Top 77 cabaret songs for baritone voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 cabaret songs for baritone, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Tiny Tim - I've Never Seen a Straight Banana (C3-E4)
76 Time Remembered - Ages Ago (B2-E4)
73 The Eternal Road - The Promise (A#2-G4)
72 The Eternal Road - Song of Ruth (C3-E4)
71 The Eternal Road - March To Zion (E3-F#4)
70 The Eternal Road - David's Psalm (D3-G4)
69 The Eternal Road - Dance Around the Golden Calf (C3-F4)
68 Sweeney Todd - Wait (C3-F4)
67 Stuart Pendred - Next (C3-E4)
66 Stuart Pendred - Jackie (D3-D4)
65 Stuart Pendred - Funeral Tango (D3-D4)
64 Street Scene - We'll Go Away Together (C3-E4)
63 Stage Fright - The Laziest Gal In Town (A#2-D4)
62 Robert Goulet - I've Gotta Be Me (C3-E4)
61 Richard Burton - Camelot (C3-D4)
60 Rex - Away From You (C3-E4)
59 Purlie - The World Is Comin' To A Start (A#2-F4)
58 Purlie - First Thing Monday Mornin' (A2-E4)
57 Peter Allen - Love Don't Need a Reason (C3-D4)
56 Peter Allen - Love Crazy (D3-A4)
55 Peter Allen - Everything Old Is New Again (C3-G4)
53 Michael Feinstein - Time Flies (D3-F4)
52 Michael Feinstein - She Moves and Eyes Follow (C3-G4)
51 Michael Cahill - The Bulls (D3-E4)
50 Michael Cahill - Fanette (C3-F4)
49 Michael Cahill - Bachelor's Dance (A#2-C4)
48 Lost in the Stars - Trouble Man (C#3-E4)
47 Lost in the Stars - The Little Gray House (A#2-D#4)
46 Lost in the Stars - Stay Well (A#2-D#4)
45 Lost in the Stars - Big Mole (A#2-C4)
44 Lee Konitz - Class (F3-A4)
43 Johnny Johnson - To Love You and To Lose You (A#2-F4)
42 Johnny Johnson - One Life To Live (A#2-D#4)
41 Johnny Johnson - Oh, The Rio Grande (B2-G4)
40 Johnny Johnson - Oh, Heart of Love (A#2-F4)
39 Johnny Johnson - Mon Ami, My Friend (B2-E4)
38 Jacques Brel - If We Only Have Love (C3-E4)
37 It Happened in Brooklyn - I Believe (C3-E4)
36 Hello Again - The One I Love (A2-A4)
35 Hello Again - I Got a Little Time (F#3-G#4)
34 Flanders & Swann - The Gas-Man Cometh (B2-C4)
33 Desmond O'Connor - When You're In Love (A#2-D#4)
32 David Cameron Anderson - God Bless Fern Davidson (B2-E4)
31 David Cameron Anderson - Don't Know (C3-A#3)
30 Chicago - Me and My Baby (D3-D4)
29 Carnival - Love Makes the World Go 'Round (D3-D#4)
28 Bobby Short - Don't Bring Lulu (C3-D4)
27 Bobby Darin - Mack the Knife (D3-D4)
26 And the World Goes 'Round - The Rink (B2-D4)
25 And the World Goes 'Round - There Goes the Ball Game (D3-G4)
24 And the World Goes 'Round - The Happy Time (B2-G4)
23 And the World Goes 'Round - Sara Lee (D3-G4)
22 And the World Goes 'Round - Colored Lights (A#2-D#4)
21 Adventures in Love - We Remember Love (A2-C#4)
20 The Boy From Oz - Waltzing Matilda (B2-G4)
19 The Blues Brothers - Minnie, the Moocher (E3-E4)
18 Street Scene - What Good Would the Moon Be? (C3-G4)
17 Lost in the Stars - Lost in the Stars (A#2-E4)
16 Hello Again - Tom (A2-E4)
14 Al Jolson - About a Quarter To Nine (A2-E4)
13 Sweeney Todd - By the Sea (A2-E4)
12 Street Scene - Lonely House (D3-G4)
11 Robbie Williams - Beyond the Sea (C3-E4)
10 Chicago - Razzle Dazzle (C3-F4)
8 And the World Goes 'Round - I Don't Remember You (A2-E4)
7 Peter Allen - Not the Boy Next Door (D3-G4)
5 Walter Huston - September Song (C3-E4)
4 And the World Goes 'Round - But the World Goes 'Round (A#2-F4)
3 Chicago - Mister Cellophane (B2-G4)
2 Chicago - Funny Honey (G3-A4)
1 Chicago - When You're Good to Mama (F3-G#4)