77 best CABARET CONTRALTO songs for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 77 cabaret songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 77 cabaret songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53763 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

77 One Touch of Venus - Foolish Heart (Db4-F5)

76 One Touch of Venus - Don't Look Now (C4-E5)

75 On a Clear Day You Can See Forever - On a Clear Day (You Can See Forever) (Bb3-E5)

74 Nunsense - Turn Up the Spotlight (A3-F5)

73 Nunsense II The Second Coming - What Would Elvis Do? (G#3-Eb5)

72 Nunsense II The Second Coming - I've Got Pizazz (A3-D5)

71 Nunsense II The Second Coming - Angeline (F#3-C5 or Flute)

70 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - The Nunsense Jamboree (F3-E5)

69 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - Seven A.M. In Phoenix (G#3-C#5)

68 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - Play A Country Enut (G3-C#5)

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67 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - Mini-Pearls Of Wisdom (F#3-Eb5)

66 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - Every Time You Smiled At Me (G3-D5)

65 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - Every Day Of The Week Is A Saturday (A3-E5)

64 Love Life - This Is the Life (A3-Eb5)

63 Love Life - Mr. Right (B3-E5)

62 Love Life - Love Song (C4-E5)

61 Love Life - Is It Him Or Is It Me? (C4-E5)

60 Love Life - Green-Up Time (B3-E5)

59 Love Life - Economics (Bb3-F5)

58 Lotte Lenya - A Boy Like You (C4-Eb5)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

57 Loni Heuser - Du mußt die Männer schlecht behandeln! (B3-Eb5)

56 Liz Greenaway - You're Not Alone (D4-D5)

55 Liz Greenaway - Sons of (F4-Eb5)

54 Liz Greenaway - Marieke (C#4-F5)

53 Liz Greenaway - Carousel (E4-C5)

52 Lady In The Dark - The Princess of Pure Delight (C4-E5)

51 Lady In The Dark - My Ship (C4-F5)

50 Lady In The Dark - Girl of the Moment (G3-E5)

49 Knickerbocker Holiday - Will You Remember Me (C4-F5)

48 Knickerbocker Holiday - Washington Irving's Song (C4-D5)

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47 Knickerbocker Holiday - There's Nowhere to Go But Up (C4-F5)

46 Knickerbocker Holiday - How Can You Tell An American? (B3-Eb5)

45 Knickerbocker Holiday - Ballad of the Robbers (A3-E5)

44 Kiss of the Spider Woman - She's a Woman (C4-E5)

43 Kicks: The Showgirl Musical - I Wanna Be a Rockette (G3-B4)

42 Isabelle Georges - I Had a Dream About You (C4-E5)

41 Huckleberry Finn - The Catfish Song (C4-C5)

40 Huckleberry Finn - Come In, Mornin' (C4-F5)

39 Huckleberry Finn - Apple Jack (C#4-D5)

38 Holly Cole - Calling You (F3-C5)

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37 Gold Diggers of 1935 - Lullaby of Broadway (C4-D5)

36 Gisela Jones - Der Nowak läßt mich nicht verkommen (C4-F5)

35 Girls 70 - Yes (C#4-D5)

34 Gigi - Thank Heaven for Little Girls (C#4-D5)

33 Funny Lady - How Lucky Can You Get (F#3-F5)

32 Funny Girl - Sadie, Sadie (A3-D5)

31 Elly Stone - I Loved (B3-Eb5)

30 Edith Piaf - Un Grand Amour (D4-E5)

29 Edith Piaf - Un Étranger (B3-E5)

28 Edith Piaf - T'es L'Homme Qu'Il Me Faut (E4-D5)

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27 Edith Piaf - Take Me To Your Heart Again (La Vie en rose) (B3-F5)

26 Edith Piaf - No Regrets (Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien) (C4-D5)

25 Edith Piaf - Les Trois Cloches (D4-E5)

24 Edith Piaf - Les Flonflons Du Bal (D4-D5)

23 Edith Piaf - La Vie en rose (F#3-B4)

22 Edith Piaf - Je N'en Connais Pas La Fin (D4-D5)

21 Edith Piaf - Des Histoires... (C#4-C#5)

20 Edith Piaf - Dans Leur Baiser (C4-C5)

19 Beryl Reid - The Earth and Other Minor Things (Bb3-C5)

18 A Wonderful Life - I Couldn't Be With Anyone But You (Ab3-E5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

17 Audra McDonald - Cradle and All (A3-E5)

16 Alison Egan - Timid Frieda (Bb3-Eb5)

15 Alison Egan - Old Folks (B3-Bb4)

14 A Date With Judy - Through the Years (Bb3-F5)

13 42nd Street - Shuffle Off To Buffalo (C4-D5)

12 Victor/Victoria - The Shady Dame From Seville (F3-F5)

11 One Touch of Venus - That's Him (Bb3-E5)

10 One Touch of Venus - I'm a Stranger Here (C#4-F5)

9 Liz Greenaway - My Death (C4-C#5)

8 Gigi - Paris Is Paris Again (B3-D5)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

7 Barbra Streisand - Funny Girl (A3-D5)

6 A Wonderful Life - Christmas Gifts (Bb3-Eb5)

5 42nd Street - The Gold Diggers' Song (D4-E5)

4 Gwen Verdon - Big Spender (A3-Eb5)

3 Joan Morris - Lime Jello Marshmallow Cottage Cheese Surprise (Bb3-D5)

2 Julie Andrews - "Le Jazz Hot!" (F3-A4)

1 Alison Jiear - How Could I Ever Know? (Bb3-F5)

See also

Top 77 songs for contralto voice

Top 77 cabaret songs