23 best POP RAP songs in G Minor for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 23 pop rap songs in G Minor Key for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 23 pop rap songs in G Minor key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

23 Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth - See You Again (G3-F5)

22 T-squad - Vertical (D4-G5)

21 The Black Eyed Peas - Joints & Jams (G2-G3)

20 Skylar Grey - Words (F3-D5)

19 Shawn Mendes - Strings (F3-G4)

18 Nelly - River Don't Runnn (F3-A4)

17 Miley Cyrus - FU (G3-D5)

16 Maroon 5 ft. A$AP Rocky - Whiskey (C3-G4)

15 Macklemore feat. Skylar Grey - Glorious (F3-F4)

14 Machine Gun Kelly & Hailee Steinfeld - At My Best (G3-D5)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

13 Lloyd - Dedication To My Ex (Miss That) (G2-D4)

12 Lizzo - Juice (C4-D5)

11 Lil Nas X feat. Miley Cyrus - AM I DREAMING (G3-F5)

10 Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect (Bb3-Eb5)

9 Grace feat. G-Eazy - You Don't Own Me (G3-Db5)

8 Glenn Medeiros - She Ain't Worth It (G3-A#4)

7 Fergie - Losing My Ground (G3-F5)

6 Doja Cat - Paint the Town Red (G3-G4)

5 Carrie Underwood - The Champion (A3-D5)

4 Bow Wow - Shortie Like Mine (F3-A4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

3 Beyoncé - Déjà Vu (D4-F5)

2 Ariana Grande feat. Nicki Minaj - Side to Side (G3-Eb5)

1 LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It (G2-G3)

See also

Top 77 songs in G Minor key

Top 77 pop-rap songs