josh Groban - Vincent (Starry Starry Night) (C3-F4)
51 Josh Groban - Un Amore Per Sempre (C3-G#4)
50 Josh Groban - Straight To You (D#3-C#4)
49 Josh Groban - Silent Night (C3-A#4)
48 Josh Groban - L'Ultima Notte (C3-A4)
47 Josh Groban - In Her Eyes (E3-F#4)
46 Josh Groban - If I Walk Away (C3-G4)
45 Josh Groban - Hidden Away (C3-A4)
44 Josh Groban - Happy In My Heartache (C3-G4)
43 Josh Groban - Bells of New York City (F3-G4)
42 Josh Groban - Au Jardin Des Sans-Pourquoi (C3-F4)
39 Il Divo - La Vida Sin Amor (C3-G#4)
38 Il Divo - La Promessa (C3-A4)
36 Il Divo - Hasta Mi Final (C3-A4)
34 Il Divo - Esisti Dentro Me (D3-B4)
33 Il Divo - Come Primavera (D3-A4)
31 GENTRI - Make You Feel My Love (C3-A#4)
27 GENTRI - Don't Let Go (C3-B4)
26 GENTRI - Bring Him Home (E3-B4)
23 GENTRI - And So It Goes (F3-A4)
22 Cody Karey - You Are the Song (C3-G4)
21 Black Violin - Virtuoso (G#3-B3)
20 Andrea Bocelli - Por Ti Volaré (Time to Say Goodbye) (C3-A4)
19 Andrea Bocelli - Per Amore (D3-A4)
18 Andrea Bocelli - La Voce Del Silenzio (C3-A#4)
17 Andrea Bocelli - La Luna Che Non C'è (C#3-A4)
16 Andrea Bocelli - Il mistero dell'amore (C3-G#4)
15 Andrea Bocelli - I Am Here (C3-G#4)
14 Andrea Bocelli - Dormi Dormi (E3-E4)
13 Andrea Bocelli - Amo soltanto te (C3-G4)
12 The Three Tenors - Core 'ngrato (D#3-A#4)
11 Josh Groban - Verita (C#3-G#4)
10 Josh Groban - The Little Drummer Boy (D3-G#4)
9 Josh Groban - Petit Papa Noël (C3-D#4)
8 Il Divo - O Holy Night (D3-A#4)
7 Andrea Bocelli - Romanza (C3-A4)
6 Andrea Bocelli - Pero Te Extrano (E3-G4)
5 Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up (C3-G4)
4 Josh Groban - Mi Mancherai (Il Postino) (C#3-G4)
3 Josh Groban - Love Theme from Cinema Paradiso (C3-F4)
2 Luciano Pavarotti - Non Ti Scordar Di Me (E3-A4)
1 Josh Groban - Awake (D#3-G#4)