Top 77 alternative country songs for bass voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 alternative country songs for bass, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Steve Earle - Sometimes She Forgets (A2-E4)
76 Steve Earle - I Feel Alright (D3-E4)
75 Steve Earle - I Ain't Ever Satisfied (F3-D4)
74 Steve Earle - Guitar Town (G2-D4)
73 Steve Earle - Fearless Heart (A2-E4)
72 Steve Earle - Ellis Unit One (A2-D#4)
71 Steve Earle - Copperhead Road (B2-D4)
69 Son Volt - Tear Stained Eye (B2-C#4)
68 Son Volt - No More Parades (A2-B3)
66 Ryan Adams - Oh My Sweet Carolina (F#2-B3)
65 Ryan Adams - New York, New York (F#3-E4)
64 Ryan Adams - La Cienaga Just Smiled (A#2-A#3)
63 Ryan Adams - I Love You But I Don't Know What To Say (D#3-E4)
62 Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up (A#2-D4)
61 Ryan Adams - Amy (E2-E3)
60 Robert Earl Keen - The Road Goes on Forever (B2-B3)
59 Robert Earl Keen - Merry Christmas from the Family (G2-B3)
58 Punch Brothers - Dark Days (G#2-E4)
57 Mumford & Sons - Reminder (F#2-D4)
56 Mumford & Sons - Not With Haste (E2-C#4)
55 Lyle Lovett - This Old Porch (A#2-C4)
54 Lyle Lovett - The Waltzing Fool (A2-E4)
53 Lyle Lovett - Since the Last Time (G#2-D#4)
52 Lyle Lovett - Simple Song (A2-D4)
51 Lyle Lovett - She's No Lady (D3-D4)
50 Lyle Lovett - She's Hot To Go (A2-D4)
49 Lyle Lovett - She's Already Made Up Her Mind (B2-B3)
48 Lyle Lovett - She Makes Me Feel Good (C3-D4)
47 Lyle Lovett - Pontiac (G2-D4)
46 Lyle Lovett - North Dakota (A2-C#4)
45 Lyle Lovett - If I Had a Boat (C#3-C#4)
44 Lyle Lovett - God Will (A#2-D4)
43 Lyle Lovett - Flyswatter / Ice Water Blues (A#2-D#4)
42 Lyle Lovett - Family Reserve (B2-C#4)
41 Lyle Lovett - Closing Time (A2-D4)
40 Lyle Lovett - Church (B2-D4)
39 Lyle Lovett - Baltimore (B2-E4)
38 Lyle Lovett - An Acceptable Level of Ecstasy (The Wedding Song) (A#2-D4)
37 Kings of Leon - Wasted Time (B2-E4)
36 Kings of Leon - Red Morning Light (D3-E4)
35 Kings of Leon - Holy Roller Novocaine (D3-E4)
34 k.d. lang - Wash Me Clean (G#2-A3)
33 k.d. lang - Wallflower Waltz (B2-E4)
31 k.d. lang - If I Were You (G2-A3)
30 k.d. lang - Constant Craving (B2-B3)
29 k.d. lang - Big Boned Gal (G2-C#4)
28 Justin Townes Earle - Rogers Park (A2-D4)
27 Justin Townes Earle - Harlem River Blues (D3-B3)
26 John Prine - Speed of the Sound of Loneliness (D3-B3)
25 John Prine - In Spite of Ourselves (G2-G3)
24 Johnny Cash - Would You Lay With Me (E2-F#3)
23 Johnny Cash - The Mercy Seat (G2-G3)
22 Johnny Cash - Solitary Man (F2-G3)
21 Johnny Cash - On the Evening Train (G2-E3)
20 Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere (G2-B3)
19 Johnny Cash - Hurt (F2-G3)
18 Jim Cuddy - Pull Me Through (B2-E4)
17 Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Alabama Pines (B2-E4)
16 Dwight Yoakam - It Only Hurts When I Cry (B2-C#4)
15 Dwight Yoakam - Honky Tonk Man (B2-E4)
14 Dwight Yoakam - Guitars, Cadillacs (C#3-E4)
13 Blue Rodeo - Side of the Road (A2-E4)
12 Blue Rodeo - Hasn't Hit Me Yet (B2-E4)
11 Blue Rodeo - Dark Angel (F2-G3)
10 Billy Bragg & Wilco - Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key (A2-C4)
9 Zac Brown Band - Free (A2-E4)
8 Wilco - California Stars (F#3-D4)
7 Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Dear John (E2-A3)
6 Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down (E2-F#3)
5 Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down (F2-A#3)
4 Dwight Yoakam - I Sang Dixie (B2-E4)
3 Blue Rodeo - 5 Days In May (C3-E4)
2 Dwight Yoakam - Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues (A2-E4)
1 k.d. lang - Hallelujah (E2-A3)