Top 67 ballad songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 67 ballad songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
66 Whitney Houston - Miracle (B3-F5)
65 Waitress: The Musical - She Used to Be Mine (F3-D5)
64 Trisha Yearwood - The Song Remembers When (F3-Bb4)
63 The Wizard of Oz - Over the Rainbow (C4-F5)
62 The Sound of Music - Edelweiss (D4-C5)
61 The Mad Ones - Say the Word (Bb3-C5)
60 The Little Mermaid - Part of Your World (C4-C5)
59 The Browns - The Three Bells (D4-E5)
58 Some Like It Hot - Stairway to the Stars (C4-D5)
57 Smile - Disneyland (D4-D5)
56 Sister Act (The Musical) - The Life I Never Led (C4-D5)
55 Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind (G3-Bb4)
54 On Your Toes - Glad To Be Unhappy (C4-D5)
53 Nunsense II The Second Coming - Angeline (F#3-C5 or Flute)
52 Nunsense 3 The Jamboree - Seven A.M. In Phoenix (G#3-C#5)
51 Norah Jones - Be Here To Love Me (Ab3-C5)
50 Nina Simone - I Get Along Without You Very Well (C4-F5)
49 Nelly Furtado - I'm Like a Bird (F3-Bb4)
48 Moana - How Far I'll Go (B3-D5)
47 Meet Me in St. Louis - The Boy Next Door (C4-D5)
46 Matilda: The Musical - When I Grow Up (C4-C5)
45 Love Life - Susan's Dream (C4-F5)
44 Kristin Chenoweth - Taylor, the Latte Boy (Bb3-D5)
43 Karrin Allyson - The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (F3-Bb4)
42 Judy Garland - I'm Always Chasing Rainbows (D4-E5)
41 I'll Be There - Would I Know (Bb3-F5)
40 Huckleberry Finn - River Chanty (Gb3-Eb5)
39 Ghost: The Musical - With You (C4-Eb5)
37 Finding Neverland [Musical] - All That Matters (Bb3-Eb5)
36 Faith Evans - I Love You (A3-C#5)
35 Ella Fitzgerald - It's a Pity To Say Goodnight (A3-D5)
34 Easy Living - Easy Living (A3-D5)
33 Diana Krall - Stop This World (D4-F5)
32 Diana Krall - I've Got the World on a String (C4-F5)
31 Diana Krall - I Don't Stand a Ghost of a Chance (D4-E5)
30 Diana Krall - Body and Soul (A3-F5)
29 Chess - Someone Else's Story (F#3-C5)
28 Chess - Heaven Help My Heart (Ab3-Bb4)
27 Celine Dion - When the Wrong One Loves You Right (B3-Eb5)
26 Carousel - You'll Never Walk Alone (C#4-E5)
25 Cabaret - Maybe This Time (Bb3-F5)
24 Bonnie Raitt - Will the Sun Ever Shine Again (G3-C5)
23 Billie Holiday - You've Changed (C4-D5)
22 Billie Holiday - These Foolish Things (D4-F5)
21 Beth Orton - So Much More (F#3-C#5)
20 Beth Orton - Pass In Time (Ab3-Db5)
17 Andrea Frierson - The Human Heart (B3-C#5)
16 Anastasia - Journey to the Past (B3-C5)
15 A Little Night Music - Send In the Clowns (Gb3-Ab4)
14 Aida [Musical] - Easy as Life (C4-C5)
13 Norah Jones - What Am I To You (F3-C5)
12 Love Letters - Love Letters (C#4-D5)
11 Linda Eder - I'll Be Seeing You (G3-D5)
10 Lady Luck - My Heart Stood Still (C4-D5)
9 Dinah Washington - Mad About the Boy (Ab3-Db5)
8 Diana Krall - I'll Never Be the Same (F3-G4)
7 Diana Krall - A Case of You (G3-E5)
6 Carly Simon - In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning (B3-D5)
5 Anne Marie Boskovich - Everything Is Beautiful (F3-C5)
4 Barbra Streisand - I've Dreamed of You (G3-D5)
3 Diana Krall - Cry Me a River (G3-A4)
2 Annie Lennox - Into the West (G3-C5)
1 Amanda McBroom - The Rose (G3-D5)